Monday, December 30, 2013

Chapter 28: Be Prepared

Others heading your way. Be prepared.

I shut my phone and braced myself on the bench, my eyes glued to the Peter Pan's flight exit. As if on que, she saw the Skeleton and Ombra exit with the chest. Both glancing nervously over their shoulders. I kept myself hidden behind a clump of strollers, hoping to catch them in a less populated area. 
The sky began to get darker and rain fell form the sky. I sneezed from the sudden downpour. I looked towards the sky and it looked like the stars were crying, heaven was crying.
Woah Elysie, what are you thinking?
I saw the Other make their way to the Main Street side of Fantasyland and walk across to Frontierland. I follow closely behind, soaking from head to toe but I didn't care. I knew that they were up to no good and I wanted to put a stop to it. They got to the closed entrance of Big Thunder Mountain and merged into the shadows. 
I halted and looked over the barricade.
It can't be too high.
I took a deep breath and vaulted over the barricade, barely making it over. I landed like a ninja on the side breathless from my feat. As I looked up form my braced position, I saw the Others climbing over the "in repair" tracks. 
"I wouldn't go that way if I were you. It's all just construction work and roller-coaster tracks,"I pointed out.
"I know what I am doing,"Ombra groaned. 
Strange, he has uncertainty in his voice.
I looked around. 
"Where is your King?"I asked.
They looked at each other, seem to debate on how to answer me.
"He went ahead of us. His mission was completed faster then he expected and left for another mission,"Ombra replied.
"You are lying,"I said. 
Out of nowhere, Ombra had a sword pointed towards my face.
"Do you want to argue,"he groaned.
The Skeleton grinned and cracked his hideous knuckles.
"Oh yes,"I replied with a smirk. 

Chapter 27: Safe and Sound

They watched in ultimate horror as the Blade connected with Peter's heart. The golden glow drained from him and his skin became a sickly grey.
"No!"Jiang screamed as she broke from Ombra's grasp and ran towards the duo.
Then Peter drove the Curtana and the king exploded into dust. She slid to his side, where he laid still on the ground. The group stayed back for they knew that Peter is almost gone.
"Why?"Jiang asked, choking in tears.
"Because I had to. The prophecy stated that the Curtana will be driven into his heart,"Peter whispered.
"But it never mentioned you dying."
"Because that part is one of the many missing parts."
"No . . ."
Peter groaned as he saw black dots dance in his eyes, nausea setting in. Jiang cried but looked into his eyes, which seemed oddly at peace.
"Tell  . . . Elysie . . . to keep . . . believing,"Peter said, his strength now gone.
"I will,"Jiang whispered, grasping his hand.
She decided to comfort him with a song that was sung to her long ago:

"I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go
When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said don't leave me alone
But all that's dead and gone and past tonight

Just close your eyes
the sun is going down
you'll be alright
no one can hurt you now
come morning light
you and I'll be safe and sound

Don't you dare look out your window darling everything's on fire
The war outside our door keeps raging on
Curl up to this lullaby
Even when the magic's gone

Peter smiled and mouthed, "Thank you".
His entire body glowed brightly and hummed as starstuff was rising out of him and floating to the sky. Then his body slowly disintegrated into starstuff. They all looked up and saw the startsuff floating far away, tears streaming down their faces.
Jiang's hand was still closed, like she was still clutching Peter's hand.
"Just close your eyes . . .,"she started but choked on her tears,"you'll be alright."
Melana came over and put her hand on Jiang's shoulders and sang,"Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound."
Then Jiang stretched her hand and starstuff floated out. She broke he gaze away from her hand when she noticed that the chest Peter brought wasn't there anymore. Neither were the Others.
"Darn,"she muttered as she got out her cell phone and texted Elysie.

Chapter 26: King vs Peter

That's all Peter could think about as he advanced and defended. He knew that if he kept this up he will never see the next sunrise in Neverland.
As the king swung his blade at Peter's head for the millionth time, realization hit Peter at the same time. He jumped out of the way and closed his eyes.
"dear God, I put this fight in your hands,"Peter mumbled.
He quickly opened his eyes and the King advanced him again. He gripped Curtana and focused all his starstuff power into the sword. Then he advanced at the King and their blades connected at full speed but the surge of Peter's sword blasted the King away.
Left breathless and weak from the surge, Peter unzipped a compartment in his coat and Tinkerbell flew out, well and alive.
"Tink, now!"Peter yelled.
Tinkerbell zipped towards Peter and showered his sword and himself in pixie dust. His energy was renwed and he flew straight towards the King, who was barely recovering 350 yards away.
In flight, Peter collided his sword with the King's blade and the King was struck down again but prepared for it.
"Block me Tink!" Peter commanded.
Tinkerbell kept showering starstuff while Peter gave repetitive blows towards the King, who was able to block some of them but losing a lot of ground. Peter halted his blows with a cross lock with the King.
"Do you want to surrender?"Peter asked.
"Never."King replied.
Then he pushed Peter away and charged. During the push, Tink was shoved and spun erratically.
Darn, Peter thought.
He used Tink as his power source, but now he had limited power and needed to use it wisely . The King charged at him and he blocked it once again.
"You know Peter, I have one more trick up my sleeve,"King pointed out.
"Yea? What's that?"Peter asked, grunting on trying to keep his remaining power source.
"This is going exactly as I planned and my plans never fail,"King said, quite darkly, which caused Peter to lose his guard for a second.
The King swiftly unlocked his Blade from peter's and touched the very tip of the blade into Peter's heart.
Peter felt no pain, but a sense of lacking energy. He looked down and saw the Blade, black fumes spreading across his black coat.
"You're dead. Too bad, I would have loved to be working with you,"the King said with a smile.
Peter didn't respond, for his energy was diminishing rapidly. He closed his eyes and willed any last bit of starstuff into the Curtana.
The Curtana gave off a weak glow, but was filled with enough power to finish the job. He glanced towards the group who were holding their breathe as they saw the entire scene play out. Tears filled his eyes as black dots raced into his vision.
"I . . . am . . . so . . .sorry,"he whispered.
Then he gave one last battle cry and plunged the Curtana into the depth's of the King's dark heart.
"You're dead,"Peter said.
The King stared at Peter in disbelief until he exploded and disintegrated into black dust.
Peter kept his lunge stance until he couldn't hold himself anymore.
He looked up to the sky as he laid on the ground, the sun shining bright as the clouds parted.

Chapter 25: Death Blade

I connected the same candy together in a four-in-a-row and they crushed, completing the level.
Another win.
Playing Candy Crush is not my idea of fun but there wasn't much that I could do waiting for impending danger or hope.
I looked up from my ipod and I heard music and people milling around my bench, most were eager to go on the Peter Pan ride.
Pity, they don't know what;s really going on in there.
I sighed and looked at my watch: 10:00pm.
Please God, give them all the strength and courage to defeat the Others.
I then turned on my ipod and continued playing Candy Crush.
Is the Death Blade . . .  smoking?, Peter though as he braced himself for the first blow.
He didn't hide his surprised look that well when the King stated,"Highly deadly fumes from the the death that vibrates through this blade. Not telling you any details but it is the most powerful weapon made by the Others. A cut from this balde can either kill you instantly or take away your heart and become a slave to me."
"Both don't sound pretty good. Are you sure there isn't another option that you forgot to read in your Death Blade Pamphlet?"Peter asked.
The King didn't reply back.
"Yea, didn't think so,"Peter muttered, mostly to himself.
He then put his enemy into the sword's hilt and it gave off a golden glow.
"Peter . . . please,"he heard Jiang whisper in tears.
Without looking towards he, he glumly stated,"I'm sorry."
He charged first at the King. he connect with the Death Blade with a earsplitting clash as sparks of starstuff and smoke flew everywhere. The King arched Death Blade away from Peter and swung at Peter's feet. He easily jumped the swing but the King rebounded and slashed towards Peter's neck. But with his advanced eyesight, Peter blocked the Blade in the knick of time. He pushed the Blade off and countered it with a deadly swipe towards the King's torso, still leaving the same annoying vacant slit.
Come on! Think!
Melana and the Starcatchers watched in fear from a distance. Peter and the King never seemed to be gaining ground on each other. Every time Peter lost a little bit of ground, they all held their breathes.
"Is there anything we can to to help except just standing here and watch?"Melana complained, hating the feeling of being helpless.
Jon gave her a look and gestured towards the Others around them.
"Going out there is just committing suicide,"Jon stated.
Melana slumped, he had a point.
"It's Peter's fight,'Tiger Lily solemnly added.

Chapter 24: To the Death

   "So that's the plan,"Melana concluded, out of breathe from talking about the plan.
"Good plan. What will happen to Peter and the King?"Jon asked.
"I don't really know. All we can do is pray,"Melana replied.
Peter and the King parted from their groups at the same time.
"We need to negotiate a couple of things in private,"the King said, with a evil glint in his eyes.
"I agree,"peter said, crossing his arms.
The King snapped his fingers and the Other charged towards the group form the shadows. But they were prepared for it and fought back.
As the fighting drew on, the King gestured Peter to a more quiet place on the beach, away from the chaos.
"What's the negotiation?"Peter asked.
"I want you to lead me to the chest. No tricks. In thanks, I will leave Neverland,"the King replied.
"That sound s like a good bargain."
"Yes it is."
Peter though for a moment. The noise in the background wasn't helping his thinking process.
 I know this might be a trap but he might keep his word.
Peter decided to go for broke.
"I will show you where the chest is,"he said.
Jiang and Melana blocked every sword that came their way. Melana looked towards Jiang in desperation because she knew that they wouldn't hold out for much longer. Jiang knew that she had to do it now.
She closed her eyes, trying to concentrate on any happy though, which she only had very few of them. She focused on one moment in her childhood, a moment that drastically changed in a day.
Then she felt lighter and lighter until she couldn't feel the ground anymore.
"She's flying!" she heard someone yell, which sounded from below.
Jiang opened her eyes and saw the ground really far below. She ducked her head too much that her entire body swooped down. She shrieked and lifted her hard leveled.
Don't try that again, she thought.
She tested out her flying for a few seconds, grinning her face off.
You know, I have a feeling that this is going to be fun, she thought.
Then she swooped down towards the ground below, he dagger now in front of her.
Peter decided to walk towards the chest sing the King was daring him with his eyes to fly. He lead the King to another empty beach spot. Except it had a strait of water running through it. The sun's rays shine brightly down on a sand island between the strait and sea.
"It's there,"Peter said, pointing to the sand island.
"Take out the chest,"the Kind commanded.
"As you wish, but I would like some assistance."
If he heard the King grumble or not, he grumbled. Peter walked across the frozen strait and unto the mound. He got onto his hands and knees and started digging. The King just  watched and did nothing. Peter felt his hand hit the chest when he heard the yelling in the distance getting extremely close.
He turned around and saw Jiang diving towards the King.
"No . . . Jiang . . .,"Peter whispered.
Peter's previous plan was to give the King the chest so that the King will call off war and leave Neverland, thinking he won. Unfortunately, Jiang's sudden action of attack set back his wonderfully thought out plan.
The King easily blocked Jiang's dive but she rebounded and sliced at the King's chest. He roared in pain but the vacant slit closed up.
He's invincible?Peter and Jiang both thought of at the same time.
As if he read their thoughts, he answered,"You can't kill a demon that easily."
"Oh yea?" said a voice from behind him.
Jiang had a starstuff ball in her hand, ready to shoot it.
"Let's see about this,"she smirked and shot the bolt towards the King.
He dodged it but it still managed to clip his left hand clean off. He grabbed his arm in pain.
Peter decided to shoot a starstuff bolt  but the King gripped his wrist tightly, almost cutting off his circulation.
"Don't you dare?"King threatened.
"I think I will take the dare,"Peter remarked and shot a starstuff bolt and at the King's head. The King dodged it easily but released his grip on Peter's wrist in the process. But Peter didn't suspect what the King schemed next. He quickly gripped both of Jiang's hands and held her neck close to his unsheathed Death Blade.
"Now Peter, did you know that a simple cut from this Death Blade could end her life?"King smirked.
Peter couldn't reply but glare frustratedly at the King and Jiang. Jiang's eyes trembled but stayed strong. She made eye contact with peter and he could hear her voice.
I can handle it. 
Peter winced at hearing her words. He mustered enough starstuff to telepathically reply to her, don't give up. I haven't given everything yet.
Jiang's eyes widened in understanding.
"Peter . . . no!"she screamed.
The King grinned/
"Listen, I have the starstuff underneath me at this very moment. Let her go and you will get your starstuff,"Peter said.
To prove to the King that he wasn't bluffing, he lifted the chest out of the snow, above his head, and let it slowly float to the ground. Peter looked at the King's eyes intently.
"Ombra, watch after the girl,"King said as he threw Jiang into Ombra's clutches.
The King approached Peter and the chest. Peter made no move to stop him. As the King lifted the chest and gave it to the Skeleton, he unsheathed his Death Blade and pointed it towards Peter's heart.
"Of course, I forgot to mention that I need a watcher like you too,"King said, gesturing to Peter.
Peter sighed.
"I don't think that can be arranged,"Peter said as he took out the tip and willed the Curtana into his hands.
"To the death,"King said.
"To the death,"Peter repeated.

Chapter 23: The Boy is Back

Peter slowly let himself float gently to the ground. His eyes glanced for a second towards the place where he hid the chest. He looked back towards his friend and smiled.
"Miss me?" Peter teased.
"Not by a lot,"Jiang replied back.
The King slowly gained his composure, still gripping his hand.
"How did you acquire that power?"he asked.
"Oh, you know, starstuff. I get to fly, shoot stuff, make stuff, and more. Too bad for you, dark stuff can't do much,"Peter teased.
"Cocky, eh? Don't forget my powers boy."
"Yea, your power to cheat? Nice one!"
Jiang couldn't handle but let out a inward chuckle.
"No, the power of death. You are quite aware that I and my fellow Others can end your life in the most unsuspecting ways,"King said, summoning Ombra and the Skeleton to his side. 
Peter flatly said,"I don't mind. I already have a Friend in higher places that is on my one side right now. Actually, you should be afraid of His power. Besides, if you kill me, you won't know where I hid your precious chest."
"My chest? So you did take it!"
"Um, no. mYou see, after I dug myself out of the snow, the chest happened to be right next to me. Sadly, your evil thoughts clog up your tiny peanut head to even notice the starstuff nearby."
Before Peter could react, the King grabbed him by the neck, choking him. Peter gagged uncontrollably as he tried to breathe. 
"I liked you better dead,"the King growled.
Peter couldn't exactly answer, but he put his glowing hands, with starstuff, on the King's hands. 
The King screamed again, releasing his hold on Peter. Peter collapsed to the ground, gagging. Jiang and Melana ran to his side.
"Are you alright?"Melana asked, concerned.
"I'm fine. But, we need a plan though. I can't keep talking forever. I have a 'half-plan' but I know that it won't do the full job,"Peter said.
"What's your plan?"Jiang asked.
Peter whispered it quickly to them.
"Okay, nice plan. How are they not going to kill you once they get it? I am sure the King wants you dead more then anything,"Melana said.
"That's when you guys come in. I need the Starcatchers, Tiger Lily, and you guys to distract Ombra and the Skeleton so I can have some real duel time with the King,"Peter replied.
"Cool,"Jiang said as she and Melana got up to tell the others.
"Wait, Jiang I need to talke to you,"Peter said, grabbing her arm.
"What is is?"Jiang asked.
"I need you to be a flying distraction."
"But, Peter, I can't fly! I can only levitate."
"Wrong. So you can create starstuff, which means that you have starstuff in you concluding that you can fly."
"I tired. It never worked."
"Think of a wonderful thought. Any merry little thought."
Jiang punched Peter playfully on the arm.
"Don't go singing that annoying Disney song,"Jiang joked.
Peter laughed and said,"But it's true!"
Jiang smiled, I know.
"King, you need a council,"Ombra groaned.
"We need action."the Skeleton rapsed.
Ombra hushed the Skeleton with a wave of his spindly fingers.
The King though for a moment.
"The boy is strong again. Stronger then he was before. We need hims weaker so I can target him easily,"the King said.
"I know his weakness,"Ombra groaned.
"What is it?"

"His friends. He is willing to give up everything to save his friends."
"What are you going to do?"the Skeleton rapsed.
"Oh, you will see."

Chapter 22: Surrounded

     Peter grunted as he tried carrying the chest back to Neverland, he looked ahead and the island seemed to be miles away. He grumbled and wished that he could create starstuff like Jiang to make it lighter. He decided to try and put the chest in the snow.  Concentrating all his energy into his hands, he felt a burning hot sensation and golden starstuff was expanding in his hand. Grinning over his achievement, he knelt down towards the chest and unlocked it. Then, he let a small quantity of starstuff fall into the gold box. He closed all the lids and tried lifting it again. It weighed any more then a feather.
That's better.
He reviewed the plan in his mind before he picked up the chest. 
For a second, he doubted it was going to work at all, but clearing his thoughts because he knew that he wouldn't fail. 
Just as he lifted the chest and about to fly off, he remember one last thing to finish up his plan.
He floated off the ground and flew as fast as he could to Mermaid Lagoon.
Jiang felt a surge of heat as the group calmed their excitement.
"Guys, Peter is coming . . . I think we can meet up with him. I will lead,"Jiang said, starting towards the entrance. Until Mike put a hand on her shoulder to halt.
"Jiang, it may be dangerous to go out right now. It could be a trap to lure you in,"Mike explained.
Jiang brushed her dad's hand off her shoulder and turned towards him.
"I am going. There is a reason why we are outside a cell instead of in a cell. We are needed. right now we are needed in a war. A war against light and darkness. Now, I am going so who's coming with me?"Jiang asked.
Melana raised her hand, then Tiger Lily and the rest of the Starcatcher group. 
Jiang looked into her father's eyes, pleading for him to join in too. He shrugged and raised his hand.
"Let's go,"Jiang said.
As they waled out of the cave, they noticed the tiny streams of sunlight breaking through the dark clouds. 
"It's Peter. I just know it,"Jiang mumbled.
The King and the Others watched the escape group in the shadows, following their every movement. The King knew that the Watcher girl was going to lead them towards Peter. So far, the King's plan was going exactly as planned. He plan never falters in any way. His first part of his plan it that the watcher girl will go after Peter Pan. When they get there, he will catch Peter off guard because he will be too relaxed with the reunion. He also brought reinforcement incase something gets out of hand. He noticed that the group was headed towards the shoreline. 
Perfect, just a place where I can see and execute every single one of them.
They arrived at Cannibal Cove, searching everywhere fo any sign of Peter. Everyone was looking around while Jiang was fully confused.
"Where is he? I feel starstuff, but I don't know where . . . but it's here,"Jiang mumbled.
"Don't ask me, I'm no expert,"Melana mumbled back to her.
Then Jiang heard a rustle in the nearby bushes. She put her finger to her lips to quiet everyone.
The air was silent, except for the rustling that was getting louder. 
Then from the shadows of the bushes, the form of the King formed. The small group kept their composure as the forms of Ombra and Skeleton appeared after the King.
"Well, well, what a pleasure to meet you all. What's the occasion?" King asked, forming a handgun with black dust.
"I think you might already know,"Jon answered.
"The boy? You people are pathetic."
"The boy is useless. he is so done for that there is no way that he was enough strength to defeat anyone, even if he was revived,"King said as he slowly turned towards Jiang, aiming the gun to her head. 
"This girl seem to have great powers. She may be more useful to me then the boy."King continued. 
"You don't need me for your dark plans,"Jiang shot back.
The King walked up to Jiang and revealed the red eyes that were under his hood to her.
"Yes, I do. You have starstuff in you, starstuff that I need. The boy can only fly but you can create starstuff."
"Now hold up! Jiang is my daughter and you have no right to take her,"Mike yelled, getting im between the King and Jiang.
The King just stood there and staring at Mike intent;y with his red eyes. 
"Very foolish move,"the King said and aimed the gun to Mike. He was about to pull the trigger until a fiery ball of starstuff knocked the gun out of the King's hands.
The King let out an unearthly scream as he clutched his hand.
"You are using a gun? I thought you Others have more bigger powers then that!"
Jiang looked up and saw a certain someone flying above them.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Chapter 20: Alive

Melana and Jiang stumbled into the cavern in Mermaid Lagoon in the most ungraceful way ever. The Starcatchers helped Melana carry Jiang into a comfortable resting place, while Tiger Lily's eyes stared expectantly at the,.
"Did it work?'she asked.
"Yea, I think. You couldn't believe it! Jiang covered the ocean head to toe with starstuff! I am pretty sure it got to Peter,"Melana said. 
Tiger Lily nodded and they both walked back to where the others were, watching Jiang who was barely rousing. 
"Jiang! That was amazing!"Melana said, hugging Jiang tightly.
"It worked,"she muttered.
"Yea, I hope it will get to Peter."
"It did. I sense a strangely high starstuff signature in the east. I think . . .  it is Peter."

"Peter is alive?"Tiger Lily asked.
Jiang nodded slowly, then faster to show her confidence.
The group cheered their hearts out in a silent matter
Peter slowly lifted his head from the ground, noticing that he fainted from the high exposure of starstuff. When he got up, he felt strength that he didn't have for a while and a lightness inside of him. He looked back at the chest . . . it was empty.
All the starstuff . . .  is in me?
He looked down at his hand and it gave off a faint golden glow, the glow of starstuff.
I'm . . . glowing.
He tried to fly and he lifted off the ground with ease. He looked at the ground and saw his shadow underneath him. 
I can fly again!
He noticed that the blizzard stopped and streams of sunlight were trying to break through the harsh storm clouds above. Peter couldn't hold back the urge to shoot into the air and do his rooster crow. Thankful for all the strength that he got back.
Ombra emerged warily from the shadows as he sulked towards the King.
"Well?"King asked.
"I didn't find the one you wanted, but I sensed a stronger Watcher,"Ombra groaned.
"Who might that be?"
"Peter Pan."
The King erupted from his seat and walked harshly over to Ombra.
"He is alive?"
"Yes and quite powerful. His shadow escaped from my grasp and streams of sunlight are cracking in the sky."
"How did he revive?
"I believe it was the other Watcher."

The King nodded slowly, taking it all into consideration.
"Ombra, bring the Skeleton. We are going to have a council."
After Peter whooped his heart out, he looked back at the chest. he thought of the King and how much he wanted the starstuff. 
He smiled mischievously and swooped down towards the chest.
Scheming a plan.  

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Chapter 19: Revival

Melana quickly grabbed Jiang from falling, but still looking in amazement as the starstuff glow dissolved into the snow. Making the snow glow from underneath.
"Cool,"Melana mustered to mumbled after being speechless.
The King looked at his security monitors when the strange flash appeared. The flash was only for a instance, but there was a soft afterglow on the ground. He zoomed in on the images and discovered what the flash and the glow was.
Starstuff, he thought.
He turned towards the shadows and commanded,"Repeat the monitors."
The monitor went back a minute and on the screen, he saw two girls.
The girls with Pan, he thought.
He saw the Asian one create a warm glow and shoot it towards the ocean.
He turned towards the shadow again and commanded,"Ombra."
A slithery, hooded creature appeared from the shadows.
"Is that one of the Pan's?"King asked.
"Yes, Jiang Pan as I recall,"Ombra replied.
"Oh, the feisty one,"King said, then he mimicked towards the monitors,"is she a Watcher?"
Ombra was still for a moment, watching the monitors.
"She is, isn't she? Who can shoot starstuff from the palm of their hands? That makes it more interesting and useful. Bring her to me. I want her unharmed,"King commanded to Ombra.
Ombra nodded and slithered away into the shadows again.
The vision slowly faded as Peter became more aware that he was no longer in a warm embrace, but in a slightly chilly environment. He opened his eyes to a warkm glow of  . . . starstuff?
Peter woke up completely, gasping for a breathe as he felt uncontrollably water drops form above, blocking his vision and making him disoriented. As he caught some steady but chilly breathes, he decided to thrash his way out of his snow grave. He thrashed upward because he remembered lying back first. He felt his hand burst through the deep snow and into the cold snowing air. He thrashed some more until he heaved his entire body above the snow.
Peter collapsed to the ground, out of breathe and exhausted from his struggle. He slowly sat up and looked around, becoming aware that the entire snow area around him had a golden glow.
How can there be starstuff everywhere?
After a while of thinking and thanking to Jesus, he struggled to get on his feet. Noticing the his fatigue too late, he crumpled to the snow again in a wave of nausea.
Jesus, please help me to become stronger, Peter silently pleaded as he tried to fight off the wave of nausea.
No answer.
Well, I guess I should be glad that I am back from the dead in a still workable condition, Peter thought.
As he looked at the golden snow, he started to focus. Focusing on locating a major starstuff source. As he was focusing, his right side started burning hotter and hotter. He half stumbled and half crawled his way to the burning heat source. As he felt that he was directly on tip of the source, his hand landed on a hood.
The lost chest.
He pushed the snow out of the way and pulled the lite chest out of it's hole.
The chest was a simple wood design and a wooden lock that secured it shut. He felt around his coat for a sharp object to break the lock with and ht felt his dagger. He pulled out his dagger and swung hard on the lock itself. When the lock was broken, he opened the chest to find a golden box. He unlatched it and a stream of starstuff surrounded him. He greeted the warmth as it restored him and he felt his weakness fade away.
Ombra traveled through the shadows as a particular shadow started thrashing in his burlap bag. He pulled out his bag that contained the shadow. The bad was glowing and the shadow emerged from the bag. Ombra tried to grasped it, but the shadow couldn't be grasped.
Ombra groaned in frustration as the shadow darted away.
Pan is alive and stronger. The Watcher revived him.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Chapter 18: Wake Up Call

Melana and Jiang ran through the Never Jungle, running into almost every tree and bush that was in the way. The blizzard has gotten worse since Jiang last remembered. The wind and snow blew into their face that they couldn't see anything farther then three feet away.
"Are we getting close?"Melana asked.
"Almost, we are almost to shore,"Jiang said.
After a couple more minutes, they didn't run into anymore trees.
"We're here!"Melana announced, throwing her hands up sarcastically.
Grumbling, she continued,"And we can't see anything."
"I guess we will just have to head to Skull Rock,"Jiang said.
"Do you exactly remember where Peter is?"
"No, but I know that he is near there."
"If you don't know the exact location, we will be searching forever and freeze to death, Soon enough we will be two statues called 'Jiang and Melana'."
Jiang rethought that approach.
If I can't look, then what do I do?
In the mist of her thinking, she didn't notice that a ball of starstuff was getting gradually larger in her hand.
"Jiang . . .,"Melana said, nervously.
"What?"Jiang snapped.
Melana nodded towards her hand and Jiang saw the starstuff growing larger and larger. 
She finally knew what to do.
He grumbled and swatted at nothing.
"Sorry, I only slept for four hours . . .  need four more,"Peter mumbled.
Peter jolted up from his sleeping spot.
"Where am I?"He mumbled.
As he looked around, he didn't see anyone; everything was white. He looked down at himself and saw what he wore before he . . . died. His mind flashback to the duel with the King and the poison.
"What a cheater!"Peter grumbled loudly, kicking at nothing,"Is the adventure over?"
Not yet.
He jumped, not expecting anyone to answer. 
"Um . . . hello? Is anyone here?"Peter asked, looking around, trying to see if someone was there.
I am here.
"Really? Because I can't see you,"Peter answered.
He felt a hand tap his shoulder. He turned around and saw a man dressed in pure white clothes, hands and feet had holes through them. He slowly looked up and saw a man with brown hair and beard, a gentle look in his face.
"Who are you?"Peter asked, quite scared that this man just appeared out of nowhere. 
"I am Jesus,"the man answered.
Peter just stood there, staring into the man's eyes . . .  and strangely could not comprehend what color eyes Jesus's eyes were.
"What? So I am dead and I am in heaven?"Peter asked.
"Not yet."
"So . . . I am not in heaven?"
He nodded.
"Whew, that's good. This doesn't look like a city of gold."
"Do you know why you are here?"
"Because I was cheated by a conceited demon who decided to think that I am better dead so that he could win his end of the deal. Well almost win his end of the deal."
There was a silence of thinking for Peter. 
"You wanted me dead?"
"You need to have a time out."
"Time out? This stinking 'time out' just cost me the duel! Now there is no chance to take back Neverland. No thanks to you."
Peter turned his back to Jesus, arms crossed.
"I took you out because you need a second chance."
"Peter turned around, lips tight,"Second chance? I had my chance! I had the King! I could have beaten him! I was doing everything right!"
"No. You were doing everything wrong. You thought you can save everything but you can't."
"So? I haven't failed yet."
"You did. If you weren't into your own heroics, you would have noticed that Neverland was a target for darkness for months."
Peter starred critically at Jesus, knowing that He was right and that he was playing around and paid no attention to Neverland at all.
"What do you want me to do?"
"I want you to change your actions."
"Doing it for the Father, God."
Peter just kept staring, shifting back and forth, considering.
"Okay, can I go back?'Peter asked, way to quickly.
"Not yet. You can't do anything for the Father until you give your life to Him and let Him have control."
"What? I already gave up my life! I am standing right in front of you, confused of where I am. You seem to have total control of me and my location right now."
Jesus just stared patiently towards Peter.
He sighed and asked,"How do I give up my life?"
"Repent of your sins."
Peter thought for a bit.
"Repent . . . repent . . . why does that word sound so familiar?"Peter mumbled.
Then he gasped.
"You were the one talking to me in my mind!"Peter exclaimed.
Jesus nodded.
"You were there the entire time! Why didn't you do something?"
"I did. But without your salvation, I can't do anything for you that will benefit your mission or anything else."
"How do I repent?'
"Have you ever sinned?"

"Sin equals bad stuff. I haven't done much bad stuff."
"Only one bad thing in your life can send you to hell."
"But, I haven't sinned that bad. I have saved people and the world! Isn't that enough?"
"No, you did not do it for the Father."
He couldn't find anything to say. It was mostly, for his own pleasures now that he looks at it closely.
"Do you know the Ten Commandments?"
"Yes, I learned them at St.Norberts."
"You know that if you break one commandment, you will be thrown to hell."
Peter nodded.
"I will ask you a few questions, referencing the Commandments."
"Have you lied?"
"Yea, but that was just for fun."
"What does that make you?"
"Um . . .  a liar?"
"Have you ever stolen?"
"Yea, for good reasons though."
"What does that make you?"
"A thief."
"Have you ever murdered?"
"No way. I never killed people."
"have you ever thought someone dead?"
Peter thought to himself. There were many times that he wanted his enemies dead.
"Yea . . ."he replied, uneasy.
"That makes you a murderer."
Peter stretched his arms towards Jesus, backing away slowly,"Hold it! This is just too harsh."
"I know. You know that you broken almost all of them. But I needed to tell you a thieving. lying, murderer to convince you that you have sinned and that you will go to hell because of it. I am doing this because I love you no matter how bad you are.
Peter couldn't protest to that.
"Peter, are your worthy of saving anything if you haven't been saved yourself?"
He thought about that. He had the horrible thought that if he went back and didn't repent, he might die again and not get another chance and be sent to hell. FOREVER.
He shivered as he thought about that horrible punishment.
"I . . . want to be . . . scared,"Peter said, his voice shaky.
"You are now,"Jesus said.
Peter looked up and saw Jesus smiling back at him, strangely, bring tears to his eyes. His smile was like warm milk and honey, making everything feel better. 
Peter smiled back and hugged Jesus tightly, not wanting to let go.
He didn't want to let go of the feeling of being truly safe.
"Are you okay to do this?"Melana asked.
Jiang just stared out into the distance, feeling the snow pelting her like needles.
"Yea . . . I can do it,"Jiang said.
Melana slowly stepped back from Jiang. but not too far that she couldn't see her.
Jiang looked out into the vast whiteness, trying to guess a sense of direction of where Peter was. She concentrated and closed her eyes. She then felt a heat, burning her left side. She opened her eyes and mumbled,"East."
Not knowing if it was Peter or something else.
She brought her hands together and created a warm glow, then she raised her hands above her head. She clapped her hands, concentrating hard as she felt the warmth of starstuff producing rapidly in her. Then she was surrounded head-to-toe, by a sphere of starstuff. She concentrated her focus towards the east and threw her arms toward that direction. A surge of starstuff fell like a wave towards the east part of the ocean. Jiang felt super tired and drained, slowly drifting asleep. 
The last thing she saw was the entire snow area, glowing gold.
Then nothing. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Chapter 17: Starstuff

"No . . . no . . . Peter, wake up!"I screamed, trying to feel a pulse in his neck.
I desperately tried doing CPR.
No results.
"No! Peter!" I buried my head in my knees and wept uncontrollably.
As I wept, I heard the unearthly roar because his plan failed as well.
Served him right.
There was a silence of weeping and fuming when the snow started to fall more harshly and the wind picking up.
"A blizzard is coming,"Ombra groaned.
I raised my head and tried to wipe my tears away to think clearly.
"Take the remaining two,"king commanded, retreating.
I saw Jiang stumble to her feet as Ombra gripped her arm with something in his sleeve, I really didn't want to know.
I tried to get up, trying to resist the gusts of wind that were trying to pull me down.
I saw the Skeleton approaching me as I was struggling to stand firm.
I made the mistake of staring at Peter, my mind went completely numb.
You know . . . I really don't care anymore.
When the Skeleton was fifty yards in front of me, I heard a voice.
Wake Up.
Then my mind became fully functional.
Right, I am better alive then dead. Okay . . . God, you have a plan and I am ready for it. What do I need to do?
Then the wind pushed me away from the Skeleton and towards Skull Rock.
I got the plan.
Right, back to Disneyland.
My eyes strayed again towards Peter, his body almost completely covered with snow.
But  . . . I can't lea-
I sprinted towards Skull Rock, getting a slight advantage because the Skeleton was momentarily taken aback by my sudden movement. I ran inside the rock and climbed towards the eye.
"Stop!"the Skeleton roared from outside.
I reached the eyehole, braced to jump. Then I saw Jiang hit Ombra with starstuff with her free hand and running in front of the Skeleton. Putting herself between him and me. I watched curiously as Jiang slowly walked back towards Skull Rock.
Then she looked up at me and winked.
Wink? Why wink?
Then a golden aura surrounded her and she put both of her hands together above her head. Then she blasted the Skeleton, Ombra, and the distant King with a giant shock wave of low signature starstuff. They were all swept off their feet and flung towards Neverland.
Then a rush of a wind current pulled me off balance, slightly blinded by the bright flash of light. I fell from the eyehole and towards the ground. Before the whiteness, I saw Jiang being flung towards Neverland by the strong wind current.
Then I was surrounded by whiteness. Slowly the whiteness and sensation of falling diminished and it took my eyes a long time to adjust to the darkness of the Disneyland attraction.
What do I do now?
I walked off my ship, the day looked like I have never ventured for an hour. Looking around and seeing nothing exciting, I sat back to my bench and being rerun over by countless strollers, like I have never left.
So I leaned back and waited for whatever was going to come, tears slowly rolling down my eyes as I couldn't get the horrible images out of my mind.
Jiang heard the trees whizzing past her.
I got to stop before I hit a rock.
She crashed into a gigantic snow mound in Mermaid Lagoon after she thought that. Spitting snow out of her mouth, she looked around, trying to find someplace safe to stay for a while. As she got closer to the shore, she saw a small cave entrance. Just big enough so that she can slip through. She ran over and squeezed herself through the tiny entrance. When she got inside, she saw a small hole ten feet above her, letting in air and light. Then she glanced toward the walls and saw the escape group staring back at her.
"Jiang!"Melana said, lightning up at seeing Jiang safe, ran over, and hugged her. Then Melana pestered her with questions of all sorts.
"Where's Peter?"Tiger Lily asked.
Jiang just looked into Tiger Lily's eyes somberly, not knowing how to say it. She felt tears slowly roll down her eyes, then her dad came over and hugged her tightly.
"I didn't know what to do,"Jiang mumbled through her tears.
"It's okay, Jiang,"Robert said, stroking her head.
"What happened?"Jon asked.
Jiang let go of her dad and wiped her tears. She told them of their chase, the deal with the King, Elysie's statement, the duel, and Peter's death. They asked a lot of questions at first, Jon was quite proud of Elysie standing up to the King, but all excitement faded when they heard the tragic news.
"But . . . that cannot be. Peter Pan can't die! That makes no sense,"Melana said in disbelief.
Jiang just hung her head.
"I was useless. I saw the entire thing but did nothing. I was just too scared. I don't know what Elysie is going through right now, since she was the one who was with Peter when he died. I only tried to help her by whisking away the Others for a while,"Jiang said.
The entire group went silent. 
The silence was interrupted by Tiger Lily.
"He's not dead,"Tiger Lily proclaimed.
"What?"Jon asked, confused.
"Peter is not dead, he is asleep."
"Starstuff. Starstuff healed my father."
"Omigosh!"Melana said out of nowhere,"You are so smart,"she continued, slapping Tiger Lily on the back.
"Starstuff! We need starstuff. I remember now! How can I be such a idiot,"Melana said.
"Starstuff? But, starstuff can heal not bring back the dead."
"Nope. You need a history lesson. In the book Peter and the Shadow Thieves, I read that Molly brought her father back to life by pouring starstuff on him."
At first, no one seemed to get it.
"I see where you are going. Mr.Aster was shot and killed but starstuff saved him,"Mike said.
"See? Exactly! Now you finally got it,"Melana said.
The rest seemed to gain a understanding of what Melana, Tiger Lily, and Mike were talking about.
"Where will we get this starstuff?"Tiger Lily asked.
"Jiang,"Jon said, smiling towards Jiang.
Jiang smiled back.
"Okay, Jiang, you ad I will head out and go revive Peter. The rest of you will stay here until further notice,"Melana directed.
They all nodded.
"Okay, let's do this,"Melana said.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Chapter 16: King's Cheat

I boarded quickly into my little Peter Pan's flight ship as quick as possible. When I lifted off into the darkness of the ride, I had the most awful feeling that something is going to go terribly wrong.
My ship turned towards Neverland and the whiteness appeared suddenly and disappeared just as quick. I thought I was a second too late of what I sensed of what's going to happen.
As I floated over Skull Rock, I saw Peter and a really dark, tall Other; unsheathing their swords. In the distance, Ombra had his arm over Jiang's crumpled form. The Skeleton stood next to Ombra.
I took out my gun and loaded it once I landed on solid ground. As I creeped around the side of Skull Rock, I heard the tall Other say to Peter,"You have a deal."
Deal, what deal?
Then I knew it, Peter was going to sacrifice himself to a guy who is three feet taller then he is.
I jumped out from my hiding spot with my gun aimed at the tall Other.
"Stop!"I screamed.
Both Peter and the Other turned towards me.
"You are the other Pan, yes?"the Other asked.
"Who are you?"I asked, my arms shaking in front of me. When I got closer to them, I could sense a lot of evil and darkness surrounding him. Suddenly, I felt so small and weak.
"I am the King,"he answered.
I just stood there blank.
This guy is so evil . . . how can we possibly defeat him . . . 
Have faith and trust in me. Believe.
I inwardly gasped.
God, I do have faith in you . . . but . . . I am scared of this guy. I don't think I can take him on alone.
Usually, God never answers me back the second time, but he immediately answered.
You are never alone. If you believe in me, I will give you the strength. 
I nodded vigorously to myself.
Believe, just got to believe.
"Are you there?"King asked.
I gave him a cold stare.
"I was just praying to God. You know, the guy who is going to kick your butt to the next universe,"I said, smirking towards him.
"Ha! You believe in God? You are more naive then I thought!"King mocked.
"What's so crazy about it?"I asked, furious of his mocking.
"God is just another thing that weak people rely on."
"i am not weak. I am stronger then you."
"I am in Christ. Jesus Christ."
Something very strange happened.
The King, Ombra, and the Skeleton crumpled to their knees when I mentioned Jesus's name.
All demons flee at the call of My name, from one who submits to Me.
Peter stared at me, thinking I was some supernatural person or something.
The King was the first to scramble to his feet.
"I will not be hindered by the name of some phony,"King growled.
"Oh really? Then how come the Bible says that Satan and his demons flee at the sound of His name form one who submits to Him. I submit to Him, called out his name, and all of you trembled. How is He not phony?"I said, smirking.
The King growled under his breathe. His dark aura seemed to grow around him.
"You think you can defy me, Pan, but you can't. I have things in plan that your maker can't stop,"the King said, putting a cold edge to "Pan" that gave me the creeps.
"Well actually he is your Maker too,"I mocked.
"You can't stop me,"King continued, ignoring my comment. He took his long dark sword out of his sheath,"And for your arrogance, your dearest relatives or 'tives' will pay."
My eyes  widened when I knew who he was talking about.
Peter . . . Jiang . . . no.
"No, no you can't! Fight me!"i protested.
"No. You are nothing special to me."
I cringed and glanced at me.
He looked at me apologetically and gave me a reassuring grin and mouthed "it's okay".
I just smiled back, trying to keep my fear from showing.
Once the King turned his back, I closed my eyes and prayed to God to give us strength to overcome this situation.
Peter knew that he was far from okay. Elysie just fueled the King's fury and that exact fury is now directed towards him.
I am going to die and I have no good last words in mind.
Have faith in Me.
Faith in you? Who are you?
No answer because he had Death Blade's tip right in front of his face.
"It's time for our duel,"King said.
Peter lifted the Sword of Mercy and held it at shoulder height towards the King.
"Let the game begin,"Peter said.
There was a long pause before the first strike. Peter and the King looked intently into each other's eyes, trying to comprehend on what the other was thinking. The King was the first to strike Peter fist. But he easily blocked the King's maneuver with Curtana. Just as Peter was about to swing at the King's neck, the Curtana started to hum and glowed a golden aura. As the sword clashed into the King's, a shockwave swept the King off his feet and away from Peter.
As he slammed into a snow mound, the King roared angrily as he saw the Death Blade slid across the snow and stopped to close in the boy's swing range. He felt around his coat and his hand landed on what we was trying to find. He laughed evilly and took out the shot that the Skeleton lent to him earlier.
Peter saw the Death Blade skitter to a stop right in front of him. He looked towards the King, but he heard laughter. Taken aback by the odd outcome from the King, he didn't notice what the King gripped in his hand.
At astounding speed, the King rushed towards him. Peter swung Curtana at the King and grazed the King's shoulder, but didn't stop his charge. Peter couldn't make another attack because before he knew it, he felt a plunge of a cold needle in the base of his neck.
He didn't feel any pain at first, only shock. He slowly saw his arm drop the Curtana slowly to the ground. The world looked hazy and then the he felt like a fire was engulfing him. Heat of pain everywhere when he slowly crumpled to the snow. He happily let the snow surround him on the ground. He felt numbness overtaking him, he couldn't feel anything or smell anything.
I saw the King yank the needle from Peter's neck  and Peter went completely still. Anger and fear welled up inside of me at the same time.
"Peter!"i cried out.
I heard the King chuckle evilly as he threw the needle in the snow. I ran towards Peter and slid to my knees beside him.
His eyes were distant and beads of sweat dripped down his forehead.
"Peter, stay with me!"I pleaded, as I saw the place where the needle plunged, turn purple. I held back the verge of tears as I grabbed his cold hand.
"He is just sedated,"King said.
"Why? Why did you cheat the duel?"
"I decided that Peter was better alive then dead to me. I also didn't agree to his end of the deal. I am going to take him in because he will be very useful for my plans."
Useful? He is going to use Peter like a piece of equipment! God, I know you have a plan but I am really confused.
Then I heard Peter's feeble voice break my thoughts.
"I'm okay,"He whispered.
"I know. I am sorry that I got you into this mess. It's all my fault for not believing sooner,"I said.
"It's not your fault."
"Hah. You're just being nice."
He smiled and chuckled a little. Then he painfully coughed and his breathe became short and harsh. I panicked and asked repeatedly,"Peter are you alright?"
He finally answered and gasped,"I can't breathe."
"What? No it's a sedative."
Wait, if it were a sedative, then why isn't he knocked out by now?  
He gripped my hand in a death grip, making my hand hurt.
"Try to breathe,"I pleaded.
"He can't breathe?'Ombra asked.
"Impossible, it is only a sedative,"the Skeleton said.
The King picked up the shot and it had a picture of a skull with two bones crossed behind it.
"You gave me a poison?'King roared furiously.
The Skeleton trembled and said,"I didn't know."
The King walked up to the Skeleton furiously and raised the Death Blade. He stabbed the Skeleton at the heart and left the Skeleton on the ground, writhing and screaming. I cringed at the sight.
I saw Jiang's head slowly raised from hearing the unearthly screaming.
Tears dripped from Jiang as she slowly buried her face in the snow, I guessed because since she can feel starstuff, she can feel the disappearing of Peter's. It was the first time that I ever seen Jiang look weak, I would have been pleased before, but now that jealousy seemed to diminish.
I then became aware that Peter's grip loosened. I looked at him and his breath was long and haggard, eyes slowly drifting closed.
"Peter, please don't leave. Not yet,"I pleaded, gripping his hand tighter, tears flowing from my eyes.
I am losing him . . . Peter Pan is going to die in my arms . . . all because of me . . .
I wept uncontrollably.
Then Peter whispered,"It's okay."
I wiped my tears and said,"Peter, I hope that you believe in what I told you earlier."
He smiled wanly and said,"I do . . . I will . . . meet you . . on . . the other  . . . side."
Then he smiled, eyes closing, took a last long gentle breath, and went still. His hand hung limply in mine.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Chapter 15: The Deal

Jiang lead all seven of them out of the cell area in complete silence.
When they got to the upper flight of stairs, they all acted out their parts. Peter and Jiang acted like Others, who were escorting the captives. The captives had to play miserable. 
As they walked through the different turns and halls, very few Others passed by. 
It all went well, until they entered the control room. 
Many Others looked towards their direction, giving all of them uneasy feelings. Then the Chief approached them.
"What are you doing with these captives?"Chief groaned.
Jiang and Peter stared down the Chief.
"We are taking the captives outside for a punishment exercise,"Jiang said.
The Chief looked at her oddly, his red eyes looking confused from under his dark coat.
"Why?"Chief asked.
"Because they wouldn't calm down, so we are planning on tiring them so they won't have any energy to protest,"Peter whispered to the Chief in a gruff voice.
The Chief seemed to think about it, then he slowly nodded.
They slowly started walking towards the exit, until the Skeleton roared,"Are you senseless?"
Peter and Jiang turned, started trembling in fear when they saw the angry Skeleton staring at their direction.
Peter grabbed Jiang's arm,"We got to run."
As if everyone read Peter's mind, they all bursted to a sprint towards the exit.
"Get them!" The Skeleton roared.
A charge of Others raced after them. The group of runaways made it into the tunnel, but they could hear the Others gaining on them.
"We got to stay behind to fend off the Others,"Peter yelled to Jiang.
Jiang nodded and yelled to the rest,"Follow Tiger Lily, she will lead you all to safety."
when they ran through the last door and into the freezing outside; the Starcatcher group and Melana followed Tiger Lily into the forest while Peter and Jiang ran further away, but on the open path. The Others did not pay attention to the group in the jungle, only on Peter and Jiang.
Tiger Lily raced through the jungle, making sure that the other runaways were behind her occasionally. She was taken by surprise when none of the Others followed their group.
She then ran into a small cavern in on of the Neverland Peaks.
"Why are we stopping here?"Melana asked.
"The Others aren't following us. They are following Peter. He's in big trouble,"Tiger Lily explained.
"Still, we need to get faraway to safety. We are no good to Peter if we get captured again. I say we do what he says,"Melana said.
Tiger Lily cringed, trying to decide what to do.
"Do what Peter says,"Jon said.
Tiger Lily turned towards him and stares at him intently. She then nodded.
She made a motion with her hand to follow her. They all filed out behind her from the cavern and made their way away from the Neverland Peaks.
Peter felt like his lungs could give out at any minute. He and Jiang didn't fight anyone off like they said, they just kept on running down the path, hoping on leading the Others as faraway as possible from the escaping group in the jungle. 
They approached the shore of the frozen and covered with snow, Never Ocean.
"Do we keep running?"Peter asked.
"Yes,"Jiang replied.
They charged into the vast snow area, where they could not hide from anything.
The Others, led by the Skeleton and Ombra, reached the shore just as the two Pans ran through the deep snow.
The Skeleton was about to charge into the ocean but Ombra stopped him.
"Stop,"Ombra groaned.
The Skeleton turned around and saw the King, in his full black armored coat, glowing red eyes peeping through the hood, with Death Blade sheath and ready to kill at anytime. The air around the King was colder then the air already was.
"Are those the Pans?"King asked,
"Yes, King,"Ombra groaned.
"Do we charge?"The Skeleton asked.
"No. They cannot hide in that vast snow area. We will shoot them down,"The King commanded.
Ombra and the Skeleton both nodded and commanded the Others to load their guns and fire at any time.
As they prepared, Ombra asked,"Do you think we will catch them?"
"Yes and that other group that you missed in the Jungle,"The King replied.
Peter and Jiang didn't hear the Others stop because all they could hear was the loud crunching of ice everywhere they stepped. Then they heard a gunshot ring out and a bullet whizzing past them, right between their heads.
"They're shooting,"Peter yelled, fear gripping his chest of the possibility of being shot.
"I know,"Jiang said, vaulting over a snow mound and hiding behind it. Peter did the same.
Bullets collided into the snow mound, chipping it away piece by piece.
"We can't stay here,"Peter said.
Jiang didn't answer. She looked around, trying to find a way to escape. The crunching of snow was getting closer to their hiding spot.
Without a word, Jiang rushed out, dragging Peter by the arm. She bursted into lightning speed, grunting at the resistance of Peter's dragging feet. She almost made it to Skull Rock.
Almost, until she felt a bullet graze her arm.
She shrieked and grabbed her arm, making herself and Peter tumble through the air and hit Skull Rock.
A little woozy from the bullet and the hard collision, Jiang could make out the King, Ombra, and the Skeleton walking towards them. She created starstuff in her hand and placed it on her wounded arm, closing up the wound and healing it.
"Get up Peter,"Jiang said, gritting through her teeth as she painfully was trying to move her arm.
Peter groaned as he pushed himself to his feet, feeling out of sorts from hitting Skull Rock really hard.
"You know, you should really practice on controlling your stops,"Peter said, sarcastically.
"This is no time to tease me, we need a plan  . . . now!"Jiang yelled. Literally passing the leader torch to him.
For once, he drew a blank. He didn't know what to do.
The King gave a cruel smile when he saw the two Pans, looking lost in thoughts.
"Skeleton,"King groaned.
"Yes, King?"The Skeleton asked,
"Give me a sedative. I am going to contain Peter Pan."
"Yes, King."
The Skeleton looked inside his trench coat, inside there was two rows of hanging shots. One row was sedatives, other was deadly posions. But he was too much in a hurry to place all the shots in the right place because he saw the runaway group getting away. He didn't know that in the sedative row, there was one poisonous shot.
He pulled the poisonous one.
"Here it is, King,"He said, handing the King the shot.
Peter helped Jiang to her feet when he heard the crunching of stop behind him. A freezing cold surrounded both of them. Not the regular cold but the evil cold. Snow started to fall when Peter heard some one groan his name.
He gulped and turned around, so did Jiang. They saw the dark figures of Ombra and the Skeleton. The one in the middle of them, with the largest blade that they both have ever seen, darkness and cold so overwhelming, and the evil that brought both Jiang's and Peter's defiant souls to fear.
"That's the King,"Jiang said, whispering into Peter's ears.
"Why yes, Jiang Chen Pan. You seem to know so much that I might  have to silence you for a moment. I don't want you interfering with my affairs,"The King said.
Jiang grimaced and created two balls of starstuff in her hand when Ombra approached her.
"Don't you dare silence me,"Jiang threatened.
Without a groan, Ombra reached toward her and she shot the balls of starstuff towards Ombra's glowing red eyes. It seemed to hit a weak spot, because Ombra groaned in pain and stumbled from Jiang.
Peter was about to laugh until he saw the Skeleton behind her.
He ran toward her, yelling,"Behind you!"
But the warning was too late. The Skeleton grabbed Jiang's neck at lightning speed. Jiang froze in a silent scream, feeling the most horrible pain. She wanted to collapse but the deathly grip of the Skeleton kept her up. 
"Jiang!"Peter screamed and pulled the Sword of Mercy from his sheath.
"Make a move and I will end her life,"The Skeleton threatened, shaking Jiang.
Peter stopped and stared in despair at Jiang. He sheathed his sword and walked slowly away from the Skeleton.
The Skeleton let go of Jiang and she crumpled to the ground, groaning in pain.
"Peter,"King said.
He turned towards the King, hate in his eyes.
"Why are you doing this? What have I done to you?"Peter asked.
"i am doing this because you are interfering with my plans. My agenda is to rule Neverland, but I can't seem to do that if you keep on slowing my plans."
"What did I do to slow your plans? I did nothing!"
"Yes you did! We retrieved starstuff that was in the bottom of a lagoon hidden near the rocky shore areas. We placed it in a golden chest. But the day after we did our starstuff task, the chest went missing. We don't know exactly where it is."
"So you think I took it?"
"Yes. You were the only person on this island that wasn't held captive."
"That doesn't mean anything. What about the Starcatcher group?"
The King fell silent. Then Ombra glided up to the King ans whispered into his hood.
"You are a Watcher, yes?"King asked.
"Yes, I am,"Peter replied, dreading on what the King was going to say next.
"You don't now who took the chest, but you might know where it is."
Peter inwardly gasped.
No . . . no . . .  I won't help them again.
"If you help us find the starstuff, we will let you and Jiang go. Including all the other captives. But if you don't, Ombra will end Jiang's life right now."
Ombra glided over to Jiang and left his ghostly hand hang above Jiang's crumpled body, ready to strike at any moment.
"No, no! I won't do this. You never keep your promises,"Peter yelled.
"I don't keep my promises? You don't even know me. I am different from Zarboff the Third,"The King laughed.
Peter came up with a plan, not a good plan but a plan.
He unsheathed the Sword of Mercy and pointed towards the King.
"We will do a duel. If I win, you let her live. If you win, I will find the starstuff for you. But theres no killing,"Peter said
"You have yourself a deal,"The King said, unsheathing his sword, Death Blade.
Then a scream rang out,"Stop!"
Peter turned around and was surprised to see Elysie running towards them, a gun aimed at the King.