Monday, December 30, 2013

Chapter 22: Surrounded

     Peter grunted as he tried carrying the chest back to Neverland, he looked ahead and the island seemed to be miles away. He grumbled and wished that he could create starstuff like Jiang to make it lighter. He decided to try and put the chest in the snow.  Concentrating all his energy into his hands, he felt a burning hot sensation and golden starstuff was expanding in his hand. Grinning over his achievement, he knelt down towards the chest and unlocked it. Then, he let a small quantity of starstuff fall into the gold box. He closed all the lids and tried lifting it again. It weighed any more then a feather.
That's better.
He reviewed the plan in his mind before he picked up the chest. 
For a second, he doubted it was going to work at all, but clearing his thoughts because he knew that he wouldn't fail. 
Just as he lifted the chest and about to fly off, he remember one last thing to finish up his plan.
He floated off the ground and flew as fast as he could to Mermaid Lagoon.
Jiang felt a surge of heat as the group calmed their excitement.
"Guys, Peter is coming . . . I think we can meet up with him. I will lead,"Jiang said, starting towards the entrance. Until Mike put a hand on her shoulder to halt.
"Jiang, it may be dangerous to go out right now. It could be a trap to lure you in,"Mike explained.
Jiang brushed her dad's hand off her shoulder and turned towards him.
"I am going. There is a reason why we are outside a cell instead of in a cell. We are needed. right now we are needed in a war. A war against light and darkness. Now, I am going so who's coming with me?"Jiang asked.
Melana raised her hand, then Tiger Lily and the rest of the Starcatcher group. 
Jiang looked into her father's eyes, pleading for him to join in too. He shrugged and raised his hand.
"Let's go,"Jiang said.
As they waled out of the cave, they noticed the tiny streams of sunlight breaking through the dark clouds. 
"It's Peter. I just know it,"Jiang mumbled.
The King and the Others watched the escape group in the shadows, following their every movement. The King knew that the Watcher girl was going to lead them towards Peter. So far, the King's plan was going exactly as planned. He plan never falters in any way. His first part of his plan it that the watcher girl will go after Peter Pan. When they get there, he will catch Peter off guard because he will be too relaxed with the reunion. He also brought reinforcement incase something gets out of hand. He noticed that the group was headed towards the shoreline. 
Perfect, just a place where I can see and execute every single one of them.
They arrived at Cannibal Cove, searching everywhere fo any sign of Peter. Everyone was looking around while Jiang was fully confused.
"Where is he? I feel starstuff, but I don't know where . . . but it's here,"Jiang mumbled.
"Don't ask me, I'm no expert,"Melana mumbled back to her.
Then Jiang heard a rustle in the nearby bushes. She put her finger to her lips to quiet everyone.
The air was silent, except for the rustling that was getting louder. 
Then from the shadows of the bushes, the form of the King formed. The small group kept their composure as the forms of Ombra and Skeleton appeared after the King.
"Well, well, what a pleasure to meet you all. What's the occasion?" King asked, forming a handgun with black dust.
"I think you might already know,"Jon answered.
"The boy? You people are pathetic."
"The boy is useless. he is so done for that there is no way that he was enough strength to defeat anyone, even if he was revived,"King said as he slowly turned towards Jiang, aiming the gun to her head. 
"This girl seem to have great powers. She may be more useful to me then the boy."King continued. 
"You don't need me for your dark plans,"Jiang shot back.
The King walked up to Jiang and revealed the red eyes that were under his hood to her.
"Yes, I do. You have starstuff in you, starstuff that I need. The boy can only fly but you can create starstuff."
"Now hold up! Jiang is my daughter and you have no right to take her,"Mike yelled, getting im between the King and Jiang.
The King just stood there and staring at Mike intent;y with his red eyes. 
"Very foolish move,"the King said and aimed the gun to Mike. He was about to pull the trigger until a fiery ball of starstuff knocked the gun out of the King's hands.
The King let out an unearthly scream as he clutched his hand.
"You are using a gun? I thought you Others have more bigger powers then that!"
Jiang looked up and saw a certain someone flying above them.

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