Monday, December 30, 2013

Chapter 28: Be Prepared

Others heading your way. Be prepared.

I shut my phone and braced myself on the bench, my eyes glued to the Peter Pan's flight exit. As if on que, she saw the Skeleton and Ombra exit with the chest. Both glancing nervously over their shoulders. I kept myself hidden behind a clump of strollers, hoping to catch them in a less populated area. 
The sky began to get darker and rain fell form the sky. I sneezed from the sudden downpour. I looked towards the sky and it looked like the stars were crying, heaven was crying.
Woah Elysie, what are you thinking?
I saw the Other make their way to the Main Street side of Fantasyland and walk across to Frontierland. I follow closely behind, soaking from head to toe but I didn't care. I knew that they were up to no good and I wanted to put a stop to it. They got to the closed entrance of Big Thunder Mountain and merged into the shadows. 
I halted and looked over the barricade.
It can't be too high.
I took a deep breath and vaulted over the barricade, barely making it over. I landed like a ninja on the side breathless from my feat. As I looked up form my braced position, I saw the Others climbing over the "in repair" tracks. 
"I wouldn't go that way if I were you. It's all just construction work and roller-coaster tracks,"I pointed out.
"I know what I am doing,"Ombra groaned. 
Strange, he has uncertainty in his voice.
I looked around. 
"Where is your King?"I asked.
They looked at each other, seem to debate on how to answer me.
"He went ahead of us. His mission was completed faster then he expected and left for another mission,"Ombra replied.
"You are lying,"I said. 
Out of nowhere, Ombra had a sword pointed towards my face.
"Do you want to argue,"he groaned.
The Skeleton grinned and cracked his hideous knuckles.
"Oh yes,"I replied with a smirk. 

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