Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Chapter 19: Revival

Melana quickly grabbed Jiang from falling, but still looking in amazement as the starstuff glow dissolved into the snow. Making the snow glow from underneath.
"Cool,"Melana mustered to mumbled after being speechless.
The King looked at his security monitors when the strange flash appeared. The flash was only for a instance, but there was a soft afterglow on the ground. He zoomed in on the images and discovered what the flash and the glow was.
Starstuff, he thought.
He turned towards the shadows and commanded,"Repeat the monitors."
The monitor went back a minute and on the screen, he saw two girls.
The girls with Pan, he thought.
He saw the Asian one create a warm glow and shoot it towards the ocean.
He turned towards the shadow again and commanded,"Ombra."
A slithery, hooded creature appeared from the shadows.
"Is that one of the Pan's?"King asked.
"Yes, Jiang Pan as I recall,"Ombra replied.
"Oh, the feisty one,"King said, then he mimicked towards the monitors,"is she a Watcher?"
Ombra was still for a moment, watching the monitors.
"She is, isn't she? Who can shoot starstuff from the palm of their hands? That makes it more interesting and useful. Bring her to me. I want her unharmed,"King commanded to Ombra.
Ombra nodded and slithered away into the shadows again.
The vision slowly faded as Peter became more aware that he was no longer in a warm embrace, but in a slightly chilly environment. He opened his eyes to a warkm glow of  . . . starstuff?
Peter woke up completely, gasping for a breathe as he felt uncontrollably water drops form above, blocking his vision and making him disoriented. As he caught some steady but chilly breathes, he decided to thrash his way out of his snow grave. He thrashed upward because he remembered lying back first. He felt his hand burst through the deep snow and into the cold snowing air. He thrashed some more until he heaved his entire body above the snow.
Peter collapsed to the ground, out of breathe and exhausted from his struggle. He slowly sat up and looked around, becoming aware that the entire snow area around him had a golden glow.
How can there be starstuff everywhere?
After a while of thinking and thanking to Jesus, he struggled to get on his feet. Noticing the his fatigue too late, he crumpled to the snow again in a wave of nausea.
Jesus, please help me to become stronger, Peter silently pleaded as he tried to fight off the wave of nausea.
No answer.
Well, I guess I should be glad that I am back from the dead in a still workable condition, Peter thought.
As he looked at the golden snow, he started to focus. Focusing on locating a major starstuff source. As he was focusing, his right side started burning hotter and hotter. He half stumbled and half crawled his way to the burning heat source. As he felt that he was directly on tip of the source, his hand landed on a hood.
The lost chest.
He pushed the snow out of the way and pulled the lite chest out of it's hole.
The chest was a simple wood design and a wooden lock that secured it shut. He felt around his coat for a sharp object to break the lock with and ht felt his dagger. He pulled out his dagger and swung hard on the lock itself. When the lock was broken, he opened the chest to find a golden box. He unlatched it and a stream of starstuff surrounded him. He greeted the warmth as it restored him and he felt his weakness fade away.
Ombra traveled through the shadows as a particular shadow started thrashing in his burlap bag. He pulled out his bag that contained the shadow. The bad was glowing and the shadow emerged from the bag. Ombra tried to grasped it, but the shadow couldn't be grasped.
Ombra groaned in frustration as the shadow darted away.
Pan is alive and stronger. The Watcher revived him.

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