Monday, December 30, 2013

Chapter 26: King vs Peter

That's all Peter could think about as he advanced and defended. He knew that if he kept this up he will never see the next sunrise in Neverland.
As the king swung his blade at Peter's head for the millionth time, realization hit Peter at the same time. He jumped out of the way and closed his eyes.
"dear God, I put this fight in your hands,"Peter mumbled.
He quickly opened his eyes and the King advanced him again. He gripped Curtana and focused all his starstuff power into the sword. Then he advanced at the King and their blades connected at full speed but the surge of Peter's sword blasted the King away.
Left breathless and weak from the surge, Peter unzipped a compartment in his coat and Tinkerbell flew out, well and alive.
"Tink, now!"Peter yelled.
Tinkerbell zipped towards Peter and showered his sword and himself in pixie dust. His energy was renwed and he flew straight towards the King, who was barely recovering 350 yards away.
In flight, Peter collided his sword with the King's blade and the King was struck down again but prepared for it.
"Block me Tink!" Peter commanded.
Tinkerbell kept showering starstuff while Peter gave repetitive blows towards the King, who was able to block some of them but losing a lot of ground. Peter halted his blows with a cross lock with the King.
"Do you want to surrender?"Peter asked.
"Never."King replied.
Then he pushed Peter away and charged. During the push, Tink was shoved and spun erratically.
Darn, Peter thought.
He used Tink as his power source, but now he had limited power and needed to use it wisely . The King charged at him and he blocked it once again.
"You know Peter, I have one more trick up my sleeve,"King pointed out.
"Yea? What's that?"Peter asked, grunting on trying to keep his remaining power source.
"This is going exactly as I planned and my plans never fail,"King said, quite darkly, which caused Peter to lose his guard for a second.
The King swiftly unlocked his Blade from peter's and touched the very tip of the blade into Peter's heart.
Peter felt no pain, but a sense of lacking energy. He looked down and saw the Blade, black fumes spreading across his black coat.
"You're dead. Too bad, I would have loved to be working with you,"the King said with a smile.
Peter didn't respond, for his energy was diminishing rapidly. He closed his eyes and willed any last bit of starstuff into the Curtana.
The Curtana gave off a weak glow, but was filled with enough power to finish the job. He glanced towards the group who were holding their breathe as they saw the entire scene play out. Tears filled his eyes as black dots raced into his vision.
"I . . . am . . . so . . .sorry,"he whispered.
Then he gave one last battle cry and plunged the Curtana into the depth's of the King's dark heart.
"You're dead,"Peter said.
The King stared at Peter in disbelief until he exploded and disintegrated into black dust.
Peter kept his lunge stance until he couldn't hold himself anymore.
He looked up to the sky as he laid on the ground, the sun shining bright as the clouds parted.

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