Saturday, June 22, 2013

Chapter 17: Starstuff

"No . . . no . . . Peter, wake up!"I screamed, trying to feel a pulse in his neck.
I desperately tried doing CPR.
No results.
"No! Peter!" I buried my head in my knees and wept uncontrollably.
As I wept, I heard the unearthly roar because his plan failed as well.
Served him right.
There was a silence of weeping and fuming when the snow started to fall more harshly and the wind picking up.
"A blizzard is coming,"Ombra groaned.
I raised my head and tried to wipe my tears away to think clearly.
"Take the remaining two,"king commanded, retreating.
I saw Jiang stumble to her feet as Ombra gripped her arm with something in his sleeve, I really didn't want to know.
I tried to get up, trying to resist the gusts of wind that were trying to pull me down.
I saw the Skeleton approaching me as I was struggling to stand firm.
I made the mistake of staring at Peter, my mind went completely numb.
You know . . . I really don't care anymore.
When the Skeleton was fifty yards in front of me, I heard a voice.
Wake Up.
Then my mind became fully functional.
Right, I am better alive then dead. Okay . . . God, you have a plan and I am ready for it. What do I need to do?
Then the wind pushed me away from the Skeleton and towards Skull Rock.
I got the plan.
Right, back to Disneyland.
My eyes strayed again towards Peter, his body almost completely covered with snow.
But  . . . I can't lea-
I sprinted towards Skull Rock, getting a slight advantage because the Skeleton was momentarily taken aback by my sudden movement. I ran inside the rock and climbed towards the eye.
"Stop!"the Skeleton roared from outside.
I reached the eyehole, braced to jump. Then I saw Jiang hit Ombra with starstuff with her free hand and running in front of the Skeleton. Putting herself between him and me. I watched curiously as Jiang slowly walked back towards Skull Rock.
Then she looked up at me and winked.
Wink? Why wink?
Then a golden aura surrounded her and she put both of her hands together above her head. Then she blasted the Skeleton, Ombra, and the distant King with a giant shock wave of low signature starstuff. They were all swept off their feet and flung towards Neverland.
Then a rush of a wind current pulled me off balance, slightly blinded by the bright flash of light. I fell from the eyehole and towards the ground. Before the whiteness, I saw Jiang being flung towards Neverland by the strong wind current.
Then I was surrounded by whiteness. Slowly the whiteness and sensation of falling diminished and it took my eyes a long time to adjust to the darkness of the Disneyland attraction.
What do I do now?
I walked off my ship, the day looked like I have never ventured for an hour. Looking around and seeing nothing exciting, I sat back to my bench and being rerun over by countless strollers, like I have never left.
So I leaned back and waited for whatever was going to come, tears slowly rolling down my eyes as I couldn't get the horrible images out of my mind.
Jiang heard the trees whizzing past her.
I got to stop before I hit a rock.
She crashed into a gigantic snow mound in Mermaid Lagoon after she thought that. Spitting snow out of her mouth, she looked around, trying to find someplace safe to stay for a while. As she got closer to the shore, she saw a small cave entrance. Just big enough so that she can slip through. She ran over and squeezed herself through the tiny entrance. When she got inside, she saw a small hole ten feet above her, letting in air and light. Then she glanced toward the walls and saw the escape group staring back at her.
"Jiang!"Melana said, lightning up at seeing Jiang safe, ran over, and hugged her. Then Melana pestered her with questions of all sorts.
"Where's Peter?"Tiger Lily asked.
Jiang just looked into Tiger Lily's eyes somberly, not knowing how to say it. She felt tears slowly roll down her eyes, then her dad came over and hugged her tightly.
"I didn't know what to do,"Jiang mumbled through her tears.
"It's okay, Jiang,"Robert said, stroking her head.
"What happened?"Jon asked.
Jiang let go of her dad and wiped her tears. She told them of their chase, the deal with the King, Elysie's statement, the duel, and Peter's death. They asked a lot of questions at first, Jon was quite proud of Elysie standing up to the King, but all excitement faded when they heard the tragic news.
"But . . . that cannot be. Peter Pan can't die! That makes no sense,"Melana said in disbelief.
Jiang just hung her head.
"I was useless. I saw the entire thing but did nothing. I was just too scared. I don't know what Elysie is going through right now, since she was the one who was with Peter when he died. I only tried to help her by whisking away the Others for a while,"Jiang said.
The entire group went silent. 
The silence was interrupted by Tiger Lily.
"He's not dead,"Tiger Lily proclaimed.
"What?"Jon asked, confused.
"Peter is not dead, he is asleep."
"Starstuff. Starstuff healed my father."
"Omigosh!"Melana said out of nowhere,"You are so smart,"she continued, slapping Tiger Lily on the back.
"Starstuff! We need starstuff. I remember now! How can I be such a idiot,"Melana said.
"Starstuff? But, starstuff can heal not bring back the dead."
"Nope. You need a history lesson. In the book Peter and the Shadow Thieves, I read that Molly brought her father back to life by pouring starstuff on him."
At first, no one seemed to get it.
"I see where you are going. Mr.Aster was shot and killed but starstuff saved him,"Mike said.
"See? Exactly! Now you finally got it,"Melana said.
The rest seemed to gain a understanding of what Melana, Tiger Lily, and Mike were talking about.
"Where will we get this starstuff?"Tiger Lily asked.
"Jiang,"Jon said, smiling towards Jiang.
Jiang smiled back.
"Okay, Jiang, you ad I will head out and go revive Peter. The rest of you will stay here until further notice,"Melana directed.
They all nodded.
"Okay, let's do this,"Melana said.

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