Monday, December 30, 2013

Chapter 25: Death Blade

I connected the same candy together in a four-in-a-row and they crushed, completing the level.
Another win.
Playing Candy Crush is not my idea of fun but there wasn't much that I could do waiting for impending danger or hope.
I looked up from my ipod and I heard music and people milling around my bench, most were eager to go on the Peter Pan ride.
Pity, they don't know what;s really going on in there.
I sighed and looked at my watch: 10:00pm.
Please God, give them all the strength and courage to defeat the Others.
I then turned on my ipod and continued playing Candy Crush.
Is the Death Blade . . .  smoking?, Peter though as he braced himself for the first blow.
He didn't hide his surprised look that well when the King stated,"Highly deadly fumes from the the death that vibrates through this blade. Not telling you any details but it is the most powerful weapon made by the Others. A cut from this balde can either kill you instantly or take away your heart and become a slave to me."
"Both don't sound pretty good. Are you sure there isn't another option that you forgot to read in your Death Blade Pamphlet?"Peter asked.
The King didn't reply back.
"Yea, didn't think so,"Peter muttered, mostly to himself.
He then put his enemy into the sword's hilt and it gave off a golden glow.
"Peter . . . please,"he heard Jiang whisper in tears.
Without looking towards he, he glumly stated,"I'm sorry."
He charged first at the King. he connect with the Death Blade with a earsplitting clash as sparks of starstuff and smoke flew everywhere. The King arched Death Blade away from Peter and swung at Peter's feet. He easily jumped the swing but the King rebounded and slashed towards Peter's neck. But with his advanced eyesight, Peter blocked the Blade in the knick of time. He pushed the Blade off and countered it with a deadly swipe towards the King's torso, still leaving the same annoying vacant slit.
Come on! Think!
Melana and the Starcatchers watched in fear from a distance. Peter and the King never seemed to be gaining ground on each other. Every time Peter lost a little bit of ground, they all held their breathes.
"Is there anything we can to to help except just standing here and watch?"Melana complained, hating the feeling of being helpless.
Jon gave her a look and gestured towards the Others around them.
"Going out there is just committing suicide,"Jon stated.
Melana slumped, he had a point.
"It's Peter's fight,'Tiger Lily solemnly added.

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