Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Chapter 16: King's Cheat

I boarded quickly into my little Peter Pan's flight ship as quick as possible. When I lifted off into the darkness of the ride, I had the most awful feeling that something is going to go terribly wrong.
My ship turned towards Neverland and the whiteness appeared suddenly and disappeared just as quick. I thought I was a second too late of what I sensed of what's going to happen.
As I floated over Skull Rock, I saw Peter and a really dark, tall Other; unsheathing their swords. In the distance, Ombra had his arm over Jiang's crumpled form. The Skeleton stood next to Ombra.
I took out my gun and loaded it once I landed on solid ground. As I creeped around the side of Skull Rock, I heard the tall Other say to Peter,"You have a deal."
Deal, what deal?
Then I knew it, Peter was going to sacrifice himself to a guy who is three feet taller then he is.
I jumped out from my hiding spot with my gun aimed at the tall Other.
"Stop!"I screamed.
Both Peter and the Other turned towards me.
"You are the other Pan, yes?"the Other asked.
"Who are you?"I asked, my arms shaking in front of me. When I got closer to them, I could sense a lot of evil and darkness surrounding him. Suddenly, I felt so small and weak.
"I am the King,"he answered.
I just stood there blank.
This guy is so evil . . . how can we possibly defeat him . . . 
Have faith and trust in me. Believe.
I inwardly gasped.
God, I do have faith in you . . . but . . . I am scared of this guy. I don't think I can take him on alone.
Usually, God never answers me back the second time, but he immediately answered.
You are never alone. If you believe in me, I will give you the strength. 
I nodded vigorously to myself.
Believe, just got to believe.
"Are you there?"King asked.
I gave him a cold stare.
"I was just praying to God. You know, the guy who is going to kick your butt to the next universe,"I said, smirking towards him.
"Ha! You believe in God? You are more naive then I thought!"King mocked.
"What's so crazy about it?"I asked, furious of his mocking.
"God is just another thing that weak people rely on."
"i am not weak. I am stronger then you."
"I am in Christ. Jesus Christ."
Something very strange happened.
The King, Ombra, and the Skeleton crumpled to their knees when I mentioned Jesus's name.
All demons flee at the call of My name, from one who submits to Me.
Peter stared at me, thinking I was some supernatural person or something.
The King was the first to scramble to his feet.
"I will not be hindered by the name of some phony,"King growled.
"Oh really? Then how come the Bible says that Satan and his demons flee at the sound of His name form one who submits to Him. I submit to Him, called out his name, and all of you trembled. How is He not phony?"I said, smirking.
The King growled under his breathe. His dark aura seemed to grow around him.
"You think you can defy me, Pan, but you can't. I have things in plan that your maker can't stop,"the King said, putting a cold edge to "Pan" that gave me the creeps.
"Well actually he is your Maker too,"I mocked.
"You can't stop me,"King continued, ignoring my comment. He took his long dark sword out of his sheath,"And for your arrogance, your dearest relatives or 'tives' will pay."
My eyes  widened when I knew who he was talking about.
Peter . . . Jiang . . . no.
"No, no you can't! Fight me!"i protested.
"No. You are nothing special to me."
I cringed and glanced at me.
He looked at me apologetically and gave me a reassuring grin and mouthed "it's okay".
I just smiled back, trying to keep my fear from showing.
Once the King turned his back, I closed my eyes and prayed to God to give us strength to overcome this situation.
Peter knew that he was far from okay. Elysie just fueled the King's fury and that exact fury is now directed towards him.
I am going to die and I have no good last words in mind.
Have faith in Me.
Faith in you? Who are you?
No answer because he had Death Blade's tip right in front of his face.
"It's time for our duel,"King said.
Peter lifted the Sword of Mercy and held it at shoulder height towards the King.
"Let the game begin,"Peter said.
There was a long pause before the first strike. Peter and the King looked intently into each other's eyes, trying to comprehend on what the other was thinking. The King was the first to strike Peter fist. But he easily blocked the King's maneuver with Curtana. Just as Peter was about to swing at the King's neck, the Curtana started to hum and glowed a golden aura. As the sword clashed into the King's, a shockwave swept the King off his feet and away from Peter.
As he slammed into a snow mound, the King roared angrily as he saw the Death Blade slid across the snow and stopped to close in the boy's swing range. He felt around his coat and his hand landed on what we was trying to find. He laughed evilly and took out the shot that the Skeleton lent to him earlier.
Peter saw the Death Blade skitter to a stop right in front of him. He looked towards the King, but he heard laughter. Taken aback by the odd outcome from the King, he didn't notice what the King gripped in his hand.
At astounding speed, the King rushed towards him. Peter swung Curtana at the King and grazed the King's shoulder, but didn't stop his charge. Peter couldn't make another attack because before he knew it, he felt a plunge of a cold needle in the base of his neck.
He didn't feel any pain at first, only shock. He slowly saw his arm drop the Curtana slowly to the ground. The world looked hazy and then the he felt like a fire was engulfing him. Heat of pain everywhere when he slowly crumpled to the snow. He happily let the snow surround him on the ground. He felt numbness overtaking him, he couldn't feel anything or smell anything.
I saw the King yank the needle from Peter's neck  and Peter went completely still. Anger and fear welled up inside of me at the same time.
"Peter!"i cried out.
I heard the King chuckle evilly as he threw the needle in the snow. I ran towards Peter and slid to my knees beside him.
His eyes were distant and beads of sweat dripped down his forehead.
"Peter, stay with me!"I pleaded, as I saw the place where the needle plunged, turn purple. I held back the verge of tears as I grabbed his cold hand.
"He is just sedated,"King said.
"Why? Why did you cheat the duel?"
"I decided that Peter was better alive then dead to me. I also didn't agree to his end of the deal. I am going to take him in because he will be very useful for my plans."
Useful? He is going to use Peter like a piece of equipment! God, I know you have a plan but I am really confused.
Then I heard Peter's feeble voice break my thoughts.
"I'm okay,"He whispered.
"I know. I am sorry that I got you into this mess. It's all my fault for not believing sooner,"I said.
"It's not your fault."
"Hah. You're just being nice."
He smiled and chuckled a little. Then he painfully coughed and his breathe became short and harsh. I panicked and asked repeatedly,"Peter are you alright?"
He finally answered and gasped,"I can't breathe."
"What? No it's a sedative."
Wait, if it were a sedative, then why isn't he knocked out by now?  
He gripped my hand in a death grip, making my hand hurt.
"Try to breathe,"I pleaded.
"He can't breathe?'Ombra asked.
"Impossible, it is only a sedative,"the Skeleton said.
The King picked up the shot and it had a picture of a skull with two bones crossed behind it.
"You gave me a poison?'King roared furiously.
The Skeleton trembled and said,"I didn't know."
The King walked up to the Skeleton furiously and raised the Death Blade. He stabbed the Skeleton at the heart and left the Skeleton on the ground, writhing and screaming. I cringed at the sight.
I saw Jiang's head slowly raised from hearing the unearthly screaming.
Tears dripped from Jiang as she slowly buried her face in the snow, I guessed because since she can feel starstuff, she can feel the disappearing of Peter's. It was the first time that I ever seen Jiang look weak, I would have been pleased before, but now that jealousy seemed to diminish.
I then became aware that Peter's grip loosened. I looked at him and his breath was long and haggard, eyes slowly drifting closed.
"Peter, please don't leave. Not yet,"I pleaded, gripping his hand tighter, tears flowing from my eyes.
I am losing him . . . Peter Pan is going to die in my arms . . . all because of me . . .
I wept uncontrollably.
Then Peter whispered,"It's okay."
I wiped my tears and said,"Peter, I hope that you believe in what I told you earlier."
He smiled wanly and said,"I do . . . I will . . . meet you . . on . . the other  . . . side."
Then he smiled, eyes closing, took a last long gentle breath, and went still. His hand hung limply in mine.

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