Monday, December 30, 2013

Chapter 23: The Boy is Back

Peter slowly let himself float gently to the ground. His eyes glanced for a second towards the place where he hid the chest. He looked back towards his friend and smiled.
"Miss me?" Peter teased.
"Not by a lot,"Jiang replied back.
The King slowly gained his composure, still gripping his hand.
"How did you acquire that power?"he asked.
"Oh, you know, starstuff. I get to fly, shoot stuff, make stuff, and more. Too bad for you, dark stuff can't do much,"Peter teased.
"Cocky, eh? Don't forget my powers boy."
"Yea, your power to cheat? Nice one!"
Jiang couldn't handle but let out a inward chuckle.
"No, the power of death. You are quite aware that I and my fellow Others can end your life in the most unsuspecting ways,"King said, summoning Ombra and the Skeleton to his side. 
Peter flatly said,"I don't mind. I already have a Friend in higher places that is on my one side right now. Actually, you should be afraid of His power. Besides, if you kill me, you won't know where I hid your precious chest."
"My chest? So you did take it!"
"Um, no. mYou see, after I dug myself out of the snow, the chest happened to be right next to me. Sadly, your evil thoughts clog up your tiny peanut head to even notice the starstuff nearby."
Before Peter could react, the King grabbed him by the neck, choking him. Peter gagged uncontrollably as he tried to breathe. 
"I liked you better dead,"the King growled.
Peter couldn't exactly answer, but he put his glowing hands, with starstuff, on the King's hands. 
The King screamed again, releasing his hold on Peter. Peter collapsed to the ground, gagging. Jiang and Melana ran to his side.
"Are you alright?"Melana asked, concerned.
"I'm fine. But, we need a plan though. I can't keep talking forever. I have a 'half-plan' but I know that it won't do the full job,"Peter said.
"What's your plan?"Jiang asked.
Peter whispered it quickly to them.
"Okay, nice plan. How are they not going to kill you once they get it? I am sure the King wants you dead more then anything,"Melana said.
"That's when you guys come in. I need the Starcatchers, Tiger Lily, and you guys to distract Ombra and the Skeleton so I can have some real duel time with the King,"Peter replied.
"Cool,"Jiang said as she and Melana got up to tell the others.
"Wait, Jiang I need to talke to you,"Peter said, grabbing her arm.
"What is is?"Jiang asked.
"I need you to be a flying distraction."
"But, Peter, I can't fly! I can only levitate."
"Wrong. So you can create starstuff, which means that you have starstuff in you concluding that you can fly."
"I tired. It never worked."
"Think of a wonderful thought. Any merry little thought."
Jiang punched Peter playfully on the arm.
"Don't go singing that annoying Disney song,"Jiang joked.
Peter laughed and said,"But it's true!"
Jiang smiled, I know.
"King, you need a council,"Ombra groaned.
"We need action."the Skeleton rapsed.
Ombra hushed the Skeleton with a wave of his spindly fingers.
The King though for a moment.
"The boy is strong again. Stronger then he was before. We need hims weaker so I can target him easily,"the King said.
"I know his weakness,"Ombra groaned.
"What is it?"

"His friends. He is willing to give up everything to save his friends."
"What are you going to do?"the Skeleton rapsed.
"Oh, you will see."

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