Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Chapter 18: Wake Up Call

Melana and Jiang ran through the Never Jungle, running into almost every tree and bush that was in the way. The blizzard has gotten worse since Jiang last remembered. The wind and snow blew into their face that they couldn't see anything farther then three feet away.
"Are we getting close?"Melana asked.
"Almost, we are almost to shore,"Jiang said.
After a couple more minutes, they didn't run into anymore trees.
"We're here!"Melana announced, throwing her hands up sarcastically.
Grumbling, she continued,"And we can't see anything."
"I guess we will just have to head to Skull Rock,"Jiang said.
"Do you exactly remember where Peter is?"
"No, but I know that he is near there."
"If you don't know the exact location, we will be searching forever and freeze to death, Soon enough we will be two statues called 'Jiang and Melana'."
Jiang rethought that approach.
If I can't look, then what do I do?
In the mist of her thinking, she didn't notice that a ball of starstuff was getting gradually larger in her hand.
"Jiang . . .,"Melana said, nervously.
"What?"Jiang snapped.
Melana nodded towards her hand and Jiang saw the starstuff growing larger and larger. 
She finally knew what to do.
He grumbled and swatted at nothing.
"Sorry, I only slept for four hours . . .  need four more,"Peter mumbled.
Peter jolted up from his sleeping spot.
"Where am I?"He mumbled.
As he looked around, he didn't see anyone; everything was white. He looked down at himself and saw what he wore before he . . . died. His mind flashback to the duel with the King and the poison.
"What a cheater!"Peter grumbled loudly, kicking at nothing,"Is the adventure over?"
Not yet.
He jumped, not expecting anyone to answer. 
"Um . . . hello? Is anyone here?"Peter asked, looking around, trying to see if someone was there.
I am here.
"Really? Because I can't see you,"Peter answered.
He felt a hand tap his shoulder. He turned around and saw a man dressed in pure white clothes, hands and feet had holes through them. He slowly looked up and saw a man with brown hair and beard, a gentle look in his face.
"Who are you?"Peter asked, quite scared that this man just appeared out of nowhere. 
"I am Jesus,"the man answered.
Peter just stood there, staring into the man's eyes . . .  and strangely could not comprehend what color eyes Jesus's eyes were.
"What? So I am dead and I am in heaven?"Peter asked.
"Not yet."
"So . . . I am not in heaven?"
He nodded.
"Whew, that's good. This doesn't look like a city of gold."
"Do you know why you are here?"
"Because I was cheated by a conceited demon who decided to think that I am better dead so that he could win his end of the deal. Well almost win his end of the deal."
There was a silence of thinking for Peter. 
"You wanted me dead?"
"You need to have a time out."
"Time out? This stinking 'time out' just cost me the duel! Now there is no chance to take back Neverland. No thanks to you."
Peter turned his back to Jesus, arms crossed.
"I took you out because you need a second chance."
"Peter turned around, lips tight,"Second chance? I had my chance! I had the King! I could have beaten him! I was doing everything right!"
"No. You were doing everything wrong. You thought you can save everything but you can't."
"So? I haven't failed yet."
"You did. If you weren't into your own heroics, you would have noticed that Neverland was a target for darkness for months."
Peter starred critically at Jesus, knowing that He was right and that he was playing around and paid no attention to Neverland at all.
"What do you want me to do?"
"I want you to change your actions."
"Doing it for the Father, God."
Peter just kept staring, shifting back and forth, considering.
"Okay, can I go back?'Peter asked, way to quickly.
"Not yet. You can't do anything for the Father until you give your life to Him and let Him have control."
"What? I already gave up my life! I am standing right in front of you, confused of where I am. You seem to have total control of me and my location right now."
Jesus just stared patiently towards Peter.
He sighed and asked,"How do I give up my life?"
"Repent of your sins."
Peter thought for a bit.
"Repent . . . repent . . . why does that word sound so familiar?"Peter mumbled.
Then he gasped.
"You were the one talking to me in my mind!"Peter exclaimed.
Jesus nodded.
"You were there the entire time! Why didn't you do something?"
"I did. But without your salvation, I can't do anything for you that will benefit your mission or anything else."
"How do I repent?'
"Have you ever sinned?"

"Sin equals bad stuff. I haven't done much bad stuff."
"Only one bad thing in your life can send you to hell."
"But, I haven't sinned that bad. I have saved people and the world! Isn't that enough?"
"No, you did not do it for the Father."
He couldn't find anything to say. It was mostly, for his own pleasures now that he looks at it closely.
"Do you know the Ten Commandments?"
"Yes, I learned them at St.Norberts."
"You know that if you break one commandment, you will be thrown to hell."
Peter nodded.
"I will ask you a few questions, referencing the Commandments."
"Have you lied?"
"Yea, but that was just for fun."
"What does that make you?"
"Um . . .  a liar?"
"Have you ever stolen?"
"Yea, for good reasons though."
"What does that make you?"
"A thief."
"Have you ever murdered?"
"No way. I never killed people."
"have you ever thought someone dead?"
Peter thought to himself. There were many times that he wanted his enemies dead.
"Yea . . ."he replied, uneasy.
"That makes you a murderer."
Peter stretched his arms towards Jesus, backing away slowly,"Hold it! This is just too harsh."
"I know. You know that you broken almost all of them. But I needed to tell you a thieving. lying, murderer to convince you that you have sinned and that you will go to hell because of it. I am doing this because I love you no matter how bad you are.
Peter couldn't protest to that.
"Peter, are your worthy of saving anything if you haven't been saved yourself?"
He thought about that. He had the horrible thought that if he went back and didn't repent, he might die again and not get another chance and be sent to hell. FOREVER.
He shivered as he thought about that horrible punishment.
"I . . . want to be . . . scared,"Peter said, his voice shaky.
"You are now,"Jesus said.
Peter looked up and saw Jesus smiling back at him, strangely, bring tears to his eyes. His smile was like warm milk and honey, making everything feel better. 
Peter smiled back and hugged Jesus tightly, not wanting to let go.
He didn't want to let go of the feeling of being truly safe.
"Are you okay to do this?"Melana asked.
Jiang just stared out into the distance, feeling the snow pelting her like needles.
"Yea . . . I can do it,"Jiang said.
Melana slowly stepped back from Jiang. but not too far that she couldn't see her.
Jiang looked out into the vast whiteness, trying to guess a sense of direction of where Peter was. She concentrated and closed her eyes. She then felt a heat, burning her left side. She opened her eyes and mumbled,"East."
Not knowing if it was Peter or something else.
She brought her hands together and created a warm glow, then she raised her hands above her head. She clapped her hands, concentrating hard as she felt the warmth of starstuff producing rapidly in her. Then she was surrounded head-to-toe, by a sphere of starstuff. She concentrated her focus towards the east and threw her arms toward that direction. A surge of starstuff fell like a wave towards the east part of the ocean. Jiang felt super tired and drained, slowly drifting asleep. 
The last thing she saw was the entire snow area, glowing gold.
Then nothing. 

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