Thursday, June 6, 2013

Chapter 15: The Deal

Jiang lead all seven of them out of the cell area in complete silence.
When they got to the upper flight of stairs, they all acted out their parts. Peter and Jiang acted like Others, who were escorting the captives. The captives had to play miserable. 
As they walked through the different turns and halls, very few Others passed by. 
It all went well, until they entered the control room. 
Many Others looked towards their direction, giving all of them uneasy feelings. Then the Chief approached them.
"What are you doing with these captives?"Chief groaned.
Jiang and Peter stared down the Chief.
"We are taking the captives outside for a punishment exercise,"Jiang said.
The Chief looked at her oddly, his red eyes looking confused from under his dark coat.
"Why?"Chief asked.
"Because they wouldn't calm down, so we are planning on tiring them so they won't have any energy to protest,"Peter whispered to the Chief in a gruff voice.
The Chief seemed to think about it, then he slowly nodded.
They slowly started walking towards the exit, until the Skeleton roared,"Are you senseless?"
Peter and Jiang turned, started trembling in fear when they saw the angry Skeleton staring at their direction.
Peter grabbed Jiang's arm,"We got to run."
As if everyone read Peter's mind, they all bursted to a sprint towards the exit.
"Get them!" The Skeleton roared.
A charge of Others raced after them. The group of runaways made it into the tunnel, but they could hear the Others gaining on them.
"We got to stay behind to fend off the Others,"Peter yelled to Jiang.
Jiang nodded and yelled to the rest,"Follow Tiger Lily, she will lead you all to safety."
when they ran through the last door and into the freezing outside; the Starcatcher group and Melana followed Tiger Lily into the forest while Peter and Jiang ran further away, but on the open path. The Others did not pay attention to the group in the jungle, only on Peter and Jiang.
Tiger Lily raced through the jungle, making sure that the other runaways were behind her occasionally. She was taken by surprise when none of the Others followed their group.
She then ran into a small cavern in on of the Neverland Peaks.
"Why are we stopping here?"Melana asked.
"The Others aren't following us. They are following Peter. He's in big trouble,"Tiger Lily explained.
"Still, we need to get faraway to safety. We are no good to Peter if we get captured again. I say we do what he says,"Melana said.
Tiger Lily cringed, trying to decide what to do.
"Do what Peter says,"Jon said.
Tiger Lily turned towards him and stares at him intently. She then nodded.
She made a motion with her hand to follow her. They all filed out behind her from the cavern and made their way away from the Neverland Peaks.
Peter felt like his lungs could give out at any minute. He and Jiang didn't fight anyone off like they said, they just kept on running down the path, hoping on leading the Others as faraway as possible from the escaping group in the jungle. 
They approached the shore of the frozen and covered with snow, Never Ocean.
"Do we keep running?"Peter asked.
"Yes,"Jiang replied.
They charged into the vast snow area, where they could not hide from anything.
The Others, led by the Skeleton and Ombra, reached the shore just as the two Pans ran through the deep snow.
The Skeleton was about to charge into the ocean but Ombra stopped him.
"Stop,"Ombra groaned.
The Skeleton turned around and saw the King, in his full black armored coat, glowing red eyes peeping through the hood, with Death Blade sheath and ready to kill at anytime. The air around the King was colder then the air already was.
"Are those the Pans?"King asked,
"Yes, King,"Ombra groaned.
"Do we charge?"The Skeleton asked.
"No. They cannot hide in that vast snow area. We will shoot them down,"The King commanded.
Ombra and the Skeleton both nodded and commanded the Others to load their guns and fire at any time.
As they prepared, Ombra asked,"Do you think we will catch them?"
"Yes and that other group that you missed in the Jungle,"The King replied.
Peter and Jiang didn't hear the Others stop because all they could hear was the loud crunching of ice everywhere they stepped. Then they heard a gunshot ring out and a bullet whizzing past them, right between their heads.
"They're shooting,"Peter yelled, fear gripping his chest of the possibility of being shot.
"I know,"Jiang said, vaulting over a snow mound and hiding behind it. Peter did the same.
Bullets collided into the snow mound, chipping it away piece by piece.
"We can't stay here,"Peter said.
Jiang didn't answer. She looked around, trying to find a way to escape. The crunching of snow was getting closer to their hiding spot.
Without a word, Jiang rushed out, dragging Peter by the arm. She bursted into lightning speed, grunting at the resistance of Peter's dragging feet. She almost made it to Skull Rock.
Almost, until she felt a bullet graze her arm.
She shrieked and grabbed her arm, making herself and Peter tumble through the air and hit Skull Rock.
A little woozy from the bullet and the hard collision, Jiang could make out the King, Ombra, and the Skeleton walking towards them. She created starstuff in her hand and placed it on her wounded arm, closing up the wound and healing it.
"Get up Peter,"Jiang said, gritting through her teeth as she painfully was trying to move her arm.
Peter groaned as he pushed himself to his feet, feeling out of sorts from hitting Skull Rock really hard.
"You know, you should really practice on controlling your stops,"Peter said, sarcastically.
"This is no time to tease me, we need a plan  . . . now!"Jiang yelled. Literally passing the leader torch to him.
For once, he drew a blank. He didn't know what to do.
The King gave a cruel smile when he saw the two Pans, looking lost in thoughts.
"Skeleton,"King groaned.
"Yes, King?"The Skeleton asked,
"Give me a sedative. I am going to contain Peter Pan."
"Yes, King."
The Skeleton looked inside his trench coat, inside there was two rows of hanging shots. One row was sedatives, other was deadly posions. But he was too much in a hurry to place all the shots in the right place because he saw the runaway group getting away. He didn't know that in the sedative row, there was one poisonous shot.
He pulled the poisonous one.
"Here it is, King,"He said, handing the King the shot.
Peter helped Jiang to her feet when he heard the crunching of stop behind him. A freezing cold surrounded both of them. Not the regular cold but the evil cold. Snow started to fall when Peter heard some one groan his name.
He gulped and turned around, so did Jiang. They saw the dark figures of Ombra and the Skeleton. The one in the middle of them, with the largest blade that they both have ever seen, darkness and cold so overwhelming, and the evil that brought both Jiang's and Peter's defiant souls to fear.
"That's the King,"Jiang said, whispering into Peter's ears.
"Why yes, Jiang Chen Pan. You seem to know so much that I might  have to silence you for a moment. I don't want you interfering with my affairs,"The King said.
Jiang grimaced and created two balls of starstuff in her hand when Ombra approached her.
"Don't you dare silence me,"Jiang threatened.
Without a groan, Ombra reached toward her and she shot the balls of starstuff towards Ombra's glowing red eyes. It seemed to hit a weak spot, because Ombra groaned in pain and stumbled from Jiang.
Peter was about to laugh until he saw the Skeleton behind her.
He ran toward her, yelling,"Behind you!"
But the warning was too late. The Skeleton grabbed Jiang's neck at lightning speed. Jiang froze in a silent scream, feeling the most horrible pain. She wanted to collapse but the deathly grip of the Skeleton kept her up. 
"Jiang!"Peter screamed and pulled the Sword of Mercy from his sheath.
"Make a move and I will end her life,"The Skeleton threatened, shaking Jiang.
Peter stopped and stared in despair at Jiang. He sheathed his sword and walked slowly away from the Skeleton.
The Skeleton let go of Jiang and she crumpled to the ground, groaning in pain.
"Peter,"King said.
He turned towards the King, hate in his eyes.
"Why are you doing this? What have I done to you?"Peter asked.
"i am doing this because you are interfering with my plans. My agenda is to rule Neverland, but I can't seem to do that if you keep on slowing my plans."
"What did I do to slow your plans? I did nothing!"
"Yes you did! We retrieved starstuff that was in the bottom of a lagoon hidden near the rocky shore areas. We placed it in a golden chest. But the day after we did our starstuff task, the chest went missing. We don't know exactly where it is."
"So you think I took it?"
"Yes. You were the only person on this island that wasn't held captive."
"That doesn't mean anything. What about the Starcatcher group?"
The King fell silent. Then Ombra glided up to the King ans whispered into his hood.
"You are a Watcher, yes?"King asked.
"Yes, I am,"Peter replied, dreading on what the King was going to say next.
"You don't now who took the chest, but you might know where it is."
Peter inwardly gasped.
No . . . no . . .  I won't help them again.
"If you help us find the starstuff, we will let you and Jiang go. Including all the other captives. But if you don't, Ombra will end Jiang's life right now."
Ombra glided over to Jiang and left his ghostly hand hang above Jiang's crumpled body, ready to strike at any moment.
"No, no! I won't do this. You never keep your promises,"Peter yelled.
"I don't keep my promises? You don't even know me. I am different from Zarboff the Third,"The King laughed.
Peter came up with a plan, not a good plan but a plan.
He unsheathed the Sword of Mercy and pointed towards the King.
"We will do a duel. If I win, you let her live. If you win, I will find the starstuff for you. But theres no killing,"Peter said
"You have yourself a deal,"The King said, unsheathing his sword, Death Blade.
Then a scream rang out,"Stop!"
Peter turned around and was surprised to see Elysie running towards them, a gun aimed at the King.

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