Monday, December 30, 2013

Chapter 24: To the Death

   "So that's the plan,"Melana concluded, out of breathe from talking about the plan.
"Good plan. What will happen to Peter and the King?"Jon asked.
"I don't really know. All we can do is pray,"Melana replied.
Peter and the King parted from their groups at the same time.
"We need to negotiate a couple of things in private,"the King said, with a evil glint in his eyes.
"I agree,"peter said, crossing his arms.
The King snapped his fingers and the Other charged towards the group form the shadows. But they were prepared for it and fought back.
As the fighting drew on, the King gestured Peter to a more quiet place on the beach, away from the chaos.
"What's the negotiation?"Peter asked.
"I want you to lead me to the chest. No tricks. In thanks, I will leave Neverland,"the King replied.
"That sound s like a good bargain."
"Yes it is."
Peter though for a moment. The noise in the background wasn't helping his thinking process.
 I know this might be a trap but he might keep his word.
Peter decided to go for broke.
"I will show you where the chest is,"he said.
Jiang and Melana blocked every sword that came their way. Melana looked towards Jiang in desperation because she knew that they wouldn't hold out for much longer. Jiang knew that she had to do it now.
She closed her eyes, trying to concentrate on any happy though, which she only had very few of them. She focused on one moment in her childhood, a moment that drastically changed in a day.
Then she felt lighter and lighter until she couldn't feel the ground anymore.
"She's flying!" she heard someone yell, which sounded from below.
Jiang opened her eyes and saw the ground really far below. She ducked her head too much that her entire body swooped down. She shrieked and lifted her hard leveled.
Don't try that again, she thought.
She tested out her flying for a few seconds, grinning her face off.
You know, I have a feeling that this is going to be fun, she thought.
Then she swooped down towards the ground below, he dagger now in front of her.
Peter decided to walk towards the chest sing the King was daring him with his eyes to fly. He lead the King to another empty beach spot. Except it had a strait of water running through it. The sun's rays shine brightly down on a sand island between the strait and sea.
"It's there,"Peter said, pointing to the sand island.
"Take out the chest,"the Kind commanded.
"As you wish, but I would like some assistance."
If he heard the King grumble or not, he grumbled. Peter walked across the frozen strait and unto the mound. He got onto his hands and knees and started digging. The King just  watched and did nothing. Peter felt his hand hit the chest when he heard the yelling in the distance getting extremely close.
He turned around and saw Jiang diving towards the King.
"No . . . Jiang . . .,"Peter whispered.
Peter's previous plan was to give the King the chest so that the King will call off war and leave Neverland, thinking he won. Unfortunately, Jiang's sudden action of attack set back his wonderfully thought out plan.
The King easily blocked Jiang's dive but she rebounded and sliced at the King's chest. He roared in pain but the vacant slit closed up.
He's invincible?Peter and Jiang both thought of at the same time.
As if he read their thoughts, he answered,"You can't kill a demon that easily."
"Oh yea?" said a voice from behind him.
Jiang had a starstuff ball in her hand, ready to shoot it.
"Let's see about this,"she smirked and shot the bolt towards the King.
He dodged it but it still managed to clip his left hand clean off. He grabbed his arm in pain.
Peter decided to shoot a starstuff bolt  but the King gripped his wrist tightly, almost cutting off his circulation.
"Don't you dare?"King threatened.
"I think I will take the dare,"Peter remarked and shot a starstuff bolt and at the King's head. The King dodged it easily but released his grip on Peter's wrist in the process. But Peter didn't suspect what the King schemed next. He quickly gripped both of Jiang's hands and held her neck close to his unsheathed Death Blade.
"Now Peter, did you know that a simple cut from this Death Blade could end her life?"King smirked.
Peter couldn't reply but glare frustratedly at the King and Jiang. Jiang's eyes trembled but stayed strong. She made eye contact with peter and he could hear her voice.
I can handle it. 
Peter winced at hearing her words. He mustered enough starstuff to telepathically reply to her, don't give up. I haven't given everything yet.
Jiang's eyes widened in understanding.
"Peter . . . no!"she screamed.
The King grinned/
"Listen, I have the starstuff underneath me at this very moment. Let her go and you will get your starstuff,"Peter said.
To prove to the King that he wasn't bluffing, he lifted the chest out of the snow, above his head, and let it slowly float to the ground. Peter looked at the King's eyes intently.
"Ombra, watch after the girl,"King said as he threw Jiang into Ombra's clutches.
The King approached Peter and the chest. Peter made no move to stop him. As the King lifted the chest and gave it to the Skeleton, he unsheathed his Death Blade and pointed it towards Peter's heart.
"Of course, I forgot to mention that I need a watcher like you too,"King said, gesturing to Peter.
Peter sighed.
"I don't think that can be arranged,"Peter said as he took out the tip and willed the Curtana into his hands.
"To the death,"King said.
"To the death,"Peter repeated.

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