Thursday, July 18, 2013

Chapter 20: Alive

Melana and Jiang stumbled into the cavern in Mermaid Lagoon in the most ungraceful way ever. The Starcatchers helped Melana carry Jiang into a comfortable resting place, while Tiger Lily's eyes stared expectantly at the,.
"Did it work?'she asked.
"Yea, I think. You couldn't believe it! Jiang covered the ocean head to toe with starstuff! I am pretty sure it got to Peter,"Melana said. 
Tiger Lily nodded and they both walked back to where the others were, watching Jiang who was barely rousing. 
"Jiang! That was amazing!"Melana said, hugging Jiang tightly.
"It worked,"she muttered.
"Yea, I hope it will get to Peter."
"It did. I sense a strangely high starstuff signature in the east. I think . . .  it is Peter."

"Peter is alive?"Tiger Lily asked.
Jiang nodded slowly, then faster to show her confidence.
The group cheered their hearts out in a silent matter
Peter slowly lifted his head from the ground, noticing that he fainted from the high exposure of starstuff. When he got up, he felt strength that he didn't have for a while and a lightness inside of him. He looked back at the chest . . . it was empty.
All the starstuff . . .  is in me?
He looked down at his hand and it gave off a faint golden glow, the glow of starstuff.
I'm . . . glowing.
He tried to fly and he lifted off the ground with ease. He looked at the ground and saw his shadow underneath him. 
I can fly again!
He noticed that the blizzard stopped and streams of sunlight were trying to break through the harsh storm clouds above. Peter couldn't hold back the urge to shoot into the air and do his rooster crow. Thankful for all the strength that he got back.
Ombra emerged warily from the shadows as he sulked towards the King.
"Well?"King asked.
"I didn't find the one you wanted, but I sensed a stronger Watcher,"Ombra groaned.
"Who might that be?"
"Peter Pan."
The King erupted from his seat and walked harshly over to Ombra.
"He is alive?"
"Yes and quite powerful. His shadow escaped from my grasp and streams of sunlight are cracking in the sky."
"How did he revive?
"I believe it was the other Watcher."

The King nodded slowly, taking it all into consideration.
"Ombra, bring the Skeleton. We are going to have a council."
After Peter whooped his heart out, he looked back at the chest. he thought of the King and how much he wanted the starstuff. 
He smiled mischievously and swooped down towards the chest.
Scheming a plan.  

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