Friday, January 24, 2014

Chapter 29: The Final Battle

The Skeleton advanced on me before I could defend and brushed my arm lightly with his hand. The most unearthly pain entered my body as my mouth silently screamed as I clutched my arm.
“Want to reconsider?”he rasped.
“Never,”I panted and I brought out my sniper gun and shot him square in the chest. A normal person would have died or bled to death, but it was just a vacant hole which was already closing up. The Skeleton did not seem fazed or harmed at all. 
I cursed under my breathe as I dodged another swipe from the Skeleton.
God, any hints?
Then I saw Ombra dragging the crate away. I remembered from “The Sword of Mercy” and how Wendy defeated them by opening the starstuff crate. 
I rolled away from the Skeleton and sprinted over to Ombra, who was on the other side of the tracks. 
Unfortunately, the Skeleton pinned me down but I head-butted his nasty skull, which was really hard, and slipped away. I reached behind my pack, but I couldn’t grab anything but a flimsy dagger. I looked around and I saw a metal rod. 
I picked it up and swung it as hard as I could on the Skeleton’s skull. He stumbled back, clutching his head. But Ombra glided over to me and swung the Death Blade. It scraped my shoulder and my only thought was, I’m dead. 
But nothing happened except the annoying burning pain of a cut. 
“Hmm, I guess it’s useless now,”I commented.
Ombra groaned and swung at me again but I blocked it with my rod and swung at him immediately. Sadly, that was my mistake. Ever since I started the J.U.S.S., I sucked at using daggers. I could block but I was really bad at choosing when to advance. This is one of my bad advances because just as I could connect to Ombra’s body he used his previous swing momentum to cut around and knock the metal rod out of my hand. 
Now, I am utterly defenseless and cornered next to a random rock. Ombra lifted his arm for one final blow to finish me off and I closed my eyes, waiting for the blow. 
But the blow never came. For a rush of wind went past me and I heard metal clank on metal.
I opened my eyes and I saw Peter in his black attire; the Sword of Mercy blocked blade once again with golden sparks. 
“Peter!” I said, happy to be saved.
He pushed Ombra off and yelled,”Elysie, take cover!”
I ran around the rock just as I saw a bright starstuff flash and unearthly screams. 
Then all was silent.
I crept back around the rock and I saw Peter, by himself with an empty chest, his arm holding the Sword of Mercy limply. Then he sighed and sheathed the sword. 
The rain still poured mercilessly down on us, thunder cracking in the air. 
“Are they gone?”I asked, rubbing my arms together.
He just looked up at me and smiled. 
Then a lightning flash made me blink.
When I opened my eyes, he was gone.

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