Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Chapter 33: See You Again

“Peter, what happens if you died tonight?”
“Why do you think that? I probably won’t die.”
“But what if you did when you least expect it?”
“Well, when you’re dead, you’re dead. Death is a whole another adventure in itself.”
“Liar,” I mumbled, “You didn’t come back.”
“I am glad that I have you as . . . uh great niece.”
Starstuff started rising from the ground, taking a form. They compounded together until every area of the form was complete. 
It flashed.
I opened my eyes when I felt a bright flash. I couldn’t believe what was in front of me.
There was Peter, standing their in his ridiculous green clad outfit.
The rest of the group stared at him in amazement and disbelief that their prayers actually were answered.
“Peter . . .,”I started and ran to hug him, but only to run right through.
“Sorry, but I am a unstable form of myself,”Peter explained.
“What?”Jiang asked.
“I came back because God gave me a second chance. No time for details because I need to do a job soon.”
“What job?” my dad asked.
“Seal Neverland and enter the Vault.”
“The Vault? You mean the Disney Vault?”Melana asked.
Peter nodded.
“Cool. I thought it was a phony thing that they mention to advertise their movie availability.”
“That’s what it’s pictured to be, but really it’s the holding place of all Disney characters.”Peter explained.
“How did you know about it?”Jon asked.
“Ever since a Disney character is animated, they instantly know of the Vault. But there is a catch. You can only enter it if you did a heroic deed . . . or make a wish come true. many princesses and characters passed and went into the vault . . . except me. I had a life, a real life. My story wasn’t heroic but normal. Yea, I saved people . . . but did my wish come true? Or anyone around me? Not really. That’s why I never lived in the Vault and lived here in Neverland for all these years. But, these several days, I did a heroic deed that wasn’t normal to me. I even risked death. For that . . . I am granted to finally enter the Vault.”
“But . . . what will happen to Neverland?” I asked.
“It will be sealed off from the world and freeze in time. It probably won’t unfreeze until I need it to,”Peter replied.
“What will happen to you?”Jiang asked.
“Another adventure of the unknown,”Peter said with a ghost of a smile. 
“Will I ever see you again?”I asked.
He just looked at me sadly.
“I don’t know. Maybe . . . but you probably won’t recognize me for a while,” he answered.
I hugged him and and imagined that I really was. He hugged me back and I could even feel it.
“See you again,”he whispered into my ear.
I let go of him and smiled. He returned the favor and waved to the group. 
“This is goodbye. It was great working alongside with you. I am truly grateful for all your help,”Peter said.
“Wait, how do we get home since there is no ride?”I asked.
The others looked at me, shocked.
“Once I seal Neverland and return to the Vault, then the ride will come back,”Peter answered cooly. 
I relaxed because that nightmare almost gave me a heart attack. 
The group came up to Peter to share their goodbyes, while I stood back, contemplating on what he said, Maybe . . . you probably won’t recognize me for a while.
What does he mean by “won’t recognize?”

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