Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Peter watched Elysie, her dad, and her friends walk away from the attraction, fireworks started booming near the castle.
Time went backwards, it was only 9:17pm. 
Peter smiled, transparent tears fell on his hands. 
He longed to meet up with Elysie but he couldn’t because he was only a ghost of his former self, waiting for a call . . . A droning bell rung in the distance, disturbing his thoughts. 
There it is.
He wiped his tears, but was still tearing up uncontrollably.
“Stop crying . . . ghosts don’t cry,” he muttered, mostly to himself.
Peter, said a mysterious voice inside his head.
Peter decided to give up his futile attempts and rose to fly.
“Okay, I vaguely remember the procedure so can you talk me through it?” Peter asked out loud.
Sleeping Beauty Castle.
“Might as well say the castle, there is only one castle here.”
Then he launched himself from where he was standing and flew towards the castle.
As Peter flew, not one spark of a firework hit him. Then he swerved towards the front of the castle and hovered near the highest window. 
No one could see Peter or what was going to happen unless they too are ghosts. 
The bell drone slowly faded. 
He turned towards the crowd and saw Elysie and the group staring up sadly at the fireworks. 
Then the window opened, revealing a bright light in the inside. A white path slowly appeared under his feet.
Peter turned around and saw a man walking towards him.
“Welcome to the Vault,”the man said.
“Uh, thanks,”Peter replied.
The man then stretched his hand towards Peter.
Peter looked at the hand, then towards Elysie and the others, and then finally towards the entrance of the Vault.
“It’s time to move on,” the man said.
He nodded and slowly walked towards the man.
He took a step into the bright doorway.
All went white. 

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