Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Conclusion Statment

Dear Reader,
After this adventure in my life, everything went back to normal. Even though everyone is acting like it never happened. I still want to remember no matter how tragic it was. The Starcatchers and my friends completely failed their mission, but we did what had to be done. In God’s eyes, we did exactly how he wanted it. I still question Him sometimes about losing Peter and failing to protect him as I promised. I will never know if Peter accepted the Lord or not. Though I did. I can’t believe that I never gave my life to Jesus sooner. This mission would have never been successful if I didn’t believe in God. That is what this mission is all about. Not to believe in fairies or immortal beings (though it is helpful), but to fully believe in God. So that someday, we will be immortal beings like Peter, but better! I hope that you have the same enthusiasm as me. Currently Melana, Chelsie (she passed last month’s test), and I are busy doing many assigned missions. It’s almost near the end of the school year and I can’t wait for summer. Many of you are probably wondering, what about Peter? To be truthfully honest, I haven’t seen or heard from him since the last time we talked in Neverland. I don’t know if I will ever see him again. Who knows? The future is still unwritten. 
                                                     God Bless,
                                                             Elysea Pan

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