Friday, January 24, 2014

Chapter 31: Regroup

Sunlight wrapped the brokenhearted group with a familiar warmth. Jiang lifted her tear-stained eyes up from the ground that Peter laid. Then she heard a faint yelling in the distance.
“Dad! Melana! Jiang!”
“Elysie . . .”Jiang whispered.
“It’s Elysie!” Melana exclaimed, running towards a figure in the distance.

I ran toward the group. When I reached their spot, I hugged Melana tightly. My dad came over and joined in with the hugs. 
“Elysie, your shoulder,”my dad said with concern.
I never noticed that my right shoulder was slightly bleeding from the cut I got from Ombra.
“It’s okay. I got it during my duel with Ombra. It stings but no biggie,”I brushed off.
“What happened?”Melana asked.
“Explain later. What happened to Peter?”I asked.
Then I noticed Jiang still on the ground, staring solemnly at it. I rushed over and grabbed her cold hands. 
“I couldn’t . . . protect . . . him,”she said as she broke down. 
I hugged her as she cried into my shoulder, the good one. 
“Shh . . . it’s okay,”I said. 
She released from my hug and shook her head.
“No. He’s gone. It was my job to protect the starstuff of this universe and I failed.”
“No, you didn’t. There really was no starstuff in the chest. He just put in a flash. All the starstuff was in him,”
She just stared at me.
“So all that starstuff . . . it was already . . .,”she started, but looked away in disbelief.
“what do you mean “all ready”?” I asked.
“That much starstuff that can sustain Neverland can kill any Watcher, no matter how powerful they are. Peter was glowing . . . if he took in all the starstuff . . . it was already killing him from the inside.”
“So, what are you saying?”
“What I am saying is when the King pierced him with the sword . . . he released Peter from his unknown pain.” Then she rethought, “That evil bastard is such a blockhead. He totally didn’t know what he was doing.”
“What do you mean?”I asked, confused by her sudden change.
“The starstuff was transforming Peter into something else . . . that’s why he was glowing. So when he pierced Peter . . . he released his new form.”
“So how do we get him back?” my dad asked.
“He came back to protect me from Ombra but he disappeared as suddenly as he came,”I added.
“A ghost?” Melana suggested.
Everyone thought hard. Then I got an idea.
I grabbed Jiang and Melana’s hand.
“Let’s ask God for a favor,”I said.

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