Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Chapter 34: It All Goes Together

We did what Peter instructed us to do: connect in a circle and hold hands.
I felt anxious of what was going to happen but I couldn’t stop staring at Peter. 
He walked up a hill-like sand dune, the sun in his face. He turned around and smiled.
It took all my strength to hold my tears back. 
He pulled out his dagger and thrust it towards the sky, starstuff slowly encircling him. 
After a few seconds, he was completely enveloped in starstuff and exploded. 
Starstuff covered the vast surfaces of Neverland and encircled our group. 
I closed my eyes but I could still see the light through my eyelids. 
I heard a loud hum and all went black.
As I slowly got my feeling back, I felt a hard surface underneath me and a familiar Disney music.
I opened my eyes and I saw that I was back on the ride.
All was restored.

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