Wednesday, January 29, 2014


As you know, this story is the first book of the Pan Saga.
The next story is Faith which I already wrote in my messy scribbly notebook of vast confusion that is currently being transfered to the internet. The is story takes place a year after the events in Believe with a twist or should I say, foreshadow of how the storyline is going to progress past the saga. From now on, most of my stories will not be as big as this one. ( I am planning on writing the entire series before I graduate high school thank you very much ;P)
Here is the brief plot of Faith (from fanfiction):
After Elysie's journey to Neverland, she discovers a boy that may be the one and only Peter Pan. But, the Skeleton comes back from the dead with the Others and are planning on taking the world's second largest starstuff supply in an isolated island, Berk.

Haha, did you notice the twist :P.
Here are the links of where you can read Faith:

Believe Music

じゃ, so while I was writing this story, I put together a playlist of songs to go along with the story.
Most are on Youtube and if they aren't well that's that ; /
Here you go!

1. Disney's Wishes Firework Display
2. Finding Nemo - Main Title
3. I'll Try - Jonatha Brooke
4. Crossing Field - Lisa
5. World of Color - Exit Music
6. Marumo no Okite Remix
7. Marumo no Okite - randomE
8. Balto - Heritage of the Wolf
9. Hunger Games - Rue's Lullaby
10. Sword Art Online - Swordland
11. Safe and Sound - Taylor Swift
12. Ashitaka Sekki - Princess Monoke
13. Ousama no Uta - Airi Suzuki
14. Farewell - Pocahontas
15. We Actually Did it - Parent Trap
16. Sound the Bugle - Spirit
17. Don't Run Away - Amy Grant
18. There May Be Tears - Scott Cunningham Band


A Conclusion Statment

Dear Reader,
After this adventure in my life, everything went back to normal. Even though everyone is acting like it never happened. I still want to remember no matter how tragic it was. The Starcatchers and my friends completely failed their mission, but we did what had to be done. In God’s eyes, we did exactly how he wanted it. I still question Him sometimes about losing Peter and failing to protect him as I promised. I will never know if Peter accepted the Lord or not. Though I did. I can’t believe that I never gave my life to Jesus sooner. This mission would have never been successful if I didn’t believe in God. That is what this mission is all about. Not to believe in fairies or immortal beings (though it is helpful), but to fully believe in God. So that someday, we will be immortal beings like Peter, but better! I hope that you have the same enthusiasm as me. Currently Melana, Chelsie (she passed last month’s test), and I are busy doing many assigned missions. It’s almost near the end of the school year and I can’t wait for summer. Many of you are probably wondering, what about Peter? To be truthfully honest, I haven’t seen or heard from him since the last time we talked in Neverland. I don’t know if I will ever see him again. Who knows? The future is still unwritten. 
                                                     God Bless,
                                                             Elysea Pan


Peter watched Elysie, her dad, and her friends walk away from the attraction, fireworks started booming near the castle.
Time went backwards, it was only 9:17pm. 
Peter smiled, transparent tears fell on his hands. 
He longed to meet up with Elysie but he couldn’t because he was only a ghost of his former self, waiting for a call . . . A droning bell rung in the distance, disturbing his thoughts. 
There it is.
He wiped his tears, but was still tearing up uncontrollably.
“Stop crying . . . ghosts don’t cry,” he muttered, mostly to himself.
Peter, said a mysterious voice inside his head.
Peter decided to give up his futile attempts and rose to fly.
“Okay, I vaguely remember the procedure so can you talk me through it?” Peter asked out loud.
Sleeping Beauty Castle.
“Might as well say the castle, there is only one castle here.”
Then he launched himself from where he was standing and flew towards the castle.
As Peter flew, not one spark of a firework hit him. Then he swerved towards the front of the castle and hovered near the highest window. 
No one could see Peter or what was going to happen unless they too are ghosts. 
The bell drone slowly faded. 
He turned towards the crowd and saw Elysie and the group staring up sadly at the fireworks. 
Then the window opened, revealing a bright light in the inside. A white path slowly appeared under his feet.
Peter turned around and saw a man walking towards him.
“Welcome to the Vault,”the man said.
“Uh, thanks,”Peter replied.
The man then stretched his hand towards Peter.
Peter looked at the hand, then towards Elysie and the others, and then finally towards the entrance of the Vault.
“It’s time to move on,” the man said.
He nodded and slowly walked towards the man.
He took a step into the bright doorway.
All went white. 

Chapter 35: Star Light

We silently boarded off the ship and waited for the next ship with the rest if the group. 
Soon enough, we saw Melana and Uncle Mike come into view.
“What do you think happened, Dad?” I asked.
“He might have preserved Neverland in starstuff,”he replied.
“What happens when you preserve something with starstuff?”
“It comes to a standstill. From as far as I know, the entire island is dormant until further notice,”Jiang explained.
I nodded my head. The clouds that rained down earlier cleared up and a starry sky shone brightly. There were two stars that looked exactly like the second star to the right. 
I smiled sadly.
See you soon, Peter.
My dad hugged me and said,”Let’s go home.”
Park music started to play a song as we walked away:

Star light
Star bright
First star I see tonight
I wish, I may
I wish, I might
Have the wish 
I wish tonight
We’ll make a wish and do as dreamers do
And all our wishes
Will come true

Chapter 34: It All Goes Together

We did what Peter instructed us to do: connect in a circle and hold hands.
I felt anxious of what was going to happen but I couldn’t stop staring at Peter. 
He walked up a hill-like sand dune, the sun in his face. He turned around and smiled.
It took all my strength to hold my tears back. 
He pulled out his dagger and thrust it towards the sky, starstuff slowly encircling him. 
After a few seconds, he was completely enveloped in starstuff and exploded. 
Starstuff covered the vast surfaces of Neverland and encircled our group. 
I closed my eyes but I could still see the light through my eyelids. 
I heard a loud hum and all went black.
As I slowly got my feeling back, I felt a hard surface underneath me and a familiar Disney music.
I opened my eyes and I saw that I was back on the ride.
All was restored.

Chapter 33: See You Again

“Peter, what happens if you died tonight?”
“Why do you think that? I probably won’t die.”
“But what if you did when you least expect it?”
“Well, when you’re dead, you’re dead. Death is a whole another adventure in itself.”
“Liar,” I mumbled, “You didn’t come back.”
“I am glad that I have you as . . . uh great niece.”
Starstuff started rising from the ground, taking a form. They compounded together until every area of the form was complete. 
It flashed.
I opened my eyes when I felt a bright flash. I couldn’t believe what was in front of me.
There was Peter, standing their in his ridiculous green clad outfit.
The rest of the group stared at him in amazement and disbelief that their prayers actually were answered.
“Peter . . .,”I started and ran to hug him, but only to run right through.
“Sorry, but I am a unstable form of myself,”Peter explained.
“What?”Jiang asked.
“I came back because God gave me a second chance. No time for details because I need to do a job soon.”
“What job?” my dad asked.
“Seal Neverland and enter the Vault.”
“The Vault? You mean the Disney Vault?”Melana asked.
Peter nodded.
“Cool. I thought it was a phony thing that they mention to advertise their movie availability.”
“That’s what it’s pictured to be, but really it’s the holding place of all Disney characters.”Peter explained.
“How did you know about it?”Jon asked.
“Ever since a Disney character is animated, they instantly know of the Vault. But there is a catch. You can only enter it if you did a heroic deed . . . or make a wish come true. many princesses and characters passed and went into the vault . . . except me. I had a life, a real life. My story wasn’t heroic but normal. Yea, I saved people . . . but did my wish come true? Or anyone around me? Not really. That’s why I never lived in the Vault and lived here in Neverland for all these years. But, these several days, I did a heroic deed that wasn’t normal to me. I even risked death. For that . . . I am granted to finally enter the Vault.”
“But . . . what will happen to Neverland?” I asked.
“It will be sealed off from the world and freeze in time. It probably won’t unfreeze until I need it to,”Peter replied.
“What will happen to you?”Jiang asked.
“Another adventure of the unknown,”Peter said with a ghost of a smile. 
“Will I ever see you again?”I asked.
He just looked at me sadly.
“I don’t know. Maybe . . . but you probably won’t recognize me for a while,” he answered.
I hugged him and and imagined that I really was. He hugged me back and I could even feel it.
“See you again,”he whispered into my ear.
I let go of him and smiled. He returned the favor and waved to the group. 
“This is goodbye. It was great working alongside with you. I am truly grateful for all your help,”Peter said.
“Wait, how do we get home since there is no ride?”I asked.
The others looked at me, shocked.
“Once I seal Neverland and return to the Vault, then the ride will come back,”Peter answered cooly. 
I relaxed because that nightmare almost gave me a heart attack. 
The group came up to Peter to share their goodbyes, while I stood back, contemplating on what he said, Maybe . . . you probably won’t recognize me for a while.
What does he mean by “won’t recognize?”