Friday, May 31, 2013

Chapter 14: Prisoners

"Which cell?"Melana asked for the fifteenth time.
"It's that cell,"Jiang said, tiredly, to a section where there were rows of Mollusk girls.
"Why do they all have to look the same . . .,"Melana complained.
"I'll find her,"Peter said.
"No, you go find the Starcatchers down the hall,"Jiang said.
He nodded and walked down the hall.
"we got to do this fast, so pick up the pace. Move,"Jiang said harshly to both of them.
Melana rushed the cell area and looked for Tiger Lily. Most of the Mollusks were sleeping, it was really hard to tell them apart.
One girl really stood out thought, mostly because Melana recognized her. She was curled in the corner but she had a red headband with a white and red feather. Her hair was in two neat braids and she had a long tan colored dress with tan mocassins.
Melana unlocked the cell with the key that Jiang lent her. The Mollusk girl woke up and sprang to her feet, braced to run while holding a dagger towards Melana. Melana took a step back, but Jiang  kept her in the cell. 
At least Jiang will protect me, Melana thought.
"Um . . . is your name Tiger Lily?"Melana asked, her hands shaking in front of her.
The Mollusk girl nodded.
"I am Melana and behind me is Jiang. We are here to help you escape,"Melana continued.
Tiger Lily gave her a skeptical look, still kept her dagger braced,
"We come with Peter. We are taking you because you know the ways of the jungle. Once we beat these bad guys, we can release all the Mollusks and other people in this cell area,"Melana said. 
"How do I know that your not one of them?"Tiger Lily asked.
"Do I look like one of them?"Melana asked sarcastically back, gesturing to her J.U.S.S. uniform.
"She does,"Tiger Lily said, nodding to Jiang.
"I am a Starwatcher undercover. I am sorta like Peter except I can't fly all the time,"Jiang replied.
Tiger Lily's eyes danced between Melana and Jiang, deciding if she can trust them.
She sheathed her dagger and said,"I will help you, but only if you promise to release my tribe once we are finished."
Jiang and Melana both nodded.
Peter rushed down the hall, looking for a none Mollusk men. He then spotted three cells of men who didn't look like all the other natives. 
He quickly unlocked all three of the cells. Then went to each one, shaking them, saying,"Get up."
They all mumbled and groaned, but they eventually woke up after five seconds.
He grabbed them impatiently by the arm and dragged them outside their cell until all of them were standing in a line, confused looks shot towards Peter. 
"Are you the Starcatcher group?'Peter asked in a deep, gruff voice to hide his usually pitched voice.
They all nodded.
"Good, come with me,"Peter said, turning to walk towards Jiang.
"What's happening?"One of them asked.
"Are you going to ask questions the entire time?"Peter asked, sarcastically.
The man shook his head.
"Good. I am your escape guy. I need you to help retake Neverland,"Peter replied.
"Are you a renegade Other?"Another man asked.
"See? There you go with the questions again,"Peter said, throwing his arms in the air.
They decided to shut their mouths and follow him silently.
As Peter met up with Jiang, one of the Starcatchers ran and hugged her,
"Jiang! Are you all right?","the Starcatcher asked.
"I am fine dad,"Jiang said, cooly.
"Dad?"Melana asked, Tiger Lily trailing behind her.
"Yes. Sorry, my name is Robert Pan, Jiang's father,"Robert said.
"Tiger Lily?"Peter said, his eyes lighting up.
"Peter? You're safe,"Tiger Lily said, running up and hugging him.
"Peter? As in Peter Pan?"One of the Starcatchers asked.
"It can't be,"Another one mumbled.
Peter lifted his hood and replied,"Yes."
They gasped and muttered between themselves.
A man with lite brown hair came up to Peter and said,"I am Jon Pan. Do you happen to know Elysea?"
"Yes. She came here looking for you but we had a errand in the real world. She stayed behind because of complications but she told me to find you. And I did,"Peter replied.
Jon grinned.
"As you can see there is me, Robert, and Mike Schull. We will help you with anything. It's our mission,"Jon said.
"Good,"Peter said, then turned to Jiang,"We need to get going. We have been here long enough."
Jiang nodded.
"Okay, we are going to exit this area as silently as possible. If we are caught up by Others, take them down. Clear?"Peter said.
Everyone nodded.
"Let's do this."

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