Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Chapter 10: Peter

I quickly unzipped our tent and creeped outside of it.
No noise was heard.
"What is it?" whispered Melana.
"I don't know," I replied back.
I creeped forward even more, but I saw no one but rocks.
"I am sensing a low starstuff signature somewhere in this area. I think it's a Watcher but their power source is extremely low," Jiang whispered.
Peter,I thought. Jiang seemed to have read my expression because she gave me a nod.
I started to get up when Melana yelled,"Elysie! Look out!"
I felt someone grab my left arm and twist it harshly behind my back.
I yelled in pain.
Then I was slammed into the cave wall, both of my arms pinned behind my back, and a dagger at my throat.
"Who are you and what do you want?" a boy's voice said from behind me.
Instead of answering, I tried to squirm out of the boy's grasp to see who it is.
But he slammed me back to the wall again.
"Answer me."
I rolled my eyes.
"I am here to do you no harm. I had no idea I walked into your slumber party. Just here to find my father, that's all,"I said.
"Didn't I just say," I started, but then I rethought because I am not going to be suckered, so I said,"You know, if you stop slamming me into this not-so-pleasant-tasting wall, maybe I will tell you my reasons."
I felt his grip loosen for a second. And boy did I take advantage of that little second.
I pushed the boy with my hands and grabbed the dagger's hilt from behind my head. I then twisted the boy's arm around so that it pointed towards him. He grunted in pain but I didn't care because I wanted to know who he was.
That entire thing happened in a span of three seconds.
He looked at me with defiance but his skin was so white that he almost looked like a ghost. His red hair was looked more limp and his bones were so frail that I could break his arm with one karate chop.
"Peter . . .Pan," I muttered.
"How did you know I was here?" Peter asked, his voice becoming very cracked as if he had a sore throat.
"Um, we didn't. Actually we were just camping here for the night,"I said. Not sarcastically because it was totally true.
Peter stared at me, his eyes beckoning me to answer his question in full.
"I am a half-Starcatcher and a a group of Starcatchers came here several hours ago but we lost them. I am looking for them because one of them is my dad,"I said.
Peter nodded slowly, then asked,"half-Starcatcher?"
"Yea, I don't do all the cool starstuff . . . stuff."
"Ah, kinda got it now."
"Okay! Now, if you please don't mind, don't try to kill us, okay?" I asked.
He just shrugged.
I grabbed both of his arms gently and tied them swiftly together with my head band. He gave me a annoyed look.
"Just in case,"I said.
I escorted him to our tent.
When we got inside, Melana and Jiang sat in awe.
I sat Peter next to me and I untied his hands, threw his dagger towards Melana, and gave him my power bar and water.
He stared at it but then started to tentatively eat and drink.
"So, I am Elysie and they are Melana and Jiang. Jiang's a Watcher, just like you, and Melana is just a friend helping out in this mission," I said.
Peter stared at them, then said,"How did you guys get here?"
Jiang held up the pod.
"We saw the video and we gladly responded to the call,"Melana said.
"What's those weird uniforms that you and Elysie are wearing?"
"We are Junior Secret Service agents. We are trained in the art of combat and military works."
Peter nodded, impressed by Melana's kinda too flowery statement.
"You probably may know me already from this Disney guy, so I don't really need to give a introduction of what I do and why I am here,"Peter said sarcastically.
 "Do you, by any chance, know or met Jon Pan?" I asked.
"Pan? Not that I know of. My parents abandoned me at birth. they had good intentions but I haven't seen them or contact with my family since,"Peter replied.
"Well, he is your great cousin and so am I."
"I am a Pan too. Since you are older than me, I used to call you Uncle Peter."
"Uncle Peter? I feel so old just hearing that."
"My dad, Jon, came here to respond to your call for help, but I don't know what happened to him until he asked me for help. I am here to find my dad but now, I think I will add to help you take back Neverland because I think it's partially my fault."
"Did you send the Others?"
"No, but close to that."
Peter waited for an answer, intently staring at my eyes and trying to see inside them. His piercing brown eyes creeped me out.
"Well . . . you see . . . how should I put this . . . I didn't believe in you, fairies, and Neverland, at all. No, at first! But . . . yea,"I said, stuttering most of the time. I looked down, too ashamed to look into his eyes, which showed a hint of betrayal. There was a awkward silence.
"But, you believe now? Right?" Peter asked, with hope in his voice.
I nodded.
"Well that's perfect! As long as you believe, I am fine with that,"Peter said, forgiving me quickly.
"Well, I hate to break this family reunion but we need to make a plan. A smart plan,"Jiang said.
"What kind of smart plan?"Melana asked
"A plan of attack, dumby. No, a plan of how to open a milk carton which I can see that it is a mission impossible,"Jiang replied sarcastically.
"Say you plan,"I said.
"First, we need to scout out the entire island; mostly to find where the Others are and where the civilians are trapped. Second, we need to find the Starcatchers and asked them to be part of our cause or send them home if they physically or mentally can not do it. Third, track where the starstuff is so that the Others can't get to it,"Jiang explained.
We all nodded in agreement.
"Wait, these Others, they're not normal,"Peter pointed out.
"Yea, we all know about that. Is there any additional information that wasn't listed in your previous Disney World adventures?" I asked.
Peter was about to say something but Jiang interrupted,"The King. He seems to be the leader of the Others. His plan is to rule Neverland, He on some kind of universal conquest. We do not know of his powers because we never seen or confronted him before. But he is full evil and darkness. And this dangerous demon is roaming on that island. I can sense his darkness a mile away because he is that evil. Lord Ombra and the Skeleton is on the plot too. We are barely fighting anyone normal."
"How did you know that?"Peter asked, curiously.
"Just know. It must be my super accurate Watcher gene,"Jiang said proudly. Peter just stared at her in distaste, clearly not liking her comment.
"Wait until I become a better Watcher then you,"Peter commented. Then Jiang started to get mad, but cooled down quickly. They were clearly not hitting it off.
"Well, I learned about the King in a prophecy,"Jiang said, trying to keep her voice at a cool level.
We all stared at her, waiting to her the prophecy.
'Why do I have to do all the talking,"Jiang said sarcastically, but then continued and said,"Day and night the King will reign. No one pays attention to the King, for he rules the depths of darkness. The King became ruthless and kills anyone he sees, just so that people will pay attention to him. The King's reign will end when Cephas plungers Curtana into his dark, evil heart. But Cephas will be trapped as a black night, dwelling in the heart of a innocent person. Cephas will not be released until he believes in the real King, who will help him realize his true self."
"It sounds like it is incomplete,"I muttered.
"Yea, after the plunge, it gets vague,"Melana added.
"Curtana . . . that's the sword of mercy!"Peter said.
"Yea. I got that one. But, who's Cephas?"I asked.
Jiang just stared at us, waiting for us to get it but we clearly were taking some time to think.
"Wait . . . in Bible school, Cephas means rock . . . but it also means Peter. Because Simon Peter was one of Jesus's disciples and sometime they referred him as "Cephas","Melana said.
"Wait, hold it. You're saying that I am going to approach this super dark King with the Sword of Mercy and plunge it into his heart? That sounds totally psycho. Curtana is faraway! There is no way I can get it,"Peter said.
"Not unless you activate the tip,"Jiang said.
"Activate the tip?"
"Yep, If you activate it, you can summon the sword anytime you want."
"But, I don't have it with me right now."
"It's in Hangman's Tree. I know it's there because I can sense it's starstuff signature."
Peter stared at her again in jealousy, but then said,"Do you know how to activate it?"
"Just leave it to me. I know."
"Well, I guess we are heading to Hangman's Tree,"I said.
As we were packing up, we were interrupted with noise outside our cave. I ran out and saw ninjas climbing up the ragged rock walls toward our cave. I took my sniper gun from my pack and shot at the closest ninja, in the leg of course. The ninja dissolved to dust. I ran back towards the others.
"Pack up our stuff. Ninjas are coming. If you shoot them, they dissolve into some black dust,"I said. Everyone nodded.
"Peter, take cover. They may be after you,"I said. Peter nodded and hid behind the rocks while the  others and I prepared. Melana and I got out our sniper guns and loaded them. Then we put our daggers in our tiny sheath on our belt. Jiang looked out.
"Need a weapon?'I offered.
"No thanks. I got this,"she said, then her hand lit up and a gold ball was in her hands.
"Since I am a Watcher, I have the power of the starstuff. This is just weak starstuff that can throw a punch. I can create real starstuff that can make you fly though,"Jiang said, then thought a little more and added,"I also took five years in martial arts."
Jiang crept towards the opening.
The first ninjas jumped. Jiang blasted them with starstuff bolts and they bursted into dust.
I jumped from behind my rock and shot a few, Melana did the same. I felt a presence behind me and I saw a group of ninjas advancing around Melana and I, trapping us in a circle. I tried shooting them, but they were too many and too close that I couldn't see. I tried to look at Jiang, but there were so many that I couldn't see past their darkness. I slowly started to lose hope.
Peter watched in frozen terror behind his rock as he saw the crowd of ninjas walk from the shadows.
I gotta do something. 
Peter looked around, wondering who said that.
"What?"Peter mumbled.
Confused, Peter sat there, trying to comprehend that voice that sounded like it came from his heart and everywhere else.
Maybe I should go.
He felt around and his hands clasped his dagger's hilt. He pull it out and jumped from his hiding spot, with a surge of courage flowing through him.
A few ninjas noticed but he slashed them through with one swing.
I need to free Elysie and Melana.
Peter got to Melana and Elysie's spot and attacked the ninjas. In the midst of his attack, his arm felt like it was on fire.
Peter grunted in pain and thought, Push through the pain, you can do this.
He let his adrenaline take control.
I braced myself, but the ninjas around me quickly dissolved into nothing. I saw Peter standing, braced for more with his dagger in his hand.
He just doesn't know when to quit.
"Go help Jiang, I will watch your back,"Peter commanded.
I grabbed Melana and we rushed to Jiang's aid.
I yelled and shot at all the ninjas I could see. Finally, when all was silent, I looked up. There were no ninjas in sight. Not even a clump of dust was seen. It was like the entire attack was a nightmare.
I saw Jiang looking over the edge.
"What's up?'I asked, sheathing my gun.
Jiang pointed towards Melana, who was barely holding on to a rock.
"Melana! Hold on!"I yelled.
I attempted to climb down, but the height was nauseating.
"I'll levitate down,"Jiang said, like it fazed her.
She slowly walked off the edge and floated in mid air. Then she slowly let herself don.
I waited patiently. Then I remembered Peter.
"Peter!"I called. No answer.
"Oh God, please let him be alright,"I mumbled as I ran back into the cave.
I looked around the walls but he was no where to be found.
Then I heard a barely audible,"Here," from behind the rocks.
I quickly rushed over to the now silent sound source and found Peter sitting behind one of the rocks, grasping his left arm in pain. I kneeled in front of him.
"Let me see,"I said.
He slowly let go and groaned in pain. I saw a deep "ninja like" sword slit that went up his upper arm. Don't want to go into the bloody details, but let's just say there was a lot of 'fruit punch'. I took my pack off, unzipped it, and pulled out a gauze pad. I ripped the package open and gave the gauze to Peter.
"Hold it firm,"I said, placing it firmly on the long bleeding slit.
"It's . . . so  . . . cold,"Peter barely mustered to say, eyes slowly closing now.
I noticed that looked more whiter then before, or if so, more transparent and he felt like a ice cube.
This is bad, I'm loosing him.
I took off my jacket and placed it over him.
"Hang in there,"I said as I got up.
I sprinted over to the end of the cave, while Melana and Jiang were sitting down, reminiscing their fright.
"Guys, Peter's down and bad,"I said.
"Got it,"Jiang said, in the most annoying nonchalantly way possible.
 Why does nothing seem to surprise this girl? She acts so calm, so all-in-control.
Of course, as you can see, a hint of jealousy seem to develop in me.
I lead Jiang and Melana towards Peter's spot. Unfortunately, Melana couldn't keep her power bar inside her so she had to sit out for a while.
Jiang knelt in front of Peter and grabbed his arm. Peter groaned in pain, but quieter then before.
Then Jiang created a more soft starstuff glow. Unlike the fiery low signature starstuff balls, this starstuff seem more pure, more milk and honey like. I stared at the starstuff in utter awe. Couldn't think a thought, couldn't say a word.
If only I can touch it .  . . 
Then I heard the bells.
Bells! Music! So peaceful . . . 
I started going googly eyes when Jiang said,"Snap out of it, El. It's just a side affect, get used to it if you want to go in the Starcatcher business."
My jealousy snapped me back into reality.
She gently removed the gauze and turned her hand over the long slit, letting the contents fall onto Peter's arm.
In front of my eyes, the slit closed up and only a pink scar slit was left.
I stood in awe and said,"Woah, that's a miracle."
"Nah, just one of those ordinary miracles,"Jiang said.
Peter slowly started to relax and slept comfortably.
I shivered underneath my J.U.S.S. coat which isn't the most warmest outwear to be wearing in snowy weather.
"So, Jiang, how did you get your starstuff powers?"I asked.
"I don't really remember. I was just bored in the Chinese orphanage and played with my hands. And then a gold ball appeared in my hands. At first, I was super tired when I made my first starstuff ball because after that, I fell asleep for hours. Definitely exhausted. But now, I am getting used to it. It's when I do the big 'bling bling' is when I get extremely exhausted,"Jiang said.
"Bling bling?"
"Yea, it's when you do the big magic stuff. You have to have a really immune and strong starstuff flow in your system to withstand the side affects. I only have enough energy to do one every month because my starstuff power doesn't regenerate that fast. The last bling bling that I did was when I covered my home in a large globe of starstuff. To make us invincible when a attack comes. No one can get inside without my permission. Though I collapsed and slept for two weeks. I couldn't levitate or do starstuff tricks for a month. I have slow regeneration."
"Is that why you can only levitate and not fly?"
Jiang nodded, then looked towards Peter.
"But, maybe he can do big stuff without taking a breathe. Peter can fly already. All he needs to know is how to attack with starstuff,"Jiang said.
"You think he can do that right now if he could?"
"What? No way Jose. It seems like the Others took a majority of his starstuff portions in him and et him weak. Right now, he is as fragile as a 103 year old man."
"Isn't that his age? 103?"
"Yup. Since he doesn't have the starstuff to substance his immune system and health, he has the same affects as a really old person has in a 12 year old body."
"That's  . . .  not pleasant."
"Tell me about it. If only we can find his shadow, we may restore his starstuff contents."
"Yes, Peter's shadow has all his starstuff signature in it. When he is connected with his shadow, he can fly and do as many things as he wants. His shadow contains probably hundreds of trunks of starstuff. Super powerful. But if it's in the hands of the King . . . it can do impeccable evil."
None of us said a word after that.
Peter slowly started stirring and his eyes opened slightly.
"Is it bad?" He asked, his voice sounding a little more stronger then last.
"See for yourself,"Jiang said.
Peter painfully looked down towards his arm and his eyes went wide, like saucer plates.
"How did  . . . how did you heal it?" Peter asked.
"Hmm, some starstuff was involved,"Jiang replied.
"Your starstuff magic."
"You have to teach me sometime."
"Yea, maybe I will once you get your shadow back."
Peter seemed totally let down by the comment. He stared at the ground.
"Okay, we need to start heading out towards Hangman's Tree, the ocean is completely frozen solid by now so it's solid enough for us to walk,"I said.
I walked close to the cracks of the cave and the air was so cold that I let out a shiver.
Through my uncontrollably chattering teeth I said,"Me-la-na . . . ho-w yo-u d-oi-ng . .?"
"Fine,"Melana said, from her corner.
I skipped away from the crack and regained control of my jaw but not my shivers.
Melana walked up to me and asked,"Do you have another jacket?"
I shook my head.
"Let's get going,"I said.
We picked up our bags and packed up our stuff.
Jiang, Peter, Melana, and I walked to the edge of the cave.
Jiang picked up Peter and lowered herself to the ground below.
"Elysie, do you think we will be able to get through?"Melana asked.
"It's in God's hands,"I said.
We climbed down the wall.
"We sent out our men to Skull Rock, but none came back,"Skeleton said to the King, disappointment in his voice.
"You mean they got away?"the King asked.
The Skeleton nodded his head, fearful if he was going to be punished.
The King cursed and yelled,"We have to contain that Pan!"
"Yes, King,"the Skeleton said curtly.
"How about three Pan's,"Ombra said, emerging from the shadows.
"Three?"the King questioned.
"There are three other girls with him. Two are related to him,"Ombra continued.
"Who are they?"
"Elysea Pan and Jiang Pan. The other girl is Melana Chase."
"I want them all in custody. Find them and bring them to me. You can handle them anyway but bring them in one piece."
"Yes King."
At that, Ombra submerged into the shadows.

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