Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Chapter 12: Happiest Place on Earth

We walked along the solid ocean in a silent matter. I shivered and cuddled my arms even though i had five layers on. Peter just walked ahead in just a trenchcoat that didn't look too warm.
"Where did you get that?"I asked.
"From my den. It seemed nice and you were freezing,"Peter replied.
"Why is there a empty sword sheath?"I asked, noticing a long sheath for a long sword, strapped to his back.
"Don't know. It's just empty,"Peter said.
"Are you scared?"
"Scared? Of what?"
"The Others."
It seemed to hit a nerve because he tensed up.
"No. They just look inferior behind their weapons but behind that, they are wimps,"Peter replied coldly.
"You know, I was scared to go into this mission. I suck at combat. To be honest, I am just a techy,"I confessed.
"A techy?"
"Yea, a person who handles computers and stuff like that."
"I don't care for them, personally. How is that fun?"
"In the real world, it's a way of life."
There was a silence as we trudged one the solid ice. Snow started to drift again that I could barely see Skull Rock, which was looming ahead.
"Why aren't you flying?"\
"Because. . . ,"Peter started, but spaced out in the distance,"I don't feel like it."
"You are such a liar,"I teased.
There was a harsh silence. He started to get fidgety by rubbing his finger back and forth on his lower lip.
"Tell me. It's not gonna hurt,"I said, trying to assure him.
He gave me a long look, then he made his decision and confessed,"Ombra took my shadow. I don't know how, maybe he connected with it, but he did. It was the exact time, if I could remember, when Neverland changed in five or maybe six . . . I don't know, let's just say very short seconds . . . and that's when Tink died." His voice breaking when he mentioned the late fairy.
We walked up to Skull Rock in silence. As we were climbing towards the eye hole, I said,"It's my fault that Tink died."
Peter cut in and said,"I know. I sorta forgive you."
Th 'sorta' had a cold edge to it that I did not like.
We finally reached the eyehole and helped each other, balance ourselves out.
"Do you remember which direction we jump towards?"I asked.
"Outside. Give me the pod,"Peter said.
I took out the pod from my jacket pocket. I held it out and Peter held to the pod too.
Then, we jumped.
I felt the wind rushing past my ears and I saw the ocean surface coming way too fast.
God, please make this work.
Just as I prayed that prayer, whiteness surrounded us.
I held in my scream this time and so did Peter.
The whiteness slowly faded and I saw the miniature Neverland below.
I let out my breathe.
"We made it,"I said.
Peter paid no mind to me. He was mesmerized by all of the ride's features.
Our little ship turned the corner and I saw the long, yet reassuring, line. I took in the warm air because I was still cold from my swim in the Mollusk Sea. As we got off our ship and left the attraction, I took of my bubble coat and deflated it because it was warm enough to just have my 'wet' J.U.S.S jacket. Peter kept his coat on to keep his cover.
We approached the Sword in the Stone, but there was a lot of people around it; taking pictures and trying to pull it out.
"We can't do it right now. Theres too many people out,"I said.
"So what do we do?"Peter asked.
I looked around and saw a lot of attractions.
 Oh yea.
"You know, we are in Disneyland; a.k.a. The Happiest Place on Earth! We can't leave without having a little fun,"I said.
Peter just stared at me, uninterested.
"Come on party-pooper,"I said, grabbing his arm and lead him out of Fantasyland. Just to get a little more freedom from the Peter Pan ride.
"What do you feel like going on?"I asked.
"Are you sure that we have the time?"
"What? Have you become a time-checking freak? Where's the fun in being that? Come on, you're Peter Pan. Fun is your forte."
"Well, yea. But I don't feel like doing my forte right now."
"Come one. Right now it's 7:25. We will wait till the firework show, which is at 9:00, then we sneak in and do our stuff. Easy, we have lots of time to kill."
Peter looked around and released a smile from his ghostly face. That was the first time I ever saw him smile since I met him in the dull Skull Rock. It was like once he smiled, the world just got a little bit happier.
"Where to?"I asked.
He shrugged and said,"I don't know . .  . something fast. Not slow."
"Space Mountain."
"What's that?"
"You'll see."
I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards Tomorrowland. As we approached the strange white building, Peter was staring in awe at all the different attractions to choose from.
"You are gonna have to get used to it sometime or another,"I teased.
As we walked inside, we got in line. The line was going way to slow for my liking.
Impatient after all the hall turning and finally reached the main boarding area, I whispered to Peter,"Follow me, try no to be seen."
I then speed walked silently outside the line. I looked and saw people boarding the ride.
"Come on,"Peter said.
He then started jumping over people's heads at a astounding speed and height, occasionally using the line barriers for take offs. No one noticed. He then hopped to the boarding deck, smirking at me.
"Show off,"I mumbled.
I vaulted over the line post and barely missed a man's shoulder but then I jumped on another waiting post, pushing me into the air again. I tried my best to keep completely 'ninja' silent. I landed next to Peter. No one noticed because lots of people were talking and taking pictures of themselves. Or flat out bored of waiting that they were dozing off.
I looked towards Peter and gave him a smirk.
He laughed back at me.
Another 'ship' stopped at our boarding deck.
Peter and I sat in the front. We were both jumping in our seats. Then the ride started. As we were slowly climbing through a tunnel, Peter said,"Why is it so slow?"
Before I could answer, we shot through the dark surroundings. I was laughing as we zoomed through the stars with twists and turns.
"Up ahead, they are going to take your picture,"I said, through my laughing.
Then a bright light flashed. After that, the ride was over.
I looked over at Peter and he was laughing too.
"Come on, let's see our picture,"I said.
We walked over to the picture screens and it showed our picture.
I did a gun pose while Peter did a funny ninja pose, his fist near my face,
I gave him a mean stare.
I then checked my watch and it read 8:25.
"We have time for more rides,"I said.
After that, we went crazy.
We visited the Matterhorn, Splash Mountain, Thunder Mountain, and Indiana Jones Adventure.
Of course, we had to cut in line. After our ride tour, the clock read 9:00.
People slowly walked towards the Main Street area.
"Time to start,"I said.
"Yea. Thanks for the fun,"Peter said.
I grinned.
Then I gave him a Space Mountain picture and a picture that we took in front of the Matterhorn.
"For keeps, so you never forget,"I said.
"Thanks,"Peter said, taking the photos and putting them in his coat.
I made my mind and I decided to ask him what I was itching to ask him.
"Peter, what happens if you died today?"I asked.
"Why do you think that? I probably won't die today because I have been dealing with this problem for a very long time in weak conditions. I am in a stronger condition right now."
"What if you did when you least expect it? What will happen? Just think."
"Well . .  . when you're dead, you're dead. Dying is a whole another adventure in itself."
"Do you think there is a afterlife?"
"Not really, I really haven't made my mind on that one. I never really had to consider the death possibility before. I am not that religious."
"would you end up in heaven or hell? If they are real."
"Because I save other and make their lives safer."
"You need Jesus to go to heaven."
"Saving people just doesn't cut it if it isn't for God."
"Because that is just the way it is since Adam ate the bad fruit."
"Adam? Jesus? God? Elysie, all of this sound like those old, white-haired, religious guys who are no fun."
"There is a God, and he is fun all the way. I can prove it."
"Prove it."
"We will pray that we can take Neverland back and destroy the King."
"How do you know that he will answer?"
"He will."
Peter stared at me but sensed that I was completely confident.
"Okay,"Peter mumbled.
I grinned.
We both closed our eyes and I spoke,"Dear God, thank you that you got us this far in this hard mission. I am praying that you will help us defeat the King and take back Neverland. I pray that you will work in all of us. I pray that we will all commit this journey to you. Amen."
We opened our eyes.
"I don't feel anything special,"Peter said.
"You usually don't. You will see the difference soon enough,"I said.
"Why should I commit this mission to some invisible being?"
"Because that invisible being is going to take back Neverland."
We walked silently towards the Sword in the Stone.
"How do I get to heaven? If there is one,"Peter asked.
"You have to believe and accept Jesus into your life."
Peter thought for a long time.
"Do you know who Jesus is?"I asked.
"Yea, we had to read all about Him in this huge book that no liked to read at St.Norberts,"Peter said.
"It's the Bible. Once you learn to love Him, you can see the exciting things that are in the Bible."
"So, just for review's sake, if I believe in Jesus. I can go to heaven when I die?"
"Yep. Once your prayed the sinner's prayer."
Peter nodded slowly.
The music started to blare through all the speakers surrounding the Sleeping Beauty Castle.
"It's time,"Peter said.
We then sprinted towards Fantasyland but saw line barriers set in front of all the entrances. No one was inside though. Peter jumped over and I rolled under.
We ran towards the Sword in the Stone and when we reached it, Peter stood behind the stone and I was on the side. He then took out the tip.  
As Peter took out the tip, he heard a voice inside of him say, Repent of your sins.
Repent of my sins? What's sin?
It didn't answer, Peter was left confused.
"Are you gonna fo it or not?"Elysie asked.
"Yea, sorry,"Peter said.
Sins are the all the things that are bad.
Okay, so bad things. Got it. Repent of bad things . .  why didn't you just say that?
It didn't answer again.
Peter slowly raised the tip above the hilt. He gently placed it on the handle and the stone began to hum. The tip lit so brightly that he could barely see it but a gold light. The tip slowly sank or melted into the sword's hilt. As it went down the sword turned golden bright in the areas it passes. Then the sword flashed and a giant shock wave swept Peter and Elysie of their feet. Peter grabbed onto the hilt for a grip while Elysie tumbled onto the main road.
Once it passed, Peter scrambled to his feet.
He saw specks of starstuff floating everywhere.
Peter grabbed the hilt and felt a surge of energy that was overwhelming. But comfortable familiar that he almost felt like his old self again.
He gently pulled the sword out of the stone until it was all the way out. The sword was as long as his leg and the tip was fully restored at the end that it never looked like it broke off in the first place. The blade had a soft, gold color.
"Beautiful,"Peter mumbled.
Elysie just walked over in awe ar the sword.
Peter looked at his empty sword sheath that had been hanging uselessly on his back. He slid the sword into his sheath and it was a perfect fit.
"Now that's why it's there,"Elysie said.
Peter nodded and said,"We need to get back to Neverland."
Elysie nodded and they ran to the attraction. 
It was not in operation though.
"How do we get back?"Peter asked.
Elysie looked careful at the ride.
"We can't get back, but maybe you can,"Elysie concluded.
"We need someone here to operate this ride. It doesn't automatically do it by itself."
"So, you are going to say?"
Elysie nodded, a sad look in her eyes and said,"I much as I hate staying here. . . I have to. Its the way God wants it to be. Go and save Neverland. I will male sure that every Other who escapes will be caught."
Peter smiled and gave her a quick hug. And when he meant quick, it was quick. Hugging people always have been so awkward to him. 
"I am glad to have you as a  . .  .uh . . great-niece,"Peter said, gritting at the words 'great-niece'.
Man, I feel so old when I say that,He thought.
"Make sure you bring my dad home safe,"Elysie said.
Peter nodded.
They approached the attraction, holding their heads high.
Not knowing that it will be the last time they will see each other for a very long time.

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