Saturday, May 4, 2013

Chapter 11: Hangman's Tree

Our 'walk' across the sea was long (about an hour or two) but we finally reached the shores of the mainland. I was surprised that there was barely anyone or creature around.
No sound at all. Just a silent gloom.
It creeped me out and sent shivers up my spine, not talking about the cold which was still freezing.
"Where did everyone go?"I asked.
"Held captive,"Peter said, walking up to me.
"They captured everyone?"
"Seems like it."
I shivered even more, the air has gotten colder than it was before. Definitely more challenging for me to stand.
"We better get to Hangman's Tre, it's getting really cold,"I said.
We trudge through, what seems to be the Jungle of Doom or Doomland.
Evil was everywhere. I'm no 'starperson' but I could definitely sense evil everywhere.
After pushing a few branches and tripping over bushes, we finally reached the tree (which was gloomy too).
There were different trap doors and entrances.
"Okay Peter, which one is the 'least thrilling'?"I asked.
He pointed towards the lowest one.
Melana lifted the stone over the entrance and hopped in. The Jiang, Peter, and me.
As I jumped and hit the floor, it took me a long time to adjust to the dark. There were various rugs, a big bed, and different coves and holes that seemed to be scattered everywhere. Though it all seemed . . . messy, it looked more trashed because everything was turned over and ransacked.
"What happened?"I muttered.
Peter, close enough to hear me, answered,"The Others found our hideout and took every Lost Boy,"Peter said.
I nodded.
"Is that your room?"Melana asked, pointing to a bear rug draped over a doorway.
He nodded.
Jiang and I walked up and just as we pulled the drap aside, random things started falling out. I ignored those factors and dug through the mess for the tip.
"It's over here,"Peter directed, walking over to some sort of closet.
He pushed through a few things and revealed a small vault with some sort of keyhole and keyboard.
"Wow, techy,"Melana commented.
"Yea, the Imagineers made it for me to keep the pod in but I decided to put more important things in it,"Peter said.
He pulled out a gold locket , which was hanging from his neck, and placed it in the keyhole and it gave off a warm, golden light. Then he typed in a password that I could not see.
The vault unlocked and we helped him pull it open.
There were various things inside but Peter pulled a purple, velvet drawstring bag. He then shut the vault and locked it. He pulled the drawstrings apart and pulled out a golden, silver, tip.
"This is the tip,"Peter said, handing it to me.
"I was supposed to turn it in with the sword but I forgot,"Peter added.
"Do you know how to summon the sword?"Melana asked.
"Nope. Didn't even know that I could,"Peter said.
"Do you know, Jiang?"I asked.
"I have a theory that I think may be true,"Jiang said, unsureness in her voice.
We waited for her to say more.
"Okay, well, we can't connect it with star-rock, we will have to do it with the resources here in the U.S. There is a starstuff signature in Disneyland,"Jiang said.
"What is it?"I asked.
"The Sword in the Stone,"Jiang replied.
"What? That hunky piece of metal? Sorry to say, but I yanked it a couple of times but I felt no 'light and airy feeling',"I said. Obviously no one but Melana knew what I was talking about.
"Sorry, she's a book reader,"Melana blurted.
"Well, we need the person who wants to summon the sword to stab the hilt of the sword in the stone with the tip. The sword in the stone will let the tip sink through it's hilt,"Jiang explained.
"Then you pull the sword out of the stone but it isn't the phony one, but the sword of mercy,"Peter continued.
"Woah, that's so cool, but creepy though,"Melana commented.
"That's doable though. How do we get back?"I asked.
"I can adjust the pod. Give it to me please,"Jiang said, reaching out her hand for the pod. I gave it to her. She then lit starstuff on her hand and touched the pod and held it for ten seconds.
"This pod is now reset to activate anytime you get near a certain location in Skull Rock and in the middle of the ride,"Jiang explained. 
"Nice. You know, I really want you to teach me this starstuff stuff,"I teased.
"I highly think you will fail,"Jiang replied back in a matter-of-fact way.
"What about me?"Peter asked.
"You're a possibility,"Jiang replied.
"Possibility?"Peter said distate.
"Man, make us feel like losers,"I added.
We all shared a moment of hushed laughter.
While the girls were flinging weird jokes that Peter could not understand, he decided to explore his den.
As Peter walked into his den, he looked around.
He picked up his pan pipe that happened to be thrown on the floor when it's supposed to be on top of his small table. He gently cleaned it with the bottom of his shirt. As he placed the pan pipe in his belt, his eyes strayed to a black trench coat with white trims. Peter walked over and picked up the coat. It had many straps and pockets, plus a empty sheaths for a long sword, dagger, and a shot gun. 
That's odd, I never had this in my collection.
Then he looked at the tag and it said, WISHES - White International Secret Hierarchy Enforcement System.
Woah, long name there.
He then looked outside and saw how cold it was.
It wouldn't hurt if I wear it for this winter weather.
Peter then slipped it on, he felt a rush of something going through his soul.
He gasped because he was taken aback by strange thoughts.
Thoughts that he could not comprehend, thoughts that sucked his youth out of his soul and replaced with a identity of . . . revenge. He felt more braver and wiser then he was before.
What is this?
I saw Peter walk out with a black coat on him.
"Nice coat. Can I have mine back?"I asked.
He threw my bubble coat at me. Something was strange because he stared at me with a weird glint  in his eyes. He then snapped his fingers in the air.
Everyone stopped talking and looked towards him.
"I have a plan,"Peter declared, with a odd strength in his voice that he didn't speak with befoe.
"Cool, nice to see you better. What is it?"Jiang asked.
"We need to split up. Two people go and find the prisoners. Try to release as many as possible. Do not hesitate to fight a Other. One of you needs to come with me to claim the Sword of Mercy. Who's in?"Peter said.
"I'm in,"I said.
"Me too,"Melana replied. Jiang gave him a nod.
"So, I decided that Elysie and I will cross over and Jiang and Melana search. Once you found everyone, make sure to hide them or cross the bridge if necessary,"Peter directed.
We all nodded.
Where did he start to plan? Let alone, get the strength to do it?
"Let's go,"Peter said, walking up the stairs.
I followed after him, praying in my mind that God will keep all of us safe.
Jiang and Melana watched as they rushed in a hurry,
"Peter senses the time is near. When the King will put his plan into full action,"Jiang said.
"What? You mean this isn't the worst?"Melana asked.
"The King is evil, he knows that we are here. If we don't stop resisting, which we are, war might break out."
"Yea, war towards Peter. They are after him for something. They may just want him. They know that Peter's weak point is his relationships. That's why we need to find them right now while Peter gets the weapon that can defeat the King."
"We better start looking."
They walked up the stairs, through the trap door, and into the forest.
As they neared the Mollusk village walls, Melana's gaze strayed to a hut outside the walls.
Peter and the Lost Boy's first shelter.
"I will go check this hut,"Melana said.
As she walked up, she saw a old sign that said:
As she looked closely, she saw really bad handwriting, some newly written then others that seemed older, she could make out:
Peter             James                 Tubby Ted                    
       Thomas              Pretniss
Slightly        Nibs                         Cubby
        The Twins          Tootles              
She smiled and walked into the hut. 
It was empty but a few stray things were thrown about and a bed was lone in a corner. She looked around and under the bed. There was a heap of stuff under there. Melana pushed the bed away from it's original spot and pushed things out of the way. She gasped.
There was a piece of wood, shaped like a square. She slowly lifted the plank and saw a big hole underneath it.
"Jiang,"Melana said, harshly.
No answer.
She then got up and went outside.
"Jiang,"she said, almost yelling.
"Run!"She heard Jiang yell in the distance.
Before she could burst into a sprint, she heard someone come up behind her and grab her neck.
She felt the most horrible pain that she ever felt in her life. 
In too much pain to scream, she crumbled to the ground, in loss of air for the pain was too overwhelming. Her vision blurred the hand released from her neck, her entire body felt like useless lead.
The last thing she saw was a face of a grotesque man with really bad teeth. 
She then drifted to darkness.

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