Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Chapter 9: The Flight

Night fell very quickly, I looked at my watch and it read 6:30pm.
"We better start moving or we will miss our flight out of earth,"I said.
Jiang and Melana nodded in agreement.
We walked up towards the ticket entrance gates.
"We have to go around,"Melana said.
"Yea, I can get through but you guys will have to sneak around,"Jiang said. We nodded.
As Jiang walked through the entrance gate, we crept around the side and as fast as we could, we jumped the fence. Thankfully, no one saw. We walked up to Jiang like nothing ever happened.
We didn't say a word as we walked down Main Street because we didn't know what to expect when we get to our destination. We know that it was going to be bad. As we walked into Fantasyland, people gave us odd stares at our uniforms and such, but got use to it after a quick glance. We stopped in front of the Peter Pan's Flight attraction.
I sighed.
I remember that I couldn't wait to get in line when I was little, but now, I am dreading of what's to come once I get inside. I could sense Melana was stricken with fear too.
"The entrance got to be here. It has to be since it's giving off strong signals and bad signals at the same time," Jiang said, nonchalantly as she walked in line.
It went relatively good paced. Not fast but not slow.
In mid way of the line, I decided to pray that God will give us the strength and courage to go through this mission. I looked over and saw Melana praying too. Jiang wasn't paying much attention since she was looking a lot at her watch.
When we got to the entrance, it was 7:13.
"Ready?" I asked, nervously as we got on the ship. They nodded.
As we slowly passed the flight controller, I noticed something odd.
The college guy looked fazed or being controlled by something. He stared at us a we 'floated' up into the Darling's room.
"There is something wrong with that guy," I pointed out to Jiang.
"Yea, he is controlled by a Other,"Jiang said, sounding like it wasn't a big deal. Can't she show a little bit of appropriate emotion?
We all had one hand on the pod as we passed by Big Ben wich shown 7:15. I check my watch, it was 7:15.
Just as we turned away from London and started to enter Neverland, whiteness surrounded us.
I couldn't see Jiang or Melana next to me but I could sense that they were still there because I heard Melana screaming. Of course, Jiang didn't say anything. I was screaming too because I felt like I was on a roller coaster going hundreds of miles a hour.
Then the whiteness slowly cleared but I was still blinded. When my vision cleared, I looked down and I saw Neverland with lite snow falling over it. Neverland looked like a ghost island because I could see no speck of life from my view. Well, probably because I was too high in the sky.
Then I noticed that I was seriously floating in the sky and I saw Melana and Jiang floating too. We slowly descended to the slightly frozen Mollusk Sea. When my legs surged into the water, I gasped. It was freezing cold! I was still expecting warm, Hawaii waters. Well, back when Neverland was still good and functional.
"We got to swim,"Jiang whispered.
I looked around and saw Skull Rock nearby. I pointed towards there.
Without a nod, we all started swimming as fast as we could. We didn't care where we going to go in Skull Rock, we just wanted to get out of the cold waters. Finally my touched a rock. I looked up and saw a cave wall and a few scattered rocks.  
I pulled myself up and sat on the ground, trying to catch my breathe, freezing. Jiang and Melana pushed up after me.
"Where do we go? I am freezing,"Melana whispered through her chattering teeth. Jiang looked up and we looked in her direction, a cave.
"Up there,"Jiang said.
Without a word, we started climbing up the rocky wall. It was like rocky climbing, except the rocks weren't smooth. Jiang levitated behind us, in case we fell.
We finally reached the cave. I peeped inside with my flashlight and it was pretty spacious with a few holes in the wall to let in a little light and air.
"Pretty nice room you got us here, Jiang,"Melana commented.
"Yup. I like to choose comfortable spots that I can nap comfortably in."
I opened up my pack and pulled out two airtight jackets. I tossed one to Jiang because Melana was already pulling her's on. I ripped the plastic and it puffed into a bubble jacket.
"Neat,"Jiang said as she opened her's.
We slipped on our jackets while Melana set up a pop up tent that was also stored in her pack. We crawled inside the tent and huddle together for warmth. The ice slowly defrosted from my face and I could finally feel my nose again.
"What do we do now?"Melana asked.
I pulled out three energy bars.
"We eat, then rest,"I said.
We opened up our power bars and ate quietly.
Then I heard a rock move behind our tent.

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