Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Prophecy

       In the treetops of Redwoods on Mount Hermon, CA, a particular girl, looking to be about in her early teen years, was always a outsider for being different. Never knew her parents, never lived a normal life, always lived in isolation. She thought she could finally live a real life when she was adopted into a family. She could escape all the treatment she had been getting for being ‘paranormal’. But she was disappointed that her adopter is her ‘protector’. Whatever that meant because cleary she doesn’t need someone’s protection. She sat on the treetops sorting through all her overwhelming thoughts. She had a strange vision last night. It seems to be a prophecy that is yet to come. She could sense that it seems very close. The prophecy is:
       “Day and night the King will reign. No one pays attention to the King. He lives in loneliness and solitude. The King became ruthless and kills anyone he sees. Just so that people will pay attention to him. The King’s reign will end when Cephis plunges Curatana in his dark, evil heart.But Cephis will trapped as a black knight, dwelling in the heart of a innocent person. Cephis will not be released until he believes in the real King, who will help him realize his true self. 
       She knows who the King, Cephis, and Curatana is. But the prophecy wasn’t meant for her to know. She didn’t know what it meant for it was incomplete. Why was Cephis trapped when he destroyed the king? Was the king not destroyed? Was it that the plunge of the Curatana only weakens the king for a short period of time? Who is the real king? She didn’t know. It was meant for a certain person, chosen but doesn’t know it. The girl sighs and jumps off the redwood. She slowly floats to the ground, due to that she can levitate. She grinned when she landed harmlessly on the ground. 
      It isn’t a easy life being a Star Watcher. she thought.

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