Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Word from a Agent

Message from J.U.S.S. Agent 99, Elysea Pan
Fairytales and religion are false myths.
That used to be my own proclamation before ‘the incident’.
God is very,truly,unexplainable,awesomely true.
Fairytales dwell in the minds of each child as another world.
But what should you believe on?
I am telling you my story to answer this question.
Whether you like the results or not.
This is not some boring autobiography book with critical thinking questions at the end.
Then you will not be intrigued to read.
This is my life and how it truly was. 
No sugarcoating at all.
Because I want to redefine to EVERYONE what we call ‘eternal life’ really means.
                May God Bless You,
                                       Elysea Pan

He [Jesus] said to them,
“Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creatures.”
                                                                          Mark 16:15   

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