Thursday, October 25, 2012


 Elysea, eight years old, sat on top of her dad’s shoulder, anticipating for the first firework burst. Not listening to her dad, who was retelling all the great events that happened today at Disney Land. Then the lights dimmed. The show started.
           Peter Pan, stood bewildered at the exit of Peter Pan's Flight. This isn't the same place as usual. Have the world changed since he was last there? He thought that it only been a month or a year. But not long enough for the surroundings to change. He just shook his shoulders and hopped on the roof. Every evening he would leave Never Land to watch the firework show at Disney World. It's one of his favorite things to do. But the castle was different and the atmosphere was so.....strong. He couldn't place the feeling. It felt like that short brief feeling when he went back to Never Land because he missed it so much. But he have never seen this place before. Why the feeling? The music started and Peter perked up from his deep thoughts. As the music was playing, he hummed the song:
Star light, Star bright
First star I see tonight
I wish, I may
I wish, I might
Have the wish, I wish tonight
We’ll make a wish and do what dreams do
and all our wishes
will come true

   While Peter Pan was peacefully hearing and mimicking a old recording of Walt Disney heard in the firework show, he didn’t know what was happening near the entrance of the ride. 
Elysea was staring at the fireworks as they neared to a end. Then the show ended with the song “Wishes” and fireworks bursted in the air at once. Elysea covered her ears to protect them from the sound. Her eyes strayed to the side a little bit and happened to look at one of the buildings in Fantasy Land. She saw the outline of a boy sitting on the rooftop. No, floating. “Dad! I see Uncle Peter!”she said into her dad’s ears. After all these years she still calls Peter Pan; Uncle Peter. “Impossible, El. Uncle Peter is not even near here.” her dad, John Pan, said. “But there is a boy floating near the rooftops of the Fantasy Land buildings!” Elysea said, pointing to the location. “Where?” John said, looking in the direction where Elysea pointed out. “I don’t see anything,” John said. “Well......I thought I saw him. I seriously know that I saw him! Who else will be floating on rooftops?” she said. “Your imagination.” Elysea pouted and sighed. 
“Come on. Do you want to go on 1 more ride before we head to our hotel?” John asked.
“Space Mountain!” Elysea said in excitement. 
“Come on, men. I think we moved it successfully,” said a man, who wore a black trench coat that reaches to his ankles and a hood that covered his face. 
“How can you so sure?” said one of the men, who was a Disney Park employee.
“Don’t ask any questions,” said another man who wore a crisp tuxedo. 
“Yes, Lord Ombra,” repeated the Disney Park employee, who is manipulated to serve Ombra. 
The man in the tuxedo nodded towards the employee. 
“He will be no trouble to us any longer until I unhabit his body.”
“Very good Lord Ombra. We shall proceed,” the main in the trench coat said stepping into a ship with Ombra.
“Is the Skeleton waiting on the other side?” asked Omra.
“Quite yes and he is getting very impatient,” said the trench coated man.
Then the man nodded towards the employee and the employee pressed the start button to the ride and off they went.
“Once we get there we will start preparing for our big invasion. Never Land will soon be in my reign,” said the trench-coated man.
“Surely all of Never Land will bow to you, King.”

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