Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chapter 1: The Pod

“Look what I found in Peter's secret compartment” Nibs said holding a black pod up high in the air. All the Lost Boys crowded around the mysterious item.
“What is it?” they all asked.
“It’s a time machine that takes you to another magical place called Dishiy World!”
“We want to go to Dishiy World!” they all yelled.
“What is Dishiy World?” said Tootles.
“It’s a place that Peter told us about. With all the rides,lights,food,and there is a ride named after Peter!”
“What’s it called?”
“Peter Pan’s Flight.”
They all oohed and aahed at the name.
“Hey! What’s going on here!” yelled a demanding voice that was slightly annoyed.
All the Lost Boys muttered a “uh-oh.”
“Oh you done it now. How many times do I have to tell you not to look in my stash! It’s for my eyes only not yours!” yelled Peter Pan. 
Peter Pan, other then his fuming red face, was dressed in his typical green tunic with green tights, topped with his signature hat. 
“We just wanted to know what this thing is,” Tootles said innocently.
“Ha yea right. As may I repeat again that this is sacred. I don’t want to to lose this by any chance.” Peter said, snatching back the black pod.
“Why is it so important to you Peter?” Nibs asked.
“Yea, you get really weird when we even bring up this pod,” inquired Cubby.
“I get like that because it’s none of you business,” Peter said with his cocky voice and signature smirk.
“Why?” they all asked.
Peter sighed and just scratched his head for a good 10 minutes....or less. He couldn’t exactly tell time.
“This pod is my only connection to good friends that I know. I really want to use this before they......grow up,” Peter said, cringing when saying his least favorite word in the world. Growing up wasn’t exactly his thing. He would jump off a cliff if someone said those 2 horrible words to him. But he can fly so a cliff does not seem to dangerous to him,but will give a good scare to other people. 
The Lost Boys just nodded.
Peter smirked, grabbed Cubby’s club and knocked him over. In the process Cubby knocked over all the other Lost Boys.All the boys started fighting each other.
Peter couldn’t help but laugh. Knocking over people is a great way to break ice. Whatever “break ice “ meant. There we many words that Sarah and Aidan used back in the mainland that he has no clue what it means yet. 
Peter,in his deep thought,accidentally pressed a red button on the pod and the pod started recording. Peter didn’t noticed it until the pod made a beeping sound. 
“Wha?” Peter said.
He look down at the pod and at the screen. He could see the ground right through the screen. 
A video camera! The thing Sarah and Aidan uses to record something!
Peter immediately jumped up ad flew outside with excitement.
“Where are you going Peter?” yelled Slightly.
“I am going to check out this pod!”
He heard Slightly say something else but he didn’t bother on hearing him. Right now he was more focused on recording something and maybe send it to Sarah!
He reached the top of a tree and set it on a branch.
“Can I help you?” said Slightly.
Peter jumped and said,”How did you get it?”
“Come on! I’ve been here long enough to know these grounds.”
Peter sighed and said,”You can hold the pod while I am doing things.” He then pointed at the camera lens. “Make sure that this little piece of glass is facing me at all times okay?”
Slightly nodded.
Peter pressed the button.

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