Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chapter 8: Plan

The bus slowed to a stop when I saw the crowds of people in between the entrances of California Adventure and Disneyland.
"We're here,"I said, bumping Melana to awake her.
She groaned as she got up, eyes dazed from sleep.
As we got off the bus, she said,"Wow, it's 2:40. The bus ride only felt like ten minutes."
"Come one, sleepyhead,"I said.
I saw the long line to the check in area. My eyes strayed towards our backpacks and I already knew that we wouldn't get through because we had no authorization to enter. I grabbed Melana's wrist and walked briskly to the sidelines. 
The second the cast members didn't look towards out direction, we ran. As J.U.S.S. trainees, we were taught to run silent so that no one could hear us. 
When we were far enough, we slowed to a stop.
"Now what?" Melana asked, panting a little bit.
"We wait for the person I called," I said.
A person then called from behind me,"I am right here."
I turned and saw Jiang. She handed me the pod.
"When I got here, your dad and a couple of starcatchers already left to Neverland. The remaining catchers went home,"Jiang said.
"Good. Here's the plan. First, we need to get past the entrance and enter the Peter Pan ride as quick as possible," I said.
"But the pod only works when the miniature Big Ben says so,"Jiang corrected.
"Don't worry. I just checked google and it read 7:15pm," Melana said.
"Great," I commented.
"So, what are we going to do?"Melana asked.
"We wait. But when the time comes, we will wait near the ride and try to get in line by 6:50. Hopefully, we will reach Big Ben by that time. I don't know where the entrance is but as a long as we have the pod, we will be fine. After that, I don't know what to expect,"I said. 
"Has anyone been to Neverland?" Melana asked out of nowhere. We all shook our heads.
"Well, it was worth a shot."
"We should probably get in,"I said.
"Wouldn't it be better if we do it at night?"Jiang said.
"Yea, because they won't be able to see us,"Melana added in.
"You both got a point," I said.
"So, do we just chill here?" Melana asked.
"Yup,"Jiang and I replied at the same time.
"King,"said the Skeleton as he ran into the King's cave, overlooking the ghostly Mermaid Lagoon.
"What is it?"The King asked.
"We are getting strange power signals from the Tower of London, where the Crown Jewels are kept."
"We do not know. It is a starstuff related because no one can get close to the source. Three men died from overexposure."
"Curtana, eh?"
"The Sword of Mercy?"
"Remember when you tried to reach some hidden starstuff, you used Curtana."
"Yes, but that boy broke it again."
"From my knowledge, myths have it that the person who owns the tip can only reach it and possibly summon it when it gives off powerful signals."
"The boy."
"We need to get him."
"Yes, as soon as possible. The Curtana is a great help to my conquest. Bring me the tip and if you are lucky, the boy too."
"Yes, sir."
The Skeleton rushed out of the room.
The King whispered to himself,"You think you can hide from me, Peter. You can't. Once I obtained the power of the Sword of Mercy, I will be undefeated for the rest of my reign. No sword will ever cross my path without being destroyed when I have both the Sword of Mercy and the Blade of Death. Ha ha . . . show yourself and fight like a man."

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