Friday, March 22, 2013

Chapter 6: New

Two weeks later, I made the mistake on tuning in to my town's local news. 
There was a big announcement of five men missing for two weeks. My dad's name was listed. 
I felt really worried because if the "starcatchers" families were freaking out, something bad must have happened. Why wasn't I informed? Probably because I am not part of their group. Sheesh, make me feel like a outsider.
I finished my entire reading of the Starcatchers series. It seemed to be more like a fictional fantasy then a true story. How can 'heavenly' bodies from space crash on earth with no official recored witnesses? It makes no sense.
The only thing that made sense is the Einstein-Rosen Bridge. There had been many rumors in the scientific world that there is a bridge connecting earth to a certain wormhole. It is stabilized by a unknown power source so it might be starstuff. But, how can you move it?
Is there like a communicator to the bridge? If there was, why doesn't the Disney Parks know about it? Weird . . . .
I turned back to the TV and saw a picture of my dad and his groupies. I felt a pang of guilt. 
Where did he go? 
I knew the mission meant a lot to him, but I kinda wish he never went. The apartment has been really lonely and fish aren't the greatest "man's best friends" you could have. 
I sighed as I swung my backpack on my back and locked the front door behind me. 
As I neared the school grounds, Chelsie and Melana came to meet up with me.
"Elysie! Did you hear that we have a new transfer student?" Chelsie said.
"Uh, hello? Yes, I just got here," I pointed out.
"Oh, well sorry."
"They say she a international student from Japan!" Melana said.
"She?" I asked.
Hmmm, maybe I could add her to the J.U.S.S.
We walked to our lockers, threw our stuff in our packs, and headed towards homeroom. As I slid to my seat, my teacher sounded the Aflac duck toy. (to announce that class is in, in the most annoying way possible)
"You all probably already know, but we have a new transfer student from Hokkaido, Japan," our teacher announced.
A girl walked out with medium length hair with perfectly cropped bangs across her face. 
"Class, this is Kaoru Tamura."
Kaoru gave the class a shy smile.
Yup, definitely got to see what kind of skills she got up her sleeve.
After torturous hours of pure bor-learning, the lunch bell finally rang. At lunch, I decided to sit net to Kaoru. Just to interrogate her, of course.
"Uh, konnichiwa," I said, unsure if it meant "hello" or something else.
Kaoru giggled and said,"あなたはにほんごおはなせますか”
"Huh? No no, you got it all wrong. That is the only Japanese word that I know of. Well, besides sushi, sashimi, ramen  . . ." I rambled.
"I knew that. You didn't sound Japanese at all," Kaoru reassured. 
I felt stupid that I fell for it.
After a few minutes of munching and close observing, Kaoru broke the silence.
"What's your name?" she asked.
"Elysea Pan, but you can call me Elysie," I replied.
"Pretty name. You can call me Ka-chan."
I nodded, still observing her closely.
"You name is funny though," Kaoru said.
"How so?" I asked, a little annoyed.
"Pan is bread in Japanese."
I thought for a second, then asked,"You are not pulling my leg, right?"
She shook her head.
"Hmm, I didn't know that. Well, in Spanish class, my teacher called me 'wonder bread' because of my last name. Totally not funny," I confessed.
Kaoru laughed.
"It's not a laughing matter," I said.
"Sorry," she said, while fighting bad small giggles. This girl giggles a lot.
"Is your father, by any chance, named Jon?" she asked.
"Yea, why? Do you know him?"  I said.
"I saw the news."
A cloud of silence fell over me.
"You and your mother must be really worried," Kaoru said, trying to break the silence.
"She died when I was little."
"Oh, you are by yourself then?"
I nodded.
There was another awkward silence. There are too many of them to be honest. 
"Before my dad disappeared, he told some thing that I thought was nuts. When he left to go on some vague mission, I wonder if it actually real, what he said I mean. But I don't know where he went exactly," I confessed.
"What did he say?"
I hesitated a bit, but firmed up and said," He said that he was . . .going to Disneyland."
"Interesting. Maybe you should go look for him."
"Why? The place that he is going to doesn't even exist! I will never be able to find him unless he has a GPS tracker."
"Probably you won't need a tracker," Kaoru said in a suspicious voice. First she was the hunted, by I think now she is hunting the hunter (i.e. me).
"What do you mean?"
"Listen close and listen well."
"Um, okay."
"You think that any chances of finding your father is futile, well in your mind, right?"
"You think that your judgement will never pull you through"
"I know someone who can you help you with all of that."
"God? You mean that "one and only god" that people learn about every Sunday at church? Sorry to break this to you but I don't go to church and I am not planning to in the future."

"It doesn't matter if you go or planning to go."
"God is the creator of the universe! The Almighty God! He can do anything because made everything! But at the price."
"What price?"
"You have to give your life to Him and believe in Him."
"That's the second time that I was told to believe in something. There are so many thing people want me to believe in!"
"Whoever told you to believe in something probably didn't deliver the message in a right way."
"You got that right."
"Hmmm, how should I put this . . ."
There was a long silence of hard thinking from both sides. Who is this 'God'? I heard about Him from all the Christians, but have they ever seen Him? 
But then I thought about the video; the men in black. What if my dad is facing them right now? My dad has no capabilities of using firearms and sucks at self defense.  I shivered just thinking about it. 
"Elysie?" Kaoru said, pulling me away from my thoughts.
"Huh? Oh, yea. Wait. . . . Ka-chan, are you a Christian?" I asked. 
"Yes I am."
"Why do you believe what you believe?"
"I believe in Him because he has done many great things in my life," Kaoru said confidently.
Hmmm, no sign of denial.
"What has He done in your life?"
"It's a long story."
"I have the entire period."
"My mother and father died in a car crash when I was nine. I was in the car too. It was dark and rainy and the car slid of the road and into a ditch. I thankfully made it out alive. I was in that dark place for three days, staying close to my parent's cold dead bodies. Cried my eyes out and prayed a ton for God to get me out of there. Thankfully, He sent two hikers to find me and I was safely transported out of there. It was God who watched over me through that dark time."
"So, you are a orphan?"
"If you want to put it that way, yes. But I am not a orphan but a child of God."
"But, aren't you angry that God let them die?"

"Nope, I know that when they died, that God was in control. Besides, they are in a more better place than Earth."
"I can't believe that you are okay with that whole scenario. I wouldn't."
"I don't want to lose my dad because he is the only one that I have left since my mother is gone."

"Is that your reason?"
"Why . . . yes." What is it with this girl?
"Elysie, you are not in control of what's going on to your dad. God can give and take away."
"Hasn't he taken away enough?"
"I don't know. You can ask."
"Ask who?"
"God. If you knock, the door will open."
"Are you sure about that?"
Then the lunch bell rang.
"Well, gotta go. See you sometime soon." Kaoru said, and ran off.
"That was weird," I murmured to myself.

Chapter 5: The Test

I wouldn't call the sixth grade a happy thing to go through. Especially when people treat you like a piece of trash since you are a under class men. Like who really cares about that? I thought those kind of grudges were over. But eight hours of intense school work and social life is just the start . . .  well, for me.
I arrived at the J.U.S.S base more tired than usual because all my teachers decided to throw pop quizes in my face. Not literally but close.
"Hello Elysea, how was your day?" asked Heather Downy, who is the registration person for the J.U.S.S.
Signing in my name, I said,"More tiring than usual."
"Really?" Heather said, while giving me a sheet of paper with a number on it and a safety pin.
"We are having testing today?" I ask confused. I am totally not prepared.
"Why of course. We have tests every month."
"Completely forgot. Can they give me grace?"
"No, get moving." Then she went back to her computer.
I walked off into the locker room and changed into my J.U.S.S uniform. The uniform is a dark green heavy duty polo shirt with lots of pockets and badges that I earned. Plus trusty durable khakis, also in dark green. I laced up my combat boots then threw my school clothes into my locker. I started to pull my hair into a ponytail when I heard someone mutter,"Afternoon,Elysie."
I turned around and saw Chelsie sulking by. I let my shoulder-length strawberry blond hair drop to my shoulders and walked over to her.
"I am really sorry about yesterday, Chelsie. I was just mixed up inside that I decided to get mad at you," I said. Chelsie turned around and said,"Yea, you are sorry,I get that. But what are you going to about your dad?"
I just stood there, looking straight into her eyes because I had nothing to say.
"Well, a couple of paranormal things has been happening and I don't know why these things are appearing to me," I said.
"Like what?" Chelsie asked.
I looked around the locker room and saw more girls coming in.
"Um, I don't think this is a good place right now to talk about it. I will tell you later in a emptier place," I said. Chelsie nodded and started fixing her hair. After we both pulled and gelled our hair into neat ponytails (J.U.S.S dress code), we went to the assembly room that looks like a super high tech vault. Pretty modern even though we are a old training facility. (We like to keep up to date)
" I don't see Melana anywhere," I whispered to Chelsie, while she was pinning my number to my back. Then someone tapped my shoulder and I jumped.
"My my, number 24 and 18 are getting along today, eh?" Melana said, in a deep voice.
"Melana!" I said, happily.
"Man, I gotta say, you can break some serious ice," Chelsie teased.
We all started to silently laugh until the executive director of our base walked to the podium.
"Greetings, everyone. Today is our level testing. Since we saw a lot of improvement last month, we are very intrigued on what's going to appear this month. I hope you are all prepared with tech device knowledge and combat skills. This month we will only promote the top five Junior Elites. Be prepared and good luck," the director said.
"Well, we shouldn't be too worried about promotion because we are still young," I said.
"For you, you are way under the age limit," Chelsie said, grumbling. She always has had a hard time trying to pass testings. Mostly because she freaks out halfway through.
"When is your birthday,Elysie?" Melana asked.
"July 4th. I can't wait until I turn 13, when you get all the awesome opportunities," I replied.
"You might past the test before your birthday," Chelsie grumbled.
"Yea, you are one of the most talented people I know in this division," Melana said.
"Ha! As if. I failed three tests," I said.
"Like the time when you did dagger combat testing and you completely lost your grip in offense?" Chelsie teased.
"That was a slip up, my hands were sweaty," I said. I never liked the idea of swords, they were too scary . . . I rather use a gun.
"Well see you guys back here later!" Melana said. Then we split up.
First up was technology. We are tested in hacking into files and killing bugs or viruses manually. We then have to write a report of what we we did, how we did it, and what you found. If you passed above 90%, you get tested raw on Air Force monitors that we are never trained on. Usually only one person passes it every six months. Its just to see if we can guide ourselves through unknown systems. Sorry if I am bragging but I am the genius at tech.
I sat in front of a computer and picked up the paper that was given to me.
Hack into a Bank of America account without being traced.
Username: roLickney
Writ down description on what is in the account, once hacked.
I looked simple, so I started hacking. 
I worked on various passwords but could not find the right one. Growing desperate, I clicked on history. I smiled when "roLickney" used his account yesterday. I clicked on it and it seemed that he put the 'remember my password' mode because for a millisecond, I saw the real password. 
I typed in the password: canada.
The account information showed.
"Woah," I muttered.
The person had 45,000,000 dollars in his bank account. I wrote on the paper.
45 million dollars in account. No account usage tracked. Very fishy.
Password: canada
I x'd out of the window, got up, and walked over to the supervisor to turn in my paper. 
He throughly read my paper and lead me towards the hall. 
"You will go to the third floor and report to the supervisor in the head of AF monitor section," he said.
I nodded with a mischievous grin. I am ready to tackle this one. 
I reported in and walked to the waiting room at the end of the hall. A few kids were already waiting. I sat down next to some girls. The supervisor walked in and called our the pairs in which you are partnered with. I was paired up with a girl named McKenna.
"Hi! I am Elysea Pan. You can call me Elysie," I said, giving her my hand.
"McKenna Anderson," she said, shaking my hand. McKenna was a somewhat tall, skinny girl with mouse blonde hair and stormy gray eyes.
"Are you good at technology?" I asked.
McKenna just shook her head. I nodded.
"If you need any helo just ask me. I am the genius at tech," I said. She grinned sheepishly.
The read light above the monitor entrance door turned green, a group of kids walked out with defeat in their eyes.
"Tough?" I asked.
"You won't be so happy when you get in there," one of the boys said.
I laughed sarcastically, of course McKenna stayed silent. I walked in and took a seat in front of the far side monitors. The radio came on when we all settled in our positions, saying,"All jets are go for launch. Check your monitors and signal a go."
"McKenna, are you good to go?" I asked.
She gave me a thumbs up, looking nervous. I put on the earpiece and said,"We are go for launch. Ready when you are," I said.
Then my earpiece sounded a sound of a jet taking off. "They took off," I said to McKenna.
She just smiled nervously.
I shot my eyes to the radar. No MIGs in range so far. I glanced at McKenna, her eyes darting back and forth.
"Your supposed to watch the radar and the jet body system, to make sure everything is okay,"I said.
"Okay," Melana mumbled. 
Mysteriously, engine 1 went out. Looks like it may have been shot.
"MS13, your engine 1 is down,"I said.
I checked the radar again. Something is fishy . . . there are no signals of any other MIGs in the air space. 
"I see 5 MIGs. Coming fast and firing,"said the radio.
"It could be ghost jets,"McKenna muttered.
"Ghost jets. They have some special system that makes them completely invisible, virally."
I nodded with a impressed face. 
I went back to the radio and said,"MS13, you have permission to fire."
"Roger that."
I started working on engine 1. 
"I am going to see what's wrong. You just keep your eyes on the jet body," I said. McKenna nodded.
I started clicking engine 1 and a new window popped up. Engine 1 had serious internal damage, far from fixing. Darn, another destroyed not to add, expensive American weapon. I probably be fired right away.
"Too many. Retreat?" suggested the radio.
I thought hard. Retreat means that I failed.
"Um, I got a procedure. Just try to slow them down." I said.
"You got one?" McKenna asked. 
"Well, if we retreat we fail the test. I am not failing another pointless test that wasting time out of my day,"I said. I then thought hard for a long minute. Only a minute . . . or more, I don't exactly keep track of time.
"I want you to get them off your tail and uh, get in front of them and fire your missiles, steer clear," I said.
"Death fall,"I said. Death fall is when a jet rises high, then falls back, going upside down. 
"Are you crazy?" McKenna said.
"What if it works?"
McKenna shook her head, clearly does not want to trust me and thinks that I am blithering idiot, well I am not.
"Roger that," the radio said.
I waiting impatiently. This is like doing Cheep Cheep Chance in a Mario game.
"How's the body?" I asked.
"It's fine, so far," answered McKenna.
We waited for several more long minutes . . . or seconds. Probably it was a bad idea.
"Left wing is banged up, but it's still workable,"McKenna said.
"All down. Retreat. It was a pleasure flying with you," radio said.
I gave a McKenna my 'I told you' grin.
"All students out,"announced the overhead.
The other students got up looking defeated. Me? I beamed the entire way out. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"I need you in my office, Pan," said a gruff voice.
I turned around an I saw the Director. We have not name for him, well actually I never bother finding out so he is just called the "Director".
I followed the almost 7  foot tall man in a black suit that need to grow hair.
We walked into a well kept business office.
"Sit down, please," the Director said, gesturing to the chair opposite of him.
I slowly sat down. Why did the Director ask me in the middle of a test, not to mention Rotation 1.
"You have shown tremendous progress this month. We are very impressed by all your skills and learning abilities. Quite rare since you are at such a young age," said the Director.
I nodded, trying to figure out what he was going to say next.
"Pan, we will like to promote you to the Elite Secret Service as the youngest official agent," said the Director.
I completely blanked out and unable to speak.
"I know you are quite surprised since you only been in the Junior Elite level for six months. But your amazing way of handling technology is very useful," he continued.
"But sir, I am not the best at combat,"I said.
"We have many agents in that area, but we are putting you in the tech area."
I nodded.
The Director reached under his desk and pulled out a badge with a recent Junior Elite picture of me. He stood up and gave me his hand.
"You are officially Agent 99," the Director announced.
We shook hands and I took the badge.
"You are done for today," the Director said, returning to his desk.
" I am not done with testing," I said.
"You no longer need testing," the Director said.
I smiled and walked out. No more testing! I, Elysea Pan, Agent 99 of the U.S. Elite Secret Service.
I couldn't help but smile.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Chapter 4: Watcher

I dreamed a very odd dream. 
I saw a dark cave with a light at the end. Then I saw something bright fluttering near me. 
"Tinker Bell?" I guessed.
The bright but oddly transparent fairy nodded.
"What's happening?"
Tinker Bell then bursted to many angry sounding bells.
"I can't understand you."
Tinker Bell rolled her eyes. Then she took my hand and pointed towards the end of the tunnel.
What am I dreaming about? 
Then I stood at the end. The white light changed suddenly and showed a dark grey island that looked like Florida with a hurricane over it. 
Tink nodded sadly.
The image then changed to Mermaid Lagoon. I looked closely.
A well suited man who wore a black suit and dark sunglasses was talking to a group of other men. They seem to be in a deep discussion. Like a spy group would do.
"What are they?"
Tinker Bell bursted to a bunch of urgent, for which I could not comprehend.
"Forget I even asked. Let's just say that they are bad guys."
As I looked a little more closely, I saw a boy hunched over something.
I gasped. It was Peter Pan. Except he wasn't his usual self. He was transparent, like a ghost almost ready to diminish, and what was in his hands, was the dull, lifeless form of Tinker Bell.
I stood, frozen in my spot. Fear was filling my mind. I stared at Tinker Bell.
She just stared at me back with a ghostly expression.
She was a ghost.
Why couldn't I figure that out sooner?
My eyes darted to the men approaching Peter and the image went black.
"No!"I ran up to the dark opening and tried to push through. But I couldn't. The darkness was too strong for me to push through. I pressed my ear to the barrier and willed to hear something.
Why is everything so . . .dark? 
Just as I thought that, I heard yelling. That pushed me over the edge.
"No . . .no, this is not  supposed to happen. No . . . get me out of hear!" I said, clamping my hands to my ears.
Tinker Bell then said (weirdly I can understand); It's all your fault! You won't believe. Everything is being destroyed because of you, Elysea Pan!
"Shut up, shut up! Get me out of here!" I screamed.
That's when I woke up. I sat up immediately, panting from fear, my chest in knots.
Why? Why do I have to mess everything up? I did nothing wrong!
I looked around at my empty living room. I looked at the clock and it read 6 AM.
I grumbled. I trudged over to the kitchen to find something to eat. I heard a rustle in my dad's office. I jumped up and reached for my handgun, which is hidden under the sink. 
I held it in front of me and slowly walked towards my dad's office. The rustling stopped.
So did I. 
A intruder.
Then I kicked the door open. No one inside.
That's odd.
Then I looked up and saw a Asian girl wearing a short sleeved blue turtle neck with skinny jeans, lying flat on the . . . ceiling.
"What the . . ," I muttered.
The girl pushed off the ceiling and floated to the floor. She was surprisingly pretty and had her hair in a short ponytail, looking to be in her early teens.
"Who are you? What do you want?" I said, pointing the gun towards her, not letting my guard down.
The girl just stared and then she held up a gold locket. I recognized it immediately.
"You are a Starcatcher?" I asked.
"Starwatcher to be exact. But you are close," she said.
"Sorry," I muttered. Man, this girl had a smart mouth.
She put her locket down and gave me her hand.
"Jiang Chen Pan," she said.
I lowered my gun and asked,"You are a relative?"
I place the gun on the desk and shook her hand.
"I never heard of you," I said confused.
"Probably because I was adopted two years ago," Jiang replied.
"Okay, why were you adopted so suddenly?" I asked.
"Because I have somewhat strange abilities. I can sense starstuff falls and levitate," Jiang said.
"I can rise of the ground without starstuff."
"So you can fly."
"Don't you even know what 'levitate' means?"
"I don't think so, because if you did you wouldn't say 'fly' off the bat."
Then Jiang started to walk around the office. 
"Why are you here?" I asked.
"To warn your father about something. Is he here?" Jiang asked.
"Nope, he left with some Starcatchers to Disneyland. Why?"
Jiang stopped in her tracks, then said,"They already left?"
"Yea. So what?"
"Oh no. I have to find them," Jiang said urgently, then headed towards the window. 
"What? Why?"
"They are heading straight into a trap and I am supposed to warn them."
"Aha! So it is a trap. You know, two great minds think alike. From the moment I heard of this Peter Pan gibberish it was all just a set up by some crooked person."
"You know, they believe in something that isn't real."
"I think you got the wrong idea. They are going into a trap that is set up but the King and once they are stuck there is no way to get out."
"Oh, well um okay. So this stuff is true huh. Aah, I am so stupid to say that."
"No hard thoughts."
"So you are some kind of messenger?"
"Messenger if you want to call it. I prefer Watcher."
I threw my hands up in the air sarcastically. 
"Good. Nice talking with . . . um, what's your name?"Jiang asked.
"Elysea Pan but you can just call me Elysie," I said.
"Right." She started to climb the window sill when I said,"Can I come and help?"
"I think this is too dangerous for you to be involved with," Jiang replied.
"But I am a trained in this type of stuff. I feel like I am being pushed to the sidelines in this whole situation. I want to help and be part of the action."
"These forces that your father and I are dealing with cannot be contained by guns and bombs."
"Then I will just have to help you without 'guns and bombs'."
Jiang just shook her head,"You may be trained for justice, but you have never been trained to defeat immortal demons. You need to believe in something or you will be easily manipulated. Until then, you don't have a chance to even slow these demons," Jiang said.
"Fine. I didn't sign up for Camp Half-Blood but at least I just apply," I said. 
Then I rebound saying,"But if you do need help, I can come and bring some of my good friends who believe in your cause to help you guys out."
I saw Jiang's face break into a grin.
"You are very brave. We may need that,"she said as she jumped to the window sill.
"What's your number?" she asked.
I grinned and said,"Well I won't give you my cell because those dark forces may track your help calls so I will give you my other number that is super secured."
"Your J.U.S.S. number," Jiang said.
"How do you know that?" The J.U.S.S is a secret agency so no one should know about it.
"As a Watcher, I have to keep up to date with the Catchers and their families," Jiang explained.
"Whatever, forget that I even asked or kept it a secret. It's (800)198-6280," I said. 
Jiang punched it into her cell phone.
"Well gotta go. See you some time in the near future," Jiang said and jumped from my window. She slowly floated to the ground and then started running . . . at the speed that I think is light.
Woah, she is fast, I thought.
I decided to call up my dad. It was only 7AM.
The ringing seemed to go on forever. Then he finally picked up.
"Hello?" my dad said.
"Hi dad, this is Elysie,"I said.
"Oh,Elysie. I hoped you read my note so I won't have to explain it on my own."
"Where are you?"
"We are in front of the Disneyland entrance with the other Starcatchers, waiting to get in."
"Stay where you are. Don't move not a foot towards the entrance. It's a trap. Tell that to the other Starcatchers."
"What? Elysie, we have to get in there before the Others set their plan more into play."
"It's not my decision to tell you to stay. A Star Watcher came to my house, Jiang Pan. She told me that she wanted to warn you and the catchers that you are walking into a trap set up by the Others."
There was a awkward silence.
"You mean, Jiang the Watcher? How did you get in contact with her?" my dad finally said.
"She just popped up at your office window. I don't know exactly where she came from though. Why?" I asked.
"Jiang rarely appears to Starcatchers, especially ordinary people like you."
"I am not ordinary, just to put that out there. Why can't she talk to people?"
"Watchers tend to be kept hidden. They have the powers to predict star falls and have unique abilities. The Others always hunt  for Watchers so that they can get to the starstuff first. Jiang is the only Watcher left on this planet. My brother discovered her in a Chinese orphanage because they were going to terminate her for paranormal actions and behavior. My brother saw her and found out that she was a Watcher. Jiang is not a ordinary Watcher though. She knows the exact location of any starstuff material. She knew about the starstuff infused sword in the Crown Jewels, the Keep in the White Tower, and the bridge to Neverland in Disneyland which we learned that the bridge moved. So my brother adopted her. Jiang lives a normal life but she is homeschooled and away from any type of civilization. She is also kept as a secret from the rest of the family. Only senior Starcatchers know about her."
"Woah, so I completely met a sacred person. Neat."
"Well, we will just have to wait till she gets here. It shouldn't be too long. Sorry that I misunderstood you. Thanks for giving me the heads up."
"Can I go with you?"
"Elysie, I can't let you in on this. Not right now."
"Why not? I am not scared of anything. Why should I be afraid of Neverland?"
"It isn't Neverland anymore."
"What can I do?"
"Go to the library and borrow the Starcatcher series."
"There are books?"
"Yep, bizarre and I don't like it but true."
"Okay. But if I don't see you on Sunday I will go."
"We will see."
"Is there anything else that I can help you with?"
"Just pray, a lot."
"Dad, I don't think my so called prayers go any higher than the ceiling. Religion is a stupid thing that people believe on so that they feel important."
"Don't ever say that, Elysea. Never say that ever to me or anyone again. Got it?"
"Jeez, okay."
"Gotta go."
"I love you a lot, Elysie. You know that right?"
"Yea, dad. I love you too."
"I will see you really soon."
"Okay dad. Bye."
The call ended. 
I checked the clock. It was 7:30 am on a typical Tuesday morning in January. 
"Time for school,"I muttered.
Jon flipped his phone.  And turned to his fellow Starcatchers who was eating their breakfast.
"Well guys, I am going inside, I can't wait any longer."
"But didn't your daughter say that Jiang is on the way," Kevin, Jon's friend said.
"I don't care. Some of you can stay but I need a couple of you. We are going to fulfill our mission."
"But it's a trap!" The other Catchers nodded in agreement.
"Are you chickening out? Trap or no trap. We are going to to try and avoid it. The long we wait, the more the chance that the Others will do unspeakable evil. Who's in?"
A couple of Catchers raised their hand. 
"Okay men, come with me."
"What will we tell the Watcher?"
"Tell her exactly what we are doing. Tell her not to stop us."
Then Jon turned with his fellow Catchers, Kevin and Luke, and ran off towards the entrance of Disneyland, and entered.
The Catchers all sat in silence as they ran down Main Street. They are supposedly in the Happiest Place in the World but ti looks like their friends are running courageous into their deaths.
He saw them surround him and he knew that all hope was lost. 
"Nice to see you again, Peter. You missed me?" the man in a black coat known as the Skeleton said. His skin was a pale gray and he had yellow cracked teeth and bloodshot eyes. He looked like a dead man literally back from the dead.
Peter just glared at him. Ombra then jerked his arms behind his back and said,"If you make any moves, I will end your pitiful life."
Peter then saw a man in a crisp tux walked to him, his hat tipped over his face. He wore gloves and from Peter's view, you couldn't see his skin at all. 
"Are you Peter Pan?"the man asked.
"Why do you care?" Peter answered defiantly. The man let out a low chuckle.
"You really think that you are all that. Ler's face it, your not."
"Who are you?"
"I am the King. I am here to rule over your Neverland."
"What? How did you get here?"
"A little persuasion and hole traveling."
"Leave or you will regret it."
"Oh really. Who the one who is weaker? You or me?"
Peter's mind raced. This guy thinks that he's all that. I gotta get out.
He fingered his back and felt the hilt of his dagger. Oh yes.
Peter jumped to his feet and slammed his head into Ombra's chest and jammed his fists into his stomach.
Ombra groaned in pain and Peter's hands were free.
"GET HIM!" the King commanded.
Peter saw the Skeleton and Ombra rushing towards him. He ran.
Peter ran as fast as he could but then he was corned. He just saw a rock wall and no way to clear it without flying. Peter turned back to his foes who were catching up pretty fast. Darn, here goes nothing.
Peter braced himself, his sword stretch in front of him.
"I am not going down with a fight," Peter yelled.
"Well," Ombra said unsheathing a sword from his suit,"I will be glad to fight."
Peter stormed at Ombra's sword and clashed his dagger on Ombra's. Ombra quickly regained balance and slashed at Peter. Peter ducked and rolled quickly and kicked at Ombra's legs, bring him to the ground. The Skeleton reached his hand towards Peter's neck but Peter slashed his dagger across the Skeleton's arms. Leaving a vacant slit. That's just sick and wrong.
Peter then jumped over Ombra and ran ask fast as he could. He couldn't see where he was going but he tried to get as far away as possible.