Sunday, January 27, 2013

Chapter 3: DIscussion

I just stood there for a long time, trying to comprehend the video.
Okay so here is what I get: Peter playing with the pod (big deal), gun shot (kinda out of the normal but not too unusual), unidentified men in black (strange), Peter asking for help (strange-er), and pod being shut off by a regular human (definitely strange).
It's all adding up to a horrible picture: The Einstein-Rosen Bridge is real and there are evil people who want to take advantage of it. Not exactly the kind of situation that I can handle myself. Or my dad and his groupies. Unless someone made the video but they really had to use a high techy system to make it look realistic or I am just hallucinating. I just stared at the pod again for another 5 minutes, hoping that it would magically disappear from my hands. Of course, that's just wishful thinking. I sighed. I can't just take it to the J.U.S.S. and say I have this pod that proves that there is something dangerous happening in Neverland!
I would definitely be thought of as a crazy person. They just flat out wouldn't believe because they are too logical, like me because I would never believe my story if I wasn't me. But I know two people who might help and possibly believe my story. 
I whipped out my cell phone from my pocket and speed dialed a number.
"Hello?" a girl answered.
"Hi Chelsie! It's Elysie, are you still at Myo with Melana?" I asked.
"Yup, we are just about to leave."
"Great! Do you think that you and Melana can swing by my apartment?"
"Hmm, hold on," Chelsie said. There was some muffled murmuring.
She came back again and said,"Sure, but why?"
"I . . . uh . .  I have something really important to our J.U.S.S training that you may have missed," I lied.
"Is it a life and death situation?"
"Uh . . . . yea. Very urgent and important that can cost the lives of many."
"Like what? The end of the world?"
"Take another guess."
"The end of bullying?"
"Um  . . .  oh, I know! The end of books!"
I stifled a laugh. Chelsie hated books so much that she wouldn't read one to save her life. But she is going to keep pestering me till she gets that truth of the "life and death situation". I guess I have to cut to the truth.
"Definitely no. Um . . . actually . . .  uh . . . how about the end of Neverland?" I said with hesitation.
"What?! Are you a person who wants to destroy children's stories? Man, that is low."
"What? No, you know I will tell you all the details when you get there."
"I am already there," said Chelsie and then I heard a knock on the door.
I walked over to the door knothole and sure enough I saw Chelsie and Melana standing around acting impatient. 
I opened the door and said,"You're already here?"
"What? Have you ever heard of walking, sitting in the car, and talking on the phone at the same time?" Chelsie pointed out. Melana just laughed.
I rolled my eyes and said,"Whatever, just get inside."
As Chelsie and Melana got comfortable on the couch in my small living room, I grabbed a coupld of juice pouches for the refrigerator.
"Catch," I said as I flung the pouches at them. They both grabbed them in mid air without looking.
I opened my juice pouch, walked over to the couch, and sat down.
"So let me get this straight; you want to kill a fairytale?" Chelsie said. Melana sprayed her juice.
"What? Seriously?" Melana said, choking in her laughter.
I rolled my eyes. I explained to them about the letter, how bad guys are crossing the bridge to destroy Neverland, and the video by Peter Pan. After the entire explanation, Chelsie and Melsie sat there with disbelief.
"So you want us to believe that your dad is going to save Neverland and stop people from going there?" Chelsie said. I nodded.
"I changed my mind. Your dad is the fairytale killer."
I groaned. She is thinking that this is some kind of game. I looked towards Melana, who haven't said a word of her own yet.
"Well, I don't know to believe you or not. I mean as far as I know, you could be some crazed Peter Pan . . . ," Melana said but slowly stopped.
"Peter Pan what?" Chelsie demanded. I had a feeling that Melana was getting the point.
"Pan!" Melsie yelled out of nowhere.
"What? I am sorry but are you talking Spanish or Japanese? If so, this not the time for bread," Chelsie said. 
"No you blockhead. Pan. Think about it! What is Elysie's full name?" Melana said.
"No, her entire name."
"Elysea Pan . . . you don't think," Chelsie started but Melana interrupted,"that she might possibly be related to Peter Pan."
"Woah. This is serious. I mean the last names are the same and her story is realistic and Neverland is probably realistic to Peter," Chelsie ranted.
"Elysie?" Melana said with a triumphant face.
I grinned. "I will tell you of what I was told when I was little."
"Look Daddy! I can fly like Peter Pan in the movie!" little 6 year old Elysie said, jumping off the couch as the credits of Disney's Peter Pan rolled on the screen.
"Haha. Oh yes you can," said Jon Pan, her father.
"Daddy, do you think that Peter Pan is real?"
"I would say so El."
"Really? Have you met him."
"Well I never met him personally but I know that he is out there."
"Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!"
"Well, Peter Pan is your great uncle."
"Neat . . . what's a great uncle?"
"Haha you learn about it in school El."
"Great Uncle Peter . . . that suits him!"
"Yes it does but El, I hear there is a new episode of Kim Possible."
"Ha! Many you were a child who can get suckered to anything," Chelsie teased.
"Shut up this is important information," I said.
"Elysie's right. If her dad encouraged her that Peter was clearly a family member to this day in age, I think Peter is her uncle," Melana said.
"Okay, you got. But seriously Elysie? Kim Possible? I knew you were never a normal child," Chelsie said.
"Hey I loved the action/saving the world stuff. Unlike Barney or The Wiggles like you," I said.
"Whatever," Chelsie said.
"Okay let's get back to our current situation. So because you and your dad are related to Peter Pan who is a Starwatcher by blood, then your dad is a Starcatcher because of the family. Am I correct?" Melana said.
"I guess," I replied.
"Wait, so that makes Elysie a Starcatcher?" Chelsie said.
"Possible, or a Starwatcher since the blood can skip generations," Melana said.
"Very funny. I know what the Starcatchers do but I don't exactly . . . do them," I said. Melana just nodded.
"Hmm Elysie doesn't look like Peter too much," Chelsie murmured.
"Probably because he is a distant relative," Melana pointed out.
"Have you ever thought of I?" I said, joining in.
"I think Elysie got his rudeness," Chelsie said.
"Just thinking about it, can you show us the pod and the letter?" Melana asked. I nodded and brought out the pod and the letter.
Chelsie and Melana read it in silence.
"Interesting," Chelsie said.
"I get it but one thing, is the bridge like actually a bridge?" Melana asked.
"Haven't you read the book?" Chelsie questioned.
"There is a book about the bridge to Neverland?" Melana asked.
"Yea, its called the Bridge to Neverland. Really great book. You should read it." Chelsie said.
"I didn't know that you read," I teased.
"Hey! The book just sounded interesting," Chelsie defended.
"But non of you answered my question, what is the bridge?" Melana demanded.
Chelsie looked towards me.
"Okay well it isn't exactly a bridge. Neverland was moved to a wormhole in 1970 by Einstein. How? Einstein developed a virtual system, like a bridge, that connects Neverland to Earth in a stabilized way. In 1972 the Peter Pan ride opened in Florida with the bridge installed in the ride. The bridge was made for a Starcatcher to use with starstuff to activate it. But starstuff has now become extinct to earth, or dormant. We will never know. Two years ago, Peter visited Earth for a mission but he couldn't get back. But the Disney Imagineering scientists made a pod to activate the bridge. So now, only Peter can go back and forth," I said. As I picked up the pod, I continued saying,"But this pod was found with a mysterious video."
"Can we see it?" Melana asked. I nodded and pressed the red button. We all watched the video contently. I stole a glance towards my friends and they stared at it with mixed reactions. The video ended.
"Well, at first I thought you were crazy telling us to believe this stuff," Chelsie started but interrupted by Melana who said,"But this is actually proof. Who would make a unique pod for just a prank?"
There was a long silence.
"Unless they really want us to share this and say it's a prank and be known as the most unique prankster  in the World Guinness Record," Chelsie inquired.
"Yea, but it looks so realistic that it can't be computer animated," I said.
There was another long silence. I couldn't bear it. My father is gone and I just sitting around and circling a complete lunatic proof. I had finally woken up. All of this is NOT LOGICAL.
"Maybe this is just nonsense. Probably Neverland and Peter Pan doesn't exist. Maybe someone kidnapped my dad and is holding him for ransom and left this piece of junk to lead us to another stupid trap. Anyone can probably out some realistic video into a invention like this pod. Whoever this kidnapper is, he or she or they is probably luring me into Disneyland to capture me or something," I blurted angrily out.
"You really think that huh? YOU REALLY WANNA THINK LIKE THAT?! A moment ago we as in ALL OF US were actually believing this is the only proof to save your dad and hundreds of lives out of this world. But now you just want to opt out and say it is no use of your time? What is up with you Elysie? I mean this is the only proof or probably the only way to find your father!" Chelsie bursted at me. I was taken aback. Chelsie never talked to me like that. Furious, I said,"Who do you think you are? From what I see, I see someone who can't even pass a easy J.U.S.S. monthly test and you want me to fall towards your comments? I don't think so. How do you feel that you lost connection with your only parent alive on this world huh? You probably can't even place yourself in my shoes. This entire situation is frustrating and all that we are circling is a nonsense thing like Peter Pan! My dad is probably in Jeopardy by some crazy person who might probably placed this crazy note! And I am going to see through this in a more logical way. I don't believe in fairies, I don't believe in Peter Pan, and I definitely
Melana cringed and Chelsie scooted away from me.
"If that's how you want it, I am not going to help you," Chelsie said, bluntly.
"Then don't."
Chelsie got up and walked out the door in silence. Melana sat there for a few seconds and ran off towards Chelsie. The door finally shut and the room was silent. I felt terribly ashamed for what I said towards Chelsie. I cried to myself.
Peter rested in the shadows of a cave near Mermaid Lagoon with Tinkerbell. The only, for now, safe place to hide. Tinkerbell fluttered towards him.
We have to find a better hiding place.
"But where?"
Anywhere but here. They definitely already found you.
Peter shuddered thinking of those men in black. They had a unearthly but evil aura.
Uh oh
Peter looked out towards the sea and the world turned dark. The sky was covered with misty black clouds, the water turned to a dark navy, and all the beautiful plants in the Mermaid Lagoon withered and died.
"Something is not right."
I can see
Then Tinkerbell yelped out a weal chime.
Tinkerbell floated down towards the palm of his hand with a sickly gray color and her light fading fast.
"What's going on Tink?"
Find someone to save us
Her light completely faded and Tinkerbell laid limp. She was alive one second and gone the next. Peter couldn't understand why though.
No answer.
Tears  brimmed in Peter's eyes but he had to stay strong, even if he was the last living being left on Neverland. He then felt a evil presence, Ombra.
Peter whirled around, grabbed his dagger and stabbed it into a man in black. Their shadows touched.
"Nice to meet you again Peter," Ombra groaned. Ombra then pushed Peter towards the ledge of the cave and Peter fell over. Peter willed himself to fly but he couldn't defy gravity. The cold water plunged around him. He surfaced and stared at Ombra with disbelief. He couldn't fly.
"Ha! Now that I have your shadow, you can't fly. Thus you are no match for the King."
"King? What King?"
"Oh, you will meet him before your funeral." Ombra walked away laughing.
"Peter swam towards shore and tried to fly. No luck. He looked at the ground and saw no shadow. This is bad. First Tink is dead and now he can't fly. How can he possibly save Neverland. The air turned deathly cold and snow started to fall. Definitely not normal.
Peter rubbed his hands and what he was that his body was slowly dimming, become like a ghost.
"This is going to far," muttered Peter.