Monday, December 24, 2012

Chapter 2 : The Letter

I heard a crash really close to my hiding spot.
Darn, Chelsie is good.
I swung around and shot Chelsie with a paintball; square in the chest.
"Hey! I wasn't prepared!" Chelsie shouted.
"Me neither and take note; always be prepared,"I said.
Then a paintball shot straight towards my face. I quick;y ducked.
"I almost got you!" said Melana, a new comer at the Junior Secret Service.
"Yea, just don't aim for the face," I yelled back to her.
The lights turned on.
"Okay nice job agents. Get cleaned up and head home," yelled on of the supervisors.
"Yes sir," we all said in unison.

  Just as I was about to walk out of the locker room, Chelsie and Melana caught up to me.
"Hey Elysie, Melana and I are going to Myo. Want to come?" Chelsie asked.
"Sure, wouldn't miss it but just let me call my dad first," I replied.
We then exited the underground base camp. You may be completely lost right now and wondering what I am talking about. I will explain to you.
 I am Elysea Pan but I just like to be called Elysie. My mother died when I was just six years old. So my dad is the one taking care of me but I must say that he is a pretty awesome dad. I am associated with the Junior United States Secret Secret Service. It is military/secret service training program for teens across America. Usually at age eleven, they recruited teens who show promising talents for their programs. I was recruited because I was flexible and a sharp water gun shooter. The J.U.S.S has three levels in their program: Junior Secret Service (11-19), Junior Elite Secret Service (13-19), and Elite Secret Service (by placement). Surprisingly, I was only twelve she they bumped me to the Junior Elite level. Now I am working on going to Elite because that's when you get assigned to serious and deadly missions. Our base is under the Kensington Mall in Brookside,CA. We change our entrances three times because the unwanted always worm their way in. Now our entrance is the employee door in the Disney store. End of explanation.

  "Isn't this pathetic that we have our base in a kids store?" scowled Chelsie.
"Chelise, stop complaining or I will toss you onto the plush hill," I threatened,"Actually forget that I am just going to call my dad."
I then dialed my dad's number. He answered at the first ring.
"Elysie?" he said, sounding very restless.
"Hi dad, a couple of friends and I want to hang out at Myo. Is that okay?" I asked.
"Elysie, I need you home."
"Because I am going to be away for a while and I just need to talk to you before I go."
"What? Why?"
"Please Elysie just come home and I will tell you all about it."
Then he hung up. I sighed. It must be really important since he had no time to explain it on the phone. 
"Sorry guys I can't come," I said.
"Are you ser---" Chelsie started but Melana quickly cover Chelsie's mouth with her hand.
"That's okay Elysie. We can go without you," she said.
"Thanks," I said. I then quickly waved to them and ran off.
 It took a while to get home but i made it. I unlocked the front door to our apartment.
"I'm home," I yelled. No answer.
"Hello? Dad? I'm home," I said again.
Then I walked into the living room. I saw a black oval thing with a piece of paper under it.  I walked over to the table and picked up the black oval thing. It looked like some kind of pod with a screen and buttons. I then picked up the letter and read the note.
    Dear Elysie,
I am sorry that I am leaving at a such a short notice but I must. I have never told you this but I am a Starcatcher. I have been put on a mission. The entrance to Neverland is, which is in the Peter Pan's Flight in Disney World, has shut down. The pod that came with this note is the key to Neverland. The only thing is that Uncle Peter owned it. He is the only one who could go in and out of Neverland because he had the pod. But a month ago, this pod was discovered in one of the ride's ships with a mysterious video. If you press the red button you can watch it if you like. Shortly after we watched the video, we found out that there was a unknown entrance to Neverland on the Peter Pan ride in Anaheim. We did no know where it came from. We tried using the pod to go to Neverland in Florida. Surprisingly, we couldn't go through. Someone moved the bridge and the unwanted have been going to Neverland. We are not sure who but they are causing a great deal of harm. Our plan is to save Neverland and destroy the bridge so that no one can enter Neverland ever again. That is why I am leaving.  I am going to be gone for a week. If I don't call you back in a week that I will be staying may have to find me. This may all sound like nonsense to you but you got to believe me. Watch the video for proof. I hope to see you soon.
- Dad

  Seriously was my first word that came to my head. It seemed like my dad was pulling some of his lousy pranks on me again. 
"Nice dad. First you make me believe the stories you told me when I was little but now you are just pulling my leg," I teased half-heartedly. No answer. Not even a noise.
Maybe he is telling the truth. I stared at the pod.
What was in that video that mad my Dad embark on this lunatic mission?
I decided to press the button. The screen came to life.
I heard a rustle the the screen showed a clear blue sky.
"What happened?" said a voice of a boy.
"I don't know," said another voice that sounded too familiar. 
A boy's face then appeared on the screen who had dark brown eyes, reddish hair, and skin that looked tanned and dried. I gasped . . . it was my Uncle Peter . . . Peter Pan.
"It seems to be recording," Peter said, then the screen went black.
The picture came back again showing Peter flying in his green tunic and signature hat with the red feather. 
"Are you getting this?" asked Peter.
"Definitely," said a boy off the screen.
Then I heard a gunshot ring out and saw a flash of fear wash across Peter's face.
"Watch out!" yelled Peter and he swooped to the pod. Static filled the screen.
The picture came back again. This time it seemed like Peter was holding it.
"Keep running. I will hold them off," Peter said, urgently.
He placed the pod on a tree overlookng a clearing. There were two men dressed in black with every kind of weapon possible. Peter whistled.
"Hey! Men in black! Over here!" Peter yelled. Then he swooped down towards the men. They aimed and shot but missed Peter. 
"Ha! You can't even aim good," Peter said taking out his dagger,"I can do better."
Then a scream of  boy rang out. Peter looked up in concern, knowing it was one of the Lost Boys.
"Games over," said one of the men. They then shot Peter's dagger out of his hand. Peter flew to the pod and there was another burst of static. The pictured became clear again showing Peter in some sort of cave. 
"Anyone who is watching this, please listen to me. I am deep trouble. These men in black are walking around capturing people and holding them somewhere. Use this pod to go back to Neverland and find me as soon as possible. Please help us . . . whoever you are," Peter said, urgently. A burst of static made the picture impossible to see but I could make out a image of Peter holding off some one. Then Peter grabbed the pod and threw it. White filled the screen. 
The pictured came back and I could make out faint images of the Peter Pan flight ride. The a security handler picked up the pod.
"What is this?" the guard asked.
"I don't know but it seems to be recording," said another guard. The the guard pressed the button and the screen went black.